Rhonda aka PrettyPrincess
Rhonda, AKA Pretty Princess
A Wapsi Girl knows who she is, and loves herself because of it. She has an open mind, a warm heart, and a free spirit. She seeks to bring out the best in herself and all of the people around her. She believes in more than the eye can see. She is beautiful, both inside and out. She is not a cookie cutter chica!
I have had a long rough road in my journey to self acceptance. Long ago, I was skinny and I thought I was fat. Young and I thought I was old. Beautiful, and I thought I was ugly. But I know better now – and in fact, the Wapsi Square comic strip had a direct role in my shift in attitude.
I thought I was a freak – short, busty, and not quite like any one else. I was embarrassed by my body. But one day, I found a website with a link to a brand new webcomic. A funny one, with a main character I could really identify with. I followed Monica’s adventures, while going through my own. At about the same time that I learned I had problems with cholesterol, I discovered that Monica had that same problem, too! It made me feel less alone, to know that I was normal, and just like everyone else.
Over the years I have come to realize that I am beautiful, just as I am. I am short, I am plump, I am busty, and I am wonderful. Nobody can take that knowledge away from me. Nobody can make me feel like a freak, because I know better.
~Rhonda, AKA Pretty Princess
Website: http://www.rhondalicious.com/
You are *so* BEAUTIFUL!!!
Now, now, to be clear.
When a male regularly says beautiful he means something like ‘OMGZ look at that curvacious babe!’.
Beautiful means the armonic vibrations between the outside and the inside plus the words that go inbetween. Your words moved me.
I had once a beautiful and gorgeous girlfriend, and it took her a long long long time to come to realize all the anger she had canned up at the world just because she was short, busty and curvy -and I was at the receiving end a lot of the time.
So seeing her blossom into something amazingly beautiful has been my joy and maybe one day I’ll marry her, because it’s a sight truly to be noted. [Yes, I love her still, and that’s all right] The world needs more Wapsi Girls, I’m pretty much sure of it.
Keep it up :).
Thank you a lot for writing Rhonda.
Beauty comes from within- and if you ain’t right with you, you’ll never be right with anyone else