What is a Wapsi Girl?
Well, as so many others have mentioned, I am Smart, strong, sexy, and confident. But just like the girls in the comic, I have my own personal demons to deal with.
The strength that I have, that I want to discuss…that the Wapsi girls deal with daily, is the kind of strength in knowing when you need help, you seek it and ask for it, and ACCEPT it. There are so many people out there that won’t ask for help because, they say, they don’t want to burden others with their problems. To me, in most cases, this is a cop-out. I’m not trying to offend anyone, this is just my opinion. People are so afraid of being judged, and vulnerable that they refuse to open themselves up to people, even close friends.
Well, to me, being a Wapsi Girl means that when your personal demons attack, you should be smart enough to look for help, and strong enough to accept it.
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