I’m thinking (hoping) that Phix is being a big ominous intentionally — but I think she’ll let Tina off with a warning. (What kind of warning, I’m not sure…)
All of these are possible. But I’m thinking the danger may not be to the Tina Collective as such, but rather to Nudge, whose exact nature – and legitimate connection to Tina – is uncertain. It may be she doesn’t belong, and Phix is going to do something about that.
Also, the only demon I recall misusing the doorway was Jin’s Doubt. If SHE’S ‘no longer a problem’, I wonder what effect that’s having on Jin, and if it’s adding to her mental instability…
So Phix is a Power and an Authority, then. “They will no longer be a problem” … that sounds remarkably like “They no longer exist.”
Questions – were those others who brought the lawbreakers before her for judgment the law-abiding demons? other sphinxes? creatures we have not yet met?
I have been intensely curious about Phix, and this is a hint that her role in this has been much greater then I believed. I don’t know about anyone else, but I like to work out the rules and structures underlying the created realities such as Wapsi Square. This is going to keep my fascinated for weeks.
I also want to know how exactly they will no longer be a problem. I think that is why I love phix so much, she’s gorgeous and sexy but there’s also that palpable sense of danger…
And now that I have gotten some sleep, I caught something that went right past me this morning. Tina’s question implies that she and Phix have been talking offstage; she knew that Phix was sitting in judgment on those who had used the door.
I also read Phix’s comment “You sound nervous …” as You have no reason to be.
I think if Phix hurt Tina she’d be risking the wrath of the Golems and M… since they all like her… not to mention Tina’s existence is what allowed the doorway to finally get shut and the ‘calendar’ to be ‘fixed’, so she earned brownie points and gets a ‘stay out of jail free’ card this time?
So, is Phix addressing the collective with that comment… or Nudge in particular? The collective have already been punished with amnesia; Nudge, however, seems to know more (or remember more) than the rest.
Paul, I’ve always loved the art here, but I must say I really love what you’ve been doing lately, keep up the great work!!! As for Tina, she’ll be fine (sorta) since Phix could have dealt with her at any time, but hasn’t. I think Phix is just playing with her (like a cat with it’s mouse:P)
I have the strangest feeling that the “Collective Which Is Tina” will be granted something remarkable and is turned into a real girl. Fusion into the semblance of a soul.
I’ve got an alternate theory: Phix is talking about two subjects here. Break them apart. 1) “It is done” and 2) “Now, about you”. Tina asked, which is why Phix even mentioned it.
Consider: Phix met her before, and even Tina seemed okay with that (after). Hardly the reaction of someone who is living on borrowed time.
Yknow, I first wondered if that was actually phix at all.
I mean that shadow doesnt look sphynxish. More like angel-of-deathish.
But since everyone else thinks it is, must be
I don’t suppose Tina will be in trouble after all demons are supposed to exist. just the ones which were trying to break the law were punished it seems. From what I gather, other than hurting monica (which they have paid for by being stuck to a time) they haven’t done anything wrong.
Phix is a shape changer, in the Library she had the whole shebang of lion butt, eagle wings and human face (With fangs of course) But she was also the size of M’s HOUSE, here she’s in human form so that she doesn’t cause a panic and since Tina 2.0 can see aura’s and true emotions and the drives of people she can see a piece of Phix’s true form, (The winged silhouette. The angel of death description is apt for this as well though since Phix also seems to be Judge, Jury, and PROBABLY Executioner in this case with the renegade Demon(s). “They will no longer be a problem.”
You couldn’t write this comic in german. Only english holds the possibility that the single word “You” addresses both singular and plural. Which makes the sentence from Phix so much better…
Then again, Tina may be on the edge of being rewarded. For all I can tell, she’s done everything she was supposed to do, and helped Monica and the G³ as much as she could. I wonder if Phix has the power to consolidate the legion into one personality and give Tina back her “soul”…
Holy SHIT! A week or two of innocuous slices of life, and then a monday cliffhanger!! Awesome.
