There were actually five Holy Hand Grenades, one from each city of the Pentarchy: Jerusalem, Antioch, Alexandria, Constantinople, and Rome. Legend has it that King Arthur used the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch to slay a great and terrible beast that slaughtered many of his knights. The Holy Hand Grenade of Alexandria was used by Chalemange at the Battle of Roncevaux Pass. The Holy Hand Grenade of Constantinople was used by Godfrey of Bouillon during the Battle of Ascalon, and the Holy Hand Grenade of Rome was thrown by Jan Sobieski during the Battle of Vienna. The whereabouts of the Holy Hand Grenade of Jerusalem are unknown, but it is said that the final Holy Hand Grenade will be thrown by none other than Christ Himself at the Battle of Armageddon. Thus shall the Antichrist be slain, and the forces of darkness defeated once and for all.
I like the way soemone explained it, her subconscious took control of her mind and body when her overt conscious flew the coop. pretty much Pauls words but less spiritual and more mental.
I think she is the opposite of undead. Undead are often partially the same person they were in life, but their life functions have stopped. Tina is biologically alive, but the person she was is no longer there.
I think the term ‘Living Impaired ‘ is much better.
“Post-senior citizens”
That one only applies if they died of old age.
“The ‘undead’ is such a frivolous term. I prefer ‘Immortal’. ‘Eternal’. ‘Everlasting’.”
(Jaethal from Pathfinder: Kingmaker)
“Christmas ornamnets hanging in knotholes.” Holy Handgrenades, that’s quite a turn of phrase! 😀
And she’s not undead; more like “Living the adventure of an altered state of existence.”
Of Antioch or are you referring to a different variety?
There were actually five Holy Hand Grenades, one from each city of the Pentarchy: Jerusalem, Antioch, Alexandria, Constantinople, and Rome. Legend has it that King Arthur used the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch to slay a great and terrible beast that slaughtered many of his knights. The Holy Hand Grenade of Alexandria was used by Chalemange at the Battle of Roncevaux Pass. The Holy Hand Grenade of Constantinople was used by Godfrey of Bouillon during the Battle of Ascalon, and the Holy Hand Grenade of Rome was thrown by Jan Sobieski during the Battle of Vienna. The whereabouts of the Holy Hand Grenade of Jerusalem are unknown, but it is said that the final Holy Hand Grenade will be thrown by none other than Christ Himself at the Battle of Armageddon. Thus shall the Antichrist be slain, and the forces of darkness defeated once and for all.
Dave, is this a quote from the Book of Weapons?
That doesn’t happen to everyone after a long run?
I should see a doctor.
And thus the Confusion Corner was born….
I like the way soemone explained it, her subconscious took control of her mind and body when her overt conscious flew the coop. pretty much Pauls words but less spiritual and more mental.
Poor Kevin. He just opened the door to the Aztec version of Wonderland.
Welcome to the jungle, Kev.
Undead or the Z-word. That seemed to cut deep the last time.
I think she is the opposite of undead. Undead are often partially the same person they were in life, but their life functions have stopped. Tina is biologically alive, but the person she was is no longer there.
Hmm, did Tina break the door down? I can’t figure out where she might have kept the key.