I did not grow up being confident and comfortable in myself. I got made fun of a lot for being too boyish, too weird, too big, and the list goes on and on. I even slip up now and then to this day and there’s things I don’t like about myself.
But even despite that, I try my hardest as an adult to understand that while I have my weaknesses, that makes me, me! And the struggles I have faced only make the goals I achieve more impressive. To me, a Wapsi Girl is someone who continues to push through this thing called life to reach their achievements despite any shortcomings or hardships they have.
I started out as a mildly outcasted, but outspoken nerdy girl who drew too much and had their nose always stuck in a book of manga or a graphic novel. I dealt with a lot of bullies and have struggled with Major Depression and Anxiety Disorders from a young age.
It was hard to push myself forward, but I tried my best by putting my goals into things I was passionate about. It started with founding the anime club at my high school, which taught me leadership skills and pushed me to start seeking a higher education and applying for scholarships. I ended up attending college and receiving a BFA in Media Arts and Animation (It took me two extra years to get it since I was working Full Time during my schooling, but I got it!) and now work as a Visual Effects compositor on a few TV shows and do freelance Motion Graphics and Animation. I also picked up the hobby of making cosplay during college and strive to perfect my craft. I have a small and awesome following of people supporting my work, I’ve been a judge in competitions, am running panels and workshops, and get so many requests for wig commissions that I need to to turn a lot down. Little me would have never thought I could do this much!
I want to set an example for younger girls, and really any women entering my hobbies and career, to be body positive, confident, and to always remember you can continue to grow and become better and reach your dreams. I don’t want girls to feel like I did and take as many years as I trying to figure out that they are worth it despite how they look, any mental or physical problems they may have, or anything else that would cause self doubt. I guess I find that being a support for others an important quality of a Waspi Girl as well.
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