Jennifer Babcock
When Paul asked me to contribute to his “Wapsi Girl” project I was honored though stumped as to what I should say. Attempting to fight my writer’s block, I decided to read other women’s entries, which wasn’t much help either because each story defined and interpreted what a Wapsi Girl is in a unique voice.
But then I thought maybe that’s just it: maybe being a Wapsi Girl is just about embracing and loving her individuality.
So let me tell you about myself: I’m a half Japanese half white girl from California living and going to grad school in New York City. I’m a cartoonist/Egyptologist /Comics scholar. I’m Jennifer Miyuki Babcock.
Sure, I may seem all proud and confident now, but for a very long time I felt out of sorts with myself and often wished that I could be more like the people who had lots of friends or places to go. I believed that I wasn’t good enough and that I should censor what I do and say out of fear of being pigeon holed as an undesirable weirdo. A string of bad friendships and relationships only validated these thoughts for me, which marked a very difficult period in my life.
But anyway, let me get to the point. After a year of being an emotional wreck, I eventually found a supportive group of friends (much like Monica’s circle of friends) who embraced me for who I am and made me love myself and what I do.
I love that I spout out random strings of nonsense and spontaneously sing songs about rabbits as much as I love that I have two left feet and constantly walk into doorways. Everything I am and do make me the unique Wapsi girl that I am and that is certainly cool beans.
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