I must have heard this several hundred times in my life, by a rough estimate. I must say that better objective measuring instruments have reduced the process. Now they only need ask half a dozen times, and mostly just to check the details.
And then there was that one that was nice, even has a modern village that was abandoned a few years back. But the they saw the plane wreckage, and the whispers in the jungle were kind of irritating Jin. Of course, the real deal breaker was the retired couple and the fat guy who already lived there.
Switching between places as easily as I would turn pages in a book. Best superpower ever. Screw all this showy,blasty stuff, poiting is where the true awesome is.
Only problem: I would swell up like beached whale because I would poit everywhere!
Lovely update. But now I wonder just what the cliffhanger is going to be, since there is no unresolved tension here. Soo….where is it?
What I do is after reading the comic, I right click on the vote thingie and open in a new tab to take care of business. Then just close that tab when I’m done and proceed to the comments.
Oh, I’m sure they *could*. But if it’s a choice between gathering up all the scattered grains of sand that made up the old island, or finding a new one – well, one of these choices seems like a lot more work than the other.
Explosion, diesel fuel, possible unexploded ordnance, sharp bits of metal everywhere, sand gone and possible seafloor rearrangement (read: crater) vs. find a new site.
Somehow, I don’t think the GGs can do that level of repair work, so finding a new beach sounds like a better plan.
You’re no doubt correct. They could poit the necessary amount of sand up (after poiting all of the charred, metal-sharded, diesel-contaminated rubble away).
However, locating and poiting that much clean sand from the surrounding sea bed would be long, hot, boring work. Sheer dredgery, in fact.
(drops a few oysters into the Pun Jar, in the hope that one of them will contain a pearl)
@SoWhyMe – thanks! Please feel free to take something out of the Pun Jar for the great setup (the maraschino cherries may be a bit stale by now, though).
This strip so exemplifies the way a women thinks. Most of them have a hard time trying to figure out what shoes to wear, and you want one of them to pick out an island?
It’s all about finding the right “why”. I’m wearing these shoes today -because- I need the arch support today, and I’ll be doing housework so they’re practical. Two points in favor over six pairs of only cute, only practical, or only arch support. But I had to consider seven pairs of shoes to reach that. (It took all of ten seconds, but that’s beside the point…)
So it’s likely that the island won’t explode randomly, be inhabited, be near any major shipping or fly-over lanes, isn’t frequently passed by sattellite, has few-if-any dangerous reptiles or mamals, and may have some small quirk that reminds M of her original sandbar, for a total of ten points. You get extra points for the emotional connection.
It reminds me of the book, Men Are Like Waffles–Women Are Like Spaghetti, which postulates that men’s minds tend to compartmentalize things (so decisions are simple) while women’s tend to think about everything in an interconnected, convoluted way (so decisions are much harder, but tend to cover multiple issues, as Danzier illustrated).
I’ve read that book, as well. It also says women tend to tie things together by pure instinct (which men need facts to tie together) and tend to be right often enough to totally baffle men.
It also says men sometimes need to relax and let their minds just… blank out… especially after being stressed out. Basically, it allows the man to ‘recharge his mental batteries’, since he tends to put a lot more energy into focused thought than a woman does… a focus which allows superior results.
This is something that baffles women to no end, for they can’t understand how anyone can operate without thought or focus so tightly to not be aware of anything else.
As the book concludes, men and women are not wired to compete with one another or even understand one another… we are wired to work out problems together by covering each other’s weaknesses.
So true, Danzier! There are days when what I finally decided to wear went through variations of “Is it cute? Is it comfortable? Does it make me look as fat as I feel today? Does it show enough boobs? Does it show too much boobs?”…etc
To make the getting dressed process move more smoothly, I had to abandon my love of shoes and throw out all but the shoes that go with most outfits for work(which still hurts even one year later). Unlike you, I can’t decide between seven pairs in ten seconds. Admittedly, I did keep three pairs of frivolous shoes that I just think are too damn sexy to lose, but I lost all of my fun and cute shoes.
When it comes to deciding what to wear my first port of call is the Met Office website to see what the weather is likely to be (not only today but for the next few days). My thought process tends to go like this:
Reports that it’ll feel like 2°C today but high winds
Tomorrow it’ll feel like 0°C but lower winds
Save thick clothing for tomorrow and just make sure have coat, scarf and gloves both days.
