Cass A Frass
I believe a wapsi girl conquers her problems with confidence and grace
Whether it is puking my lunch off the side of a sailboat, teaching
teenagers the basics of sailing, or riding my bicycles in high-heels
and a dress, I am a wapsi girl. I refuse to be boring and make sure to
push myself out of my comfort zone and find new adventures. I make a
point to transition smoothly from carharrts and filsons to dresses and
skirts. A waspi girl is a real role model who is willing to accept the
ups and the downs, and makes the best of it all.
During the summer, I sail and teach with,
during the winter I ride bicycles, make trouble and crochet
cephalopods at, and
somehow, I still
manage to have a job or two or three on top of that.
-Cass A Frass
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