I’m giddy with anticipation of what is going on between these two…I’m guessing that Tina’s latest incarnation as a demon collective came as a result of using Monica’s doorway, but has not yet been punished because they have followed the rules of not deliberately hurting anyone? Or something?
Phix— The Mission: control/ cure schizophrenia in a supernatural being ie. Jin.
Tina, if you choose to accept this mission you will be reissued your psychiatrist plug-in. All past transgressions will be forgiven and You will have the help and support of your team: Monica, Bud, Brandi and Tepoztecal. I will work behind the scenes to keep the Powers and Authorities attention focused in other areas. The fate of the world is in your hands. As always if things go wrong you will be on your own. Officially I was never here. What is your answer?
Love Phix in the bottom panel.
My take on what’s coming up:-
[panel of Tina looking apprehensive] Tina – “Yes…?”
[beat panel of Phix looking menaging]
[panel of Phix like a hungry lion] Phix – “I’ll have an Earl Gray please.”
[panel of Tina looking nervous/releaved] Tina – “Right away Ma’am.”
A sudden temperature drop in the Twin Cities froze the Wapsipinicon River to a depth of six feet earlier this morning. Scientists are baffled by this localized weather event.
In other news; “Dog Orders Pizza by Telephone!” … film at eleven!
What interests me is that “ALL lawbreakers have been brought before me…” This implies that Tina 2.0 wasn’t one of the ones to break the rules. Her and Nudge might be following the rules laid down and Phix might just be giving the standing orders to “Don’t mess up” I really hope this is the case Tina 2.0 would be able to help Jin figure out what’s really important.
The changes between the first two panels are so subtle, and yet so thoroughly expressive. I just love it. Very well done, sir, and I look forward to the rest of the comic.
uh oh!!
Ditto .
Cue in the ‘Dragnet’ theme song.
Doom da doom doom!!
Like I don’t hear that enough. My dad watches that on the retro channel.
I don’t hate it, though.
Uh-oh! What about Tina?!
Yoicks! So that’s where the baddies went when they got sucked into M. But Tina… oh, please please please don’t let Phix eat her up. I like Tina…
Sucked into M???
Monica? Or did you mean Phix?
Yes, sucked into M (or more aptly, “through” her) and into the demon world.
I just realized Phix reminds me a lot of Drusilla…
I’d take Phix on two out of three falls.
I’m thinking (hoping) that Phix is being a big ominous intentionally — but I think she’ll let Tina off with a warning. (What kind of warning, I’m not sure…)
“…the lawbreakers…were brought before me.”
Phix is not only and authority, she’s a judge as well!
Option A: Tina 2.0 will reconcile her fractured existence with Phix’ help and guidance
Option B: Phix will terminate the demon menace that Tina 2.0 poses, even inadvertently, because of her fractured existance.
Option C: We learn what secrets Tina’s choker holds!
Option D: All of the above!
Oooo.. this is going somewhere all right!
She is infact, judge, jury and executioner. I’d like to see Phix do the executioning part myself.
So we should call her Judge Dredd instead?
All of these are possible. But I’m thinking the danger may not be to the Tina Collective as such, but rather to Nudge, whose exact nature – and legitimate connection to Tina – is uncertain. It may be she doesn’t belong, and Phix is going to do something about that.
Also, the only demon I recall misusing the doorway was Jin’s Doubt. If SHE’S ‘no longer a problem’, I wonder what effect that’s having on Jin, and if it’s adding to her mental instability…
Yes, I’ve noticed that Nudge hasn’t spoken out when Phix is around…
It *does* sound ominous! I hope Paul keeps Tina around; I like all the characters, Tina perhaps a bit more than some others.
What you said .
So Phix is a Power and an Authority, then. “They will no longer be a problem” … that sounds remarkably like “They no longer exist.”