What’s freaking me out is that, for me at the moment, there’s an EasyJet advert in German. How did EasyJet know that I could speak German (especially as I’m in the UK)?
Am I right in thinking that one was a jungle island and the other was a cave?
Not to sound paranoid, but there’s probably a lot more to the chosen island than our heroines think – and if so, it won’t be a coincidence. No such thing, in the Wapsiverse.
They will probably just find some bull headed guy with a thing for mazes.
He also will have a great inter-dimensional bar in the cave.
Just have to watch out for that Callahan tending the bar.
When I saw this strip, the first thing that came to mind was being in the optometrist’s office–sitting in the chair with that big device — a phoropter — while the doctor says, repeatedly, “Which one is clearer — this one?” [click] “Or this one?” [click]. And I sit there making him do this over and over again because I can’t really decide which one is stronger…
Or in this case, which island is nicer: Number 1? [poit] Or number 2? [poit]
The Washington Post is running a poll for the best webcomic, and Wapsi Square is in the top 20… go there and Vote for this comic. this link is to my post yesterday where i originally posted the link so i don’t have to post the huge link again.
Battlepug (whatever that is) is winning by a landslide right now (33% of the vote, and no one else is even close to 20%). I just voted, and Wapsi Square only has 6% of the vote.
I will admit that I thought long and hard about Girl Genius (since I’ve been reading that one longer), but I love this comic and its community enough to say Wapsi is better…plus I don’t own any Girl Genius art, hard copy comics, or figurines. I guess it wasn’t a difficult decision when looked at from that angle.
I am skeptical. Most of the answers are plausible (Girl Genius 17%, Questionable Content 9%, xkcd 10%), but Wapsi Square (yay!) is having a voting push and is up to 17%. But Battlepug, which I’ve never even heard of at 23%? Ahead of Girl Genius? Nope, they’re not best, they’re just having a voting drive.
From what I have gathered, most of these polls are badly run since, for the most part, since they are obscure to all but the people actively looking for them. Any time I have seen one mentioned in a site it tends to be the winner, so if the site is not listing it from the start it wont win.
Depending on which ad-blocking extension you use, you may be able to configure it to exempt The Wapsi Square website from having its ads suppressed. Paul might appreciate that, since the ads do help provide revenue to support the cost of running the site.
In some cases, the simple fact that an ad is actually retrieved and displayed, is enough to cause a sort of “tick” on the advertiser’s server, and the site owner gets credit for an “ad impression”. Blocking the ad prevents this from happening.
In other cases, the site owner only gets a credit when somebody “clicks through’ the ad… sees it and clicks on it, and is then taken to the advertiser’s site.
Some advertisers do it both ways… so much for an ad impression, and so much for an ad click-through. The latter are more valuable, of course, as they’re signs that the site viewer was interested enough in the advertised property to want to go take a look.
That’s true… if the ads are in fact NSFW in your work environment, then this is a very real consideration.
I believe it is possible to configure AdBlock Plus (for example) to block the Project Wonderful ads (more likely to be NSFW) and let others like Sears and TiVo and so forth come through.
In my defense, I didn’t have the Switchblade Goddess ad until I came back here this afternoon…but the Wonder Woman add still caught more of my attention…maybe because there are more boobs in my face?
I’m surprised she hasn’t already become a doubled-over figure by now. Her back must have more titanium than her bra straps.
::drops a Dolly Parton Classic Wonderbra in the pun jar::
Reminds me of an old joke I heard when I was a kid … “did you know Dolly Parton is selling a new line of designer bras for young well-endowed country girls? They’re gonna be called Hiccups …” (think about it)
These two … we can be happy that they didnt went and tryed to by a house together
yup… by her expression, they may have poited between both a few times!!!
I’m sure the optometrist looked like that while running my latest refraction…
“Which is better, this . . . or this?”
I must have heard this several hundred times in my life, by a rough estimate. I must say that better objective measuring instruments have reduced the process. Now they only need ask half a dozen times, and mostly just to check the details.
Hopefully they didn’t wind up picking the uninhabited volcanic island of undisclosed location. I hear an evil genius lives there….
I think I vacationed there once. That was a strange week.
If you vacationed there with your honey, then that must have been some Strange Love!!
