Jentri Chancey
A Wapsi Girl is committed. A wapsi girl is resilient. A wapsi girl finds strength through the stillness, because she understands that truth can only be found by the acceptance of what’s so- first. A wapsi girl feels things as they happen – the good & bad. She finds the opportunity in a challenge. She voices her truth, and doesn’t apologize for it. A wapsi girl knows that to run from her fears is to paralyze herself. A wapsi girl works on not letting her EGO participate in her decision making. She prefers to live life everyday with gratitude, kindness and joy. She loves often, and decides she will have a good day when she wakes up in the morning. And when life is hard, she finds her joy in small pockets of light all around her, because she has a knowing that it exists, even when she can’t see it. Because a Wapsi Girl knows that the only perfection in life that can be achieved is by the imperfection she acknowledges, receives, and appreciates.
I was not always what one might consider a Wapsi Girl. I always had the fiery passion to do more, but I hid behind a lot of external things for a long time, and didn’t have much confidence. I could blame it on childhood divorce, our house fire, the death of a significant other, or the fact that I dropped out of school & left home at age 17. But what good would that do?
I’ve learned to take responsibility for me, and let go of the past. It’s not A way – it’s the only way. Our past does not determine our future. WE determine that. I’ve learned that determination, passion, perception, and a simple smile should not be underestimated. I work on not internalizing everyone else’s problems, just because I can. Everyday, I learn a little more about how there’s freedom in patience, honesty, and finding new ways to be grateful for all the beauty that’s constantly around us. I sage often, meditate, and drink lots of green tea, because it works for me. I don’t go to parties just because I’m invited, and I don’t feel guilty about it. When I don’t want to talk, I don’t answer my phone. I find joy in simple things like walking, and playing with my puggies, because it’s those little things that make up the big, wonderful picture. It’s not one big portrait I’m trying to race towards, so I can look at it on my wall. It’s all the moments in between – the journey – that I look forward to the most. And failure is not part of my vocabulary.
End results are swell, but who really knows what or when the end really is? Live now.
“To the world you might be one person,
But to one person you just might be the world.”
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