Ilona Hoffstaedter
What exactly makes a Wapsi Girl?
I think a Wapsi Girl is above all things.. human.
She’s far from perfect, but still lovable. She makes mistakes, but still recovers. She could be strong, agile, delicate, indecisive, loud, timid, or rebellious. Maybe she even defies categories.
I was pretty shocked when Paul asked me if I wanted to partake in this. I honestly didn’t see myself as being all that deserving. I’m a pretty shy, insecure, down to earth… dork I guess you could say? But I realize that we are all different, and we all have our own little niche in the world. I like to think that I’m good at something, even if it doesn’t feel all that grand in the scheme of things. Where do I fit in? Sometimes I’m still unsure about that. I’m a poet, gamer, and someone who always try’s to cheer people up when they’re down. Better than nothing, right? I still haven’t fully decided where my life will take me, but I figure I have plenty of time to find out.
I think being a Wapsi girl lets us see how diverse we all are, but that we all share a few common qualities with each other. I’m sure we can all relate to at least one of the characters, right? I think it also feels truly amazing to be a part of something like this.
Do I have what it takes to be a Wapsi girl? I hope so.
-Ilona Hoffstaedter
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