Ashley Hay
What is a Wapsi girl?
I have seen Wapsi Girl many times at local Minnesotan conventions since that is where I hail from. I was always intrigued and wanted to check it out more but I have a booth of my own at most conventions or am in costume so it doesn’t give me a lot of time to go chat with other artists. I was happy when I friended Paul on Facebook and saw he was the artist for Waspi. After looking into it more I really do feel like I fit into the Wapsi Girl mold really well.
I see that Wapsi is a strong minded individual who does not regret or apologize for who she is while showing how unique and special she is. Most women should embrace who they are, have fun with it and be good to others. This is what I try to do with my life. I love meeting other people who have similar interests as me, especially women. Getting together with my girl friends to watch anime, make costumes and geek out is one of my favorite past times.
I also design prints and shirts that are inspired by my many past times featuring videogames, anime, comicbooks and movies. I create these to make people and myself happy. If I can make someone’s day with an image, that in turn makes my day. I went to school for design and find it has been a mission of mine to press the boundaries of design and what the social norm is for design. Making a living off this is not easy but it is rewarding and makes me happy. I think that is what Wapsi is all about. Doing what you love (especially if you are a nerd) and inspire others to do the same.
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