Ah – you must be thinking of Skullcrusher Mountain!
He’s not evil — just misunderstood, don’t ‘cha know?
Unless it was the island that Syndrome used?
Never knew it had a name. . . .
Funny, you never struck me as one to miss a pun, bmonk.
And then there was that one that was nice, even has a modern village that was abandoned a few years back. But the they saw the plane wreckage, and the whispers in the jungle were kind of irritating Jin. Of course, the real deal breaker was the retired couple and the fat guy who already lived there.
You should pay the pun jar just for even HINTING at a “Lost” reference.
Nomanisan Island? Look out for Syndrome!
Why yes, yes I do like to live there.
Love their expressions in panel four.
Switching between places as easily as I would turn pages in a book. Best superpower ever. Screw all this showy,blasty stuff, poiting is where the true awesome is.
Only problem: I would swell up like beached whale because I would poit everywhere!
Lovely update. But now I wonder just what the cliffhanger is going to be, since there is no unresolved tension here. Soo….where is it?
ehhh.. guess what happens tomorrow…..
Just came from there, and Boy you are SOooo Right!
HA! I see what you did there!
You silly people — They’re Going To Find Something!!!!
Now how hard was that….
Congratulations! You have found the Lost Island of Centaurs! And oh, did Justin ever burn bridges last time he left home!
First – everybody vote like a real election – we slipped from 42 several days ago to 46 now . That means several times – by the way .
I kike the one they chose – wonder if they’ll set up a volley-ball game (pant pant !!)
Gah! I keep forgetting!
As long as a commenter lobbies for it, I’ll vote…but the Vote Button is so easily missed on this site. *just voted*
What I do is after reading the comic, I right click on the vote thingie and open in a new tab to take care of business. Then just close that tab when I’m done and proceed to the comments.
Same here.
What I have a hard time believing is that they couldn’t salvage the sand bar after Bud’s little mishap.
Oh, I’m sure they *could*. But if it’s a choice between gathering up all the scattered grains of sand that made up the old island, or finding a new one – well, one of these choices seems like a lot more work than the other.
well I think they need one that will withstand ‘stinky at play’

Explosion, diesel fuel, possible unexploded ordnance, sharp bits of metal everywhere, sand gone and possible seafloor rearrangement (read: crater) vs. find a new site.
Somehow, I don’t think the GGs can do that level of repair work, so finding a new beach sounds like a better plan.
Yeah, it’s not like they can just wait for the CM to loop and fix it to “like new” condition!
You’re no doubt correct. They could poit the necessary amount of sand up (after poiting all of the charred, metal-sharded, diesel-contaminated rubble away).
However, locating and poiting that much clean sand from the surrounding sea bed would be long, hot, boring work. Sheer dredgery, in fact.
(drops a few oysters into the Pun Jar, in the hope that one of them will contain a pearl)
But, Dave, if they did go through all that “dredgery”, they could at least have a nice lunch on all the sand which is there.
@SoWhyMe – thanks! Please feel free to take something out of the Pun Jar for the great setup (the maraschino cherries may be a bit stale by now, though).
@bmonk – *chuckle* – thank you, Curly Howard!
they could do that work, but they truly have no reason to.
This strip so exemplifies the way a women thinks. Most of them have a hard time trying to figure out what shoes to wear, and you want one of them to pick out an island?
It’s all about finding the right “why”. I’m wearing these shoes today -because- I need the arch support today, and I’ll be doing housework so they’re practical. Two points in favor over six pairs of only cute, only practical, or only arch support. But I had to consider seven pairs of shoes to reach that. (It took all of ten seconds, but that’s beside the point…)
So it’s likely that the island won’t explode randomly, be inhabited, be near any major shipping or fly-over lanes, isn’t frequently passed by sattellite, has few-if-any dangerous reptiles or mamals, and may have some small quirk that reminds M of her original sandbar, for a total of ten points. You get extra points for the emotional connection.
I’m sorry lady, but you lost me at “Its all about finding…” Are you even speaking english anymore?
Me am so confus-ed (@_@)
Nah, she’s speaking a very strange dialect of english called ‘female mind-set’.
makes no sense any man can figure out.
if a man ever figured how woman thinks (and wrote a book), he’d be a billionaire in a month as every man bought it…
and a multi-billionaire as every woman bought so she could think of ways to confuse man again.