Questions – were those others who brought the lawbreakers before her for judgment the law-abiding demons? other sphinxes? creatures we have not yet met?
I have been intensely curious about Phix, and this is a hint that her role in this has been much greater then I believed. I don’t know about anyone else, but I like to work out the rules and structures underlying the created realities such as Wapsi Square. This is going to keep my fascinated for weeks.
Thank you, Paul. Thank you.
“…keep my fascinated attention …”
Sorry, tired. Going to bed now.
I also want to know how exactly they will no longer be a problem. I think that is why I love phix so much, she’s gorgeous and sexy but there’s also that palpable sense of danger…
And now that I have gotten some sleep, I caught something that went right past me this morning. Tina’s question implies that she and Phix have been talking offstage; she knew that Phix was sitting in judgment on those who had used the door.
I also read Phix’s comment “You sound nervous …” as You have no reason to be.
Man, I LOVE Phix…
And she looks amazing in the bottom pannel.
Ditto! That last panel just may be my new favorite of Phix. Lovelovelove it.
Hah. So Phix is just a tad more important/powerful than we’d been led to believe so far…
don’t you DARE touch a hair on my Tina’s head!
*sprays Phix with water bottle*
Relax, she’s not going to harm Angel. If she was going to do that, she’d have given a hint of it when she inadvertently scared the bejezus out of her.
I doubt that she inadvertently scared Tina before. I’m pretty sure she knew exactly what she was doing.
I think if Phix hurt Tina she’d be risking the wrath of the Golems and M… since they all like her… not to mention Tina’s existence is what allowed the doorway to finally get shut and the ‘calendar’ to be ‘fixed’, so she earned brownie points and gets a ‘stay out of jail free’ card this time?
I think the fact that she has been working on the side of Good should count in her favour.
I suspect she’ll be sentenced to community service (doing what she’s currently doing).
I think what she’s already doing IS “community service” in the demon realms.
So, is Phix addressing the collective with that comment… or Nudge in particular? The collective have already been punished with amnesia; Nudge, however, seems to know more (or remember more) than the rest.
Paul, I’ve always loved the art here, but I must say I really love what you’ve been doing lately, keep up the great work!!! As for Tina, she’ll be fine (sorta) since Phix could have dealt with her at any time, but hasn’t. I think Phix is just playing with her (like a cat with it’s mouse:P)
Yes, the recent abundant use of backlighting has been phenomenal!
I have the strangest feeling that the “Collective Which Is Tina” will be granted something remarkable and is turned into a real girl. Fusion into the semblance of a soul.
Lke Shelly’s “boiler room” conscience/amalgam?
That would make Phix into a reasonable facsimile of the Blue Fairy.
Now, now, Phix – be nice to the little demon horde. She’s done no harm that would deserve your wrath.
I’ve got an alternate theory: Phix is talking about two subjects here. Break them apart. 1) “It is done” and 2) “Now, about you”. Tina asked, which is why Phix even mentioned it.
Consider: Phix met her before, and even Tina seemed okay with that (after). Hardly the reaction of someone who is living on borrowed time.
DAYum. Wasn’t expecting that. I hope Phix doesn’t accidently ‘deal’ with someone necessary to help fix Jin.
That’s right, both of them have similarly fractured minds now, don’t they?
Yknow, I first wondered if that was actually phix at all.
I mean that shadow doesnt look sphynxish. More like angel-of-deathish.
But since everyone else thinks it is, must be
I don’t suppose Tina will be in trouble after all demons are supposed to exist. just the ones which were trying to break the law were punished it seems. From what I gather, other than hurting monica (which they have paid for by being stuck to a time) they haven’t done anything wrong.
Phix is a shape changer, in the Library she had the whole shebang of lion butt, eagle wings and human face (With fangs of course) But she was also the size of M’s HOUSE, here she’s in human form so that she doesn’t cause a panic and since Tina 2.0 can see aura’s and true emotions and the drives of people she can see a piece of Phix’s true form, (The winged silhouette. The angel of death description is apt for this as well though since Phix also seems to be Judge, Jury, and PROBABLY Executioner in this case with the renegade Demon(s). “They will no longer be a problem.”
