Kirsten aka “Bunny” Graves
Of all the things I’ve done in life, writing about myself has always been the hardest. This? Not much different.
So when I approached to do this I did your typical fan girl squeal and then proceeded to freak out a tad bit. I have no freeken clue what to write.
After recovering and stalling for a bit (procrastination is a good friend of mine) I came up with this tiny bit of a revelation. A Wapsi Girl is always evolving. Not necessarily dropping everything familiar for something brand new, but little things that make us better/wiser.
Take for example these past two years (ok three now). I’ve dabbled in things that many people only look at and go “man if I could only do that”. Instead of just sitting there, I did it. I didn’t always succeed but at least I can look back and say “Yeah, I tried that”. It’s made my life more full because of it. If I ever have grandkids, it will be cool to be able to tell them about roller derby, circus arts, hula hooping, spinning fire, podcasting and even a g-rated version of the fetish theater I did.
It’s not that I just drop everything for the new stuff. Life has a way of showing you when to end a cycle. Groups end, people leave, the body doesn’t quite move like it used to.
What’s my evolution at the moment? After all that you’d think I’d be doing something amazing. Nah, I’ve found love in the needle arts. I’ve started embroidering, cross stitching and crocheting again. It’s amazing what I can still remember. It’s even more amazing that I have friends who are impressed with this stuff. What’s cool is that it seems like there are more non stereotypical stitchers out there. I raise my needles to you all!
So yes, a Wapsi Girl knows how to go with the flow. She knows how to embrace the change that life throws at her and knows how to use it to her advantage (even if sometimes it starts out with some kicking and screaming).
Peace & Love
Kirsten aka “Bunny” Graves
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