Men lack the Shoe Gene. Don’t worry about it.
It balances out; women rarely carry the Fart Joke Gene.
It reminds me of the book, Men Are Like Waffles–Women Are Like Spaghetti, which postulates that men’s minds tend to compartmentalize things (so decisions are simple) while women’s tend to think about everything in an interconnected, convoluted way (so decisions are much harder, but tend to cover multiple issues, as Danzier illustrated).
I’m a man and I understood it. Should I be worried?
Even worse: Not only understood but agreed.
I’ve read that book, as well. It also says women tend to tie things together by pure instinct (which men need facts to tie together) and tend to be right often enough to totally baffle men.
It also says men sometimes need to relax and let their minds just… blank out… especially after being stressed out. Basically, it allows the man to ‘recharge his mental batteries’, since he tends to put a lot more energy into focused thought than a woman does… a focus which allows superior results.
This is something that baffles women to no end, for they can’t understand how anyone can operate without thought or focus so tightly to not be aware of anything else.
As the book concludes, men and women are not wired to compete with one another or even understand one another… we are wired to work out problems together by covering each other’s weaknesses.
If a man ever figured out how women think, they’d have to kill him…..
So true, Danzier! There are days when what I finally decided to wear went through variations of “Is it cute? Is it comfortable? Does it make me look as fat as I feel today? Does it show enough boobs? Does it show too much boobs?”…etc
To make the getting dressed process move more smoothly, I had to abandon my love of shoes and throw out all but the shoes that go with most outfits for work(which still hurts even one year later). Unlike you, I can’t decide between seven pairs in ten seconds.
Admittedly, I did keep three pairs of frivolous shoes that I just think are too damn sexy to lose, but I lost all of my fun and cute shoes.
When it comes to deciding what to wear my first port of call is the Met Office website to see what the weather is likely to be (not only today but for the next few days). My thought process tends to go like this:
Reports that it’ll feel like 2°C today but high winds
Tomorrow it’ll feel like 0°C but lower winds
Save thick clothing for tomorrow and just make sure have coat, scarf and gloves both days.
hate to say it, but in Texas, 2* C (35*F) or 0*C (32*F) are both heavy coat and gloves weather.
In fact, anything below 70*F is heavy coat and glove weather.
Now let’s hope they don’t blow this one up as well. Btw, we never did find out if Stinky ever survived that blast.
What’s freaking me out is that, for me at the moment, there’s an EasyJet advert in German. How did EasyJet know that I could speak German (especially as I’m in the UK)?
Am I right in thinking that one was a jungle island and the other was a cave?
I think I figured out how they knew.
No woman is an island?
It’s not getting older that I mind. It’s that sudden stop at the end.
“… there is no coincidence in the world. What is there is ‘Hitsuzen’.” — Yūko Ichihara
Whoops! Should have gone to the next message.
Not to sound paranoid, but there’s probably a lot more to the chosen island than our heroines think – and if so, it won’t be a coincidence. No such thing, in the Wapsiverse.
“… there is no coincidence in the world. What is there is ‘Hitsuzen’.” — Yūko Ichihara
(Now in the correct thread.)
They will probably just find some bull headed guy with a thing for mazes.
He also will have a great inter-dimensional bar in the cave.
Just have to watch out for that Callahan tending the bar.
And find that his name is Basil.
When I saw this strip, the first thing that came to mind was being in the optometrist’s office–sitting in the chair with that big device — a phoropter — while the doctor says, repeatedly, “Which one is clearer — this one?” [click] “Or this one?” [click]. And I sit there making him do this over and over again because I can’t really decide which one is stronger…
Or in this case, which island is nicer: Number 1? [poit] Or number 2? [poit]
The Washington Post is running a poll for the best webcomic, and Wapsi Square is in the top 20… go there and Vote for this comic. this link is to my post yesterday where i originally posted the link so i don’t have to post the huge link again.
Battlepug (whatever that is) is winning by a landslide right now (33% of the vote, and no one else is even close to 20%). I just voted, and Wapsi Square only has 6% of the vote.
I will admit that I thought long and hard about Girl Genius (since I’ve been reading that one longer), but I love this comic and its community enough to say Wapsi is better…plus I don’t own any Girl Genius art, hard copy comics, or figurines.
