Smell the Flowers by Paul Taylor on March 30, 2017 at 8:40 pm Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Dietzel, Digit Related Comics ¬ Whatever Happened 12/23/2002 The Crimson Mantis Totally Righteous 09/15/2004
*Fills out adoption papers*
This means Atsali and Castela are her cousins.
Just figuring out who’s related to who is tricky.
I don’t think I caught that she’s a blonde before……
The ebay arts were a different hair color.
Maybe she chose that color.
Over at Facebook, Paul explained that she’s blondish when in her “more human” form, and pinkish when she’s in her “more spider” form.
You start to get the feeling that there are so many blondes or blondish characters in this comic because Paul wants to save time shading?
She is ADORABLE. Even more so in color, I didn’t realize she was a blonde.
Someone is gonna be attracting ALL the guys.
They will have to get approval from Dietzel first 😛
Yup. My daughter’s boyfriend thinks he has cleared all the hurdles after having met my wife and I. Wait until he meets her DOG.
When was the last time Dietzel was able to smell the roses?
On my monitor, she appears less a blonde and more a pink.
. . . I t’ink you need a new monitor.
She almost looks related to Bud…
That is just too adorable.
she needs a new name… Ana middle name sansi
well perhaps a FULL name Digit Ana Sansi
I see what you did there, Joe…
I see good things in Digit’s future! (but who would’ve guessed she was a blonde?)
All I hear is that they have more fun, and gentlemen prefer them. I said that on someone else’s website, so I might as well say it here, too.
I THINK that I shall never see. A poem lovely as. . . a spider girl holding a miniturized doggie up to sniff a rosie.
(had to try and make it rhyme)
I think that I shall never see, a spider girl name Anasansi…
Must be really hard to take Dietzel for walkies…
There was one panel that showed Monica and Georgette out for a walk with Dietzel riding under a helium balloon on a harness. They could just move him over a lawn, and who would notice his output at that size.
🤔Anyone else notice how much Digit’s eyes resemble Katherine’s❓