03/25/2005 by Paul Taylor on March 25, 2005 at 12:00 am Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Conscience, HeatherLocation: Boiler Room Related Comics ¬ 03/10/2005 01/31/2003 01/28/2004 Kept Her Safe Wish You Were Here
wow, creepy psycho Shelley
Now those, are some SEVERE mommy-related intimacy issues, with just a touch of post-traumatic stress disorder… actually, a whole lot of PTSD
Comics like this one are my favorite. I love when the art gets all messy and sketchy. It helps to convey the sense of fear/sadness that most strips like this one have.
Little Shelly looks a lot like Monica’s Self-Doubt in the last panel
Man! Paul does the BEST creepy art!
Hmmmm. He does. That is interesting, isn’t it.
But, that’s for him to know and us to … whatever.