I’m sure that Phix found something worse than mere termination for them.
You couldn’t write this comic in german. Only english holds the possibility that the single word “You” addresses both singular and plural. Which makes the sentence from Phix so much better…
That’s not exactly correct. While “Sie” is plural and “du” is singular informal, the formal mode of address uses “Sie” for both singular and plural.
But “Sie” as in the formal mode is not used in German between two Persons that know each other so good ;o)
Well, I blurted “Holy sh*t!” out loud at work.
I hope that Tina will be okay, she’s tied as my second favorite character. (with Bud)
I forgot that second line on her job description, underneath “Librarian”.
I really adore the art of the last panel. It’s even prettier than usual.
Awesome page you’ve done here Mr . Taylor ! This is also the kind of stuff that keeps me coming back for more .
If forced to choose , I’d say Tina is my favorite character . You’ve got me on the edge of my seat , here .
Then again, Tina may be on the edge of being rewarded. For all I can tell, she’s done everything she was supposed to do, and helped Monica and the G³ as much as she could. I wonder if Phix has the power to consolidate the legion into one personality and give Tina back her “soul”…
*runs to the nearest clock and turns it forward 24 hours* Next page…Go!
Me too…
Holy SHIT! A week or two of innocuous slices of life, and then a monday cliffhanger!! Awesome.
I’m giddy with anticipation of what is going on between these two…I’m guessing that Tina’s latest incarnation as a demon collective came as a result of using Monica’s doorway, but has not yet been punished because they have followed the rules of not deliberately hurting anyone? Or something?
…more coffee…
I’ll have a cup , too !
I’m just happier than spit that this strip didn’t come last Friday.
I’m up for the coffee, also
Phix— The Mission: control/ cure schizophrenia in a supernatural being ie. Jin.
Tina, if you choose to accept this mission you will be reissued your psychiatrist plug-in. All past transgressions will be forgiven and You will have the help and support of your team: Monica, Bud, Brandi and Tepoztecal. I will work behind the scenes to keep the Powers and Authorities attention focused in other areas. The fate of the world is in your hands. As always if things go wrong you will be on your own. Officially I was never here. What is your answer?
Love Phix in the bottom panel.
This message will self-destruct in 30 seconds.
*Waves hand in front of face to clear mini smoke plume*
*Cough Cough*
My take on what’s coming up:-
[panel of Tina looking apprehensive] Tina – “Yes…?”
[beat panel of Phix looking menaging]
[panel of Phix like a hungry lion] Phix – “I’ll have an Earl Gray please.”
[panel of Tina looking nervous/releaved] Tina – “Right away Ma’am.”
A sudden temperature drop in the Twin Cities froze the Wapsipinicon River to a depth of six feet earlier this morning. Scientists are baffled by this localized weather event.
In other news; “Dog Orders Pizza by Telephone!” … film at eleven!
What interests me is that “ALL lawbreakers have been brought before me…” This implies that Tina 2.0 wasn’t one of the ones to break the rules. Her and Nudge might be following the rules laid down and Phix might just be giving the standing orders to “Don’t mess up” I really hope this is the case Tina 2.0 would be able to help Jin figure out what’s really important.
Note that Phix says “… all of the lawbreakers who used the doorway …”
Don’t think that covers Tina.
I originally reached the conclusion you do – but then i remembered those last four words.
N-now, Phix, let’s not do anything….rash.
This cannot be good.
I just have to say it one more time . I love everything about this page . The panel layout , pacing , dialogue , and of course the artwork .
I’m going to comment about the artwork.
The changes between the first two panels are so subtle, and yet so thoroughly expressive. I just love it. Very well done, sir, and I look forward to the rest of the comic.