Lady Riv
What is a Wapsi girl?
What makes a Wapsi Girl? Confidence. You have to be able to love yourself for who you are, not what the magazines and movies tell you that you should be. I’m not talking about arrogance here, but the ability to be comfortable in your own skin. There’s a certain pride in knowing that you are who you are, and nothing can change that. Life’s too short to try to make yourself into something that you’re not. Try to find something in each day to smile about. You might just find that others smile along with you. How do I handle life’s curve balls? The biggest thing is that you have to be able to “roll with the punches”. Try to look for a positive aspect in everything. If you let yourself dwell on the doubts and negative emotions, you’ll end up drowning. Now, I’m not saying that I’m super human. I have my bad days too. But I don’t dwell on them. Bad stuff happens to everyone, every now and then. Having a good hobby (or three) helps too. I draw, I read, and on the really bad days when I need some serious stress-relief, I blacksmith and play paintball.
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