If it’s bad enough, the epi-pen just buys them time to get to you. Keep the airways open long enough to intubate and start pumping massive amounts of treatments in.
I’m allergic to several types of pollens (hay fever in English), at a “explosive, potentially lethal” level (only 3000 people in the whole of Europe have the same sensitivity as me).
I went into anaphylactic shock 10 seconds after that tiny scratch for the allergies tests.
Nearly died three times : asthma before me airway is closed off in less than 20 seconds due to swelling of the throat, eyes bulging out of my eyesockets, spots bigger than a thumbnail leaking pus all over my body, elevated heart rate and then I wake up in the ICU.
During “death season” (from february to september for me), I take what is considered a toxic dose of antihistamine (usual dose in 10 mg, I take three pills of 120 mg per day), always have fast-acting additionnal antihistamine on me + inhaler, a syringe with a mix of high-concentration antihistamine and adrenaline in an easy-to-reach box (with the medical prescription for it in the box, that stuff is considered class 3 illegal drugs in my country, same a cocaine and heroin), and I STILL get short of breath, eyes scratching and throat swelling if I stay outside for more than an hour.
Allergies are not a joke, and KILL people more often that anyone can think !
Katherine’s torso is ^definitely^ becoming more “hourglass” shaped. If ya look at her legs, it’s easy to se her figure becoming (by what has become comon western standards) more visually attractive to look at
Bwahahah! Win!
Does she make paniced planning better…naked?
She doesn’t wear clothing at home
I think I should go visit her. I’d like an opportunity to keep a young lady company.
Wh.. What the? XD Oh Kath, you’re so adorably silly.
Kath does validate M’s reaction to the idea. And Diezel’s too, for that matter.
DrDarkheart: Remember, she told Monica she didn’t wear anything at home.
And we have seen her naked before, just not so much at once.
Aha, that’s why Oscar puts up with the fishbowl. ;3
Naked lounging is one thing, but on the carpet? Ouchies. >_<
Better than the cold, cold floor!
Sounds a little more effective than ice cream and Irish whiskey, at least.
Aw. Fishbowl placement is bad….
Bad Kath! No purposely causing your allergies to kill you! And besides, don’t you have an epi-pen? I’m allergic to nuts and I have one.
If it’s bad enough, the epi-pen just buys them time to get to you. Keep the airways open long enough to intubate and start pumping massive amounts of treatments in.
I’m allergic to several types of pollens (hay fever in English), at a “explosive, potentially lethal” level (only 3000 people in the whole of Europe have the same sensitivity as me).
I went into anaphylactic shock 10 seconds after that tiny scratch for the allergies tests.
Nearly died three times : asthma before me airway is closed off in less than 20 seconds due to swelling of the throat, eyes bulging out of my eyesockets, spots bigger than a thumbnail leaking pus all over my body, elevated heart rate and then I wake up in the ICU.
During “death season” (from february to september for me), I take what is considered a toxic dose of antihistamine (usual dose in 10 mg, I take three pills of 120 mg per day), always have fast-acting additionnal antihistamine on me + inhaler, a syringe with a mix of high-concentration antihistamine and adrenaline in an easy-to-reach box (with the medical prescription for it in the box, that stuff is considered class 3 illegal drugs in my country, same a cocaine and heroin), and I STILL get short of breath, eyes scratching and throat swelling if I stay outside for more than an hour.
Allergies are not a joke, and KILL people more often that anyone can think !
*with a paintbrush* Erm kath you just ruined the painting. (nude painting 101 there’s a class on that)
Katherine’s torso is ^definitely^ becoming more “hourglass” shaped. If ya look at her legs, it’s easy to se her figure becoming (by what has become comon western standards) more visually attractive to look at