I guess it wasn’t a difficult decision when looked at from that angle.
Wapsi Square was only at 2% when I voted, so we’re improving!
WS is at 12% now but there are only 316 total votes. Only three votes would make a 1% shift.
I am skeptical. Most of the answers are plausible (Girl Genius 17%, Questionable Content 9%, xkcd 10%), but Wapsi Square (yay!) is having a voting push and is up to 17%. But Battlepug, which I’ve never even heard of at 23%? Ahead of Girl Genius? Nope, they’re not best, they’re just having a voting drive.
From what I have gathered, most of these polls are badly run since, for the most part, since they are obscure to all but the people actively looking for them. Any time I have seen one mentioned in a site it tends to be the winner, so if the site is not listing it from the start it wont win.
Have you ever heard of TinyURL!.com? Check it out.
Classic decision-making strategy at work here. Reduce the number of candidates, evaluate the remaining ones, reach an agreement.
Divide and concur.
Ahem. *points at entrance to pun vault* Go to your room!
I was going to comment on this page, but I got distracted by the EPIC BOOBS of the Wonder Woman ad on the left of my screen… O_O
I think they are intended to distract. She starts to battle a Bad Guy, the boobs pop out, while he is staring, she nabs him! Simple strategy.
One time I am sad that Firefox blocks all ads… 9_9
Depending on which ad-blocking extension you use, you may be able to configure it to exempt The Wapsi Square website from having its ads suppressed. Paul might appreciate that, since the ads do help provide revenue to support the cost of running the site.
I believe it’s a mix.
In some cases, the simple fact that an ad is actually retrieved and displayed, is enough to cause a sort of “tick” on the advertiser’s server, and the site owner gets credit for an “ad impression”. Blocking the ad prevents this from happening.
In other cases, the site owner only gets a credit when somebody “clicks through’ the ad… sees it and clicks on it, and is then taken to the advertiser’s site.
Some advertisers do it both ways… so much for an ad impression, and so much for an ad click-through. The latter are more valuable, of course, as they’re signs that the site viewer was interested enough in the advertised property to want to go take a look.
but it stops getting you fired..
That’s true… if the ads are in fact NSFW in your work environment, then this is a very real consideration.
I believe it is possible to configure AdBlock Plus (for example) to block the Project Wonderful ads (more likely to be NSFW) and let others like Sears and TiVo and so forth come through.
you get distracted by the wonder woman add, but not the switchblade goddess add?
In my defense, I didn’t have the Switchblade Goddess ad until I came back here this afternoon…but the Wonder Woman add still caught more of my attention…maybe because there are more boobs in my face?
I got a Tivo ad! I’m so disappointed. Now I’m curious about the Wonder Boobs.
Not necessarily connected to the Shirtless Girl song.
I’d share a printscreen image link of some sort for you, but I don’t have the know how to do so.
I saw the wonderboobies too but the next thing that stood out were her silly collagen fish lips. See more at drfugly.com.
This reminds me of a visit to the eye doctor. Which is better, A or B? Hqiz, I can never tell the difference…
Look here.
No – look HERE…
I hardly ever read all the comments before posting. I don’t have that kind of time.
What, no giant “SQUEEEEE!”?
I know that drill.
“A? Or B?”
“Uh, B.”
“Is this one clear? Better, or worse?”
Then, comes the whole dilation rigamorole, and the short version of the previous. Being diabetic, the eye exam is very thorough.
I have to ask, how many women do you know stand shorter than 5 foot tall and can hide their arms under their breasts?
Does anybody else have any idea how far through the alphabet she has ‘grown’?
Last I know, she was “J for Jeeez us” and had complained about her shrinking bras since.
I think she’s up into double figures now.
I’m surprised she hasn’t already become a doubled-over figure by now. Her back must have more titanium than her bra straps.
::drops a Dolly Parton Classic Wonderbra in the pun jar::
Reminds me of an old joke I heard when I was a kid … “did you know Dolly Parton is selling a new line of designer bras for young well-endowed country girls? They’re gonna be called Hiccups …” (think about it)
It’s like the optometrist: better or worse? Fuzzy here or sharper here?
Sorry, eye dr’s daughter, it’s the standard dinner table joke
Every time I see Jin, I’m reminded how much I love her eyes