01/08/2003 by Paul Taylor on January 8, 2003 at 12:00 am Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Owen, ShellyLocation: The Plow └ Tags: best butt in the bar Related Comics ¬ 04/30/2003 01/02/2002 01/26/2004 08/30/2004 Freaked Out
Speaking of which, I’m starting to notice a pattern here.
Paul, you do like your girls full-hipped and large-butt’d, don’t you? ;3
Nothing wrong with that.
in the immortal words of brett sienna,
“i love enormous posteriors and i cannot prevaricate”
Your link is broken, but it at least let me know you meant a character from the PVP webcomic.
Also quoted as a male gnome /silly emote in World of Warcraft. Probably a lot more people have played that than red PvPonline.
And of course, it’s paraphrased from Sir-mix-a-lot’s famous song, “Baby Got Back”
If I happen to be your best friend, feel free to tell me I have the nicest booty in the bar. I will take it as a compliment and not find it awkward in the least