If I may counter-pedant… you may be correct, but we don’t actually know that for certain.
Some Paras do depend on glamour to conceal their para forms… Cricket for one.
Others are capable of actual form change… sphinxes (Phix and Shelly), Atsali, the ursamorphs, and the mermaids for instance.
We don’t know which class ogres belong to. If they’re actually shape-changers, then which form is “normal” may be a matter of opinion rather than an absolute.
umm.. that may be her normal size.. (Phinx is the size of a small house…)
an she may not mind,, looking up to her… i love looking up to my partner,, she is over a foot taller (14″)…
So, despite having just learned of something new and unexpected, each of them is still “fixed” on the idea of her own favorite personal theory…
Scientists 🙂
I’d wadger it’s likely both.
The answer is ‘Yes’…
Shrink back to normal size. You’re giving me a crick in my neck.
In the spirit of being utterly pedantic… Barbara’s “normal” size (i.e. the size we’re used to seeing) is a glamour, ergo, not her normal size.
If I may counter-pedant… you may be correct, but we don’t actually know that for certain.
Some Paras do depend on glamour to conceal their para forms… Cricket for one.
Others are capable of actual form change… sphinxes (Phix and Shelly), Atsali, the ursamorphs, and the mermaids for instance.
We don’t know which class ogres belong to. If they’re actually shape-changers, then which form is “normal” may be a matter of opinion rather than an absolute.
umm.. that may be her normal size.. (Phinx is the size of a small house…)
an she may not mind,, looking up to her… i love looking up to my partner,, she is over a foot taller (14″)…
Heh, Mindy is now crotch-height to Barb, perfect size-differential if you ask me 😉
/eyeroll/ Males! /eyeroll/
Who you calling a male? o_O
Well, we know Mindy is 18 thanks to that flashback. Here’s hoping Barb is too since there’s readers fantasizing/joking about this sort of thing.
Typo in panel 3. “this local” should be “this locale”
“Locale” when referring to a location, and its immediate surroundings.
“Local” when referring to an establishment, e.g. a pub, hangout, etc.
FYI, “locale” is like “local” with an extra E at the end.
No it isn’t.
I’m sorry, was this to be the 5 minute argument, or the full half hour?
Um, no.
Different words, different but related meanings.
In as amazingly cute as these ladies are…THEY’RE STILL UBER GEEKS!!! *regains composure* Anyway, excellent work as always, Paul!
Icm guessing the answer is “both”.