That main panel looks like one of the pictures of Mt. St. Helen during the eruption. That’s why I was nervous about that one island, the steeper the sides the more violent the eruption that made the cone, until you get to the tipping point that blows up the cone instead of accumulating on it/
It also resembles a large caliber navel round, say 16 inches. Can any one say “Navel Firing Range?”. Deserted island in the carribean(sp I know), small, isolated. I am sure the navy noticed it. The ship is probably 30 miles away. This ia also possible.
Aside from the 16A3 guns on the four Missouri-class battleships (which the US navy can’t seem to decide whether to keep operating), the biggest naval guns afloat are the US’ 5″ /54 guns which are on almost all combat and combat-support ships.
There have been reports that Sweden and/or France were on the verge of fielding larger guns and the Soviet Kirov-class cruisers used to have 155mm cannons; but the big guns were taken of the Kirovs and neither the French or Swedes have officially declared they have fielded their big guns.
16″ is about 407mm. They said it was like lobbing a VW Beetle 26 miles. That exploded on impact.
Of course they Navy is testing rail guns now. They are hoping to field a 32 megajoule gun in a few years.
Or they could just hire Bud to toss golf balls at the bad guys.
Was either him or me, glad he took it before I did. But my umbrage is two-fold … as Former Navy and as current (and proud) Iowan. Don’t be taking our legacy … one of the few things we have left. 😛
And yes, I have my official BB-61 ballcap stashed somewhere, complete with the ship’s nickname, “The Big Stick” on it. 😀
The universe is telling them: mixed drinks, not beer. Shaken, not stirred.
So… volcano? Earthquake? Sonic boom from a military jet fly-over? Meteorite impact? Naval gunnery practice? One of Stinky’s anchor-toss toys coming down, a trifle more violently than usual? Transdimensional visitor, forcing his/her/its/their corporeal form through a Triangle-related weak point in the Vimana Shield? The Midgard Serpent, having really bad intestinal gas?
Oh dear.. with unerring precision, they chose some French polynesian deserted island.
The French Navy tends to shoot the crap out of those.
Aaand since neither Jin or Monica are schrapnel-proof, I suggest they “poit” the hell outtathere!
The V-cell that they used to fix Jin was (oopsie) accidentally one of those keeping the grid intact to keep the inter-dimensional beings out, and we are about to see Krishna slug it out with the baddies, like in the old days..
Well, give me Parvati too, and I ain’t complaining here..
possible this is a result of choosing a wrong V-cell, but highly improbable.
remember, they had already raised that question and confirmed Jin’s new power supply is NOT part of the protective net… confirmed by none other than the creator of that net, Brandi.
Girls, watch out for the pyroplastic flow. That’s a cloud of volcanic gases heated to temps that would melt ANY metal or ceramic and moving pretty dang close to mach one.
“Pyroclastic”, actually. For those that don’t get it, think of the last eruption you saw televised. You know the avalanche-like gray thing heading down the mountain? That’s the pyroclastic flow.
IIRC, the flow cools quickly and then tends to bury things (like villages) and preserve them under the rock.
“Cools quickly” is a relative term.
The cloud of ash and gas can be over 1500 degrees as it tops the caldera, head downhill at over 60mph, and still encase you in 500 degree ash, for a personal, inside experience of a clay wrapped chicken recipe.
I hope they’re not experiencing such a pyroclastic flow.
Well, either you’re closing your eyes
To a situation you do now wish to acknowledge
Or you are not aware of the caliber of disaster indicated
By the presence of a volcano in your community.
Ya got trouble, my friend, right here,
I say, trouble right here in Desert Island.
Trouble, oh we got trouble,
Right here in Desert Island!
With a capital “T”
That rhymes with “V”
And that stands for Volcano,
That stands for Volcano.
We’ve surely got trouble!
Right here in Desert Island,
Right here!
Gotta figger out a way
To keep the young ones alive after school!
Trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble…
Maybe Monday we find Monica and Jin have gone through an InterDimensional Doorway and turned into Cute, Fuzzy animals…..What? Nobodys read Kevin n’ Kell?
Curious though that the explosion seems to have occurred on the opposite side of the way they are facing, could their looks be a sort of comic aside to we the audience?
And I vote for volcanic activity based on what to me seem to be flaming magma blobs rocketing skyward in the upper right hand section of panel two along with blinding flash, sparky bits, and the afore mentioned earth-shattering ka-BOOM…
I… told … them… to leave.. the … mineshaft… alone…. that stuff gets more.. potent, and … twitchy… as it ages… get to the south shore and hide in the lagoon. Do not eat the limpets, they will make you sick this time of year. The fiddler crabs are deliciouse, though… as are the razor clams and mussles. Make sure you boil them long enough. Wait… you can ‘poit’ to a seven-eleven, right? Never mind…
So the Island search went boom and bust, eh? Two sqeemeisters just got a seriouse bump of more than a butt here, I suspect their beer has already passed through their kidneys and points south. I doubt this is what they had in mind when they decided to get bombed….
(drops a federally licenced LMG ’08/’15 Spandau belt-feed WWI machinegun with re-built water jacket and 5,000 rounds of 8mm Mauser ammo into the pu vault)
Soon as I saw the island, made me think of the ending of Deep Rising. Was waiting for a pulled back view of the island, with Monica saying “NOW what?!?”
So, what story line will we start with Monday? Nudge admiring Justin’s “assets” in the Library? Or Mon and Jin on an exploding island? Or something else completely?
Well what do you know, The island comes with its own sound system.
It’s a portable one… they used to call them “Boom Boxes”…
*Makes a wire transfer to the pun vault’s computer management system*
So… Bikinis, $30 apiece (they were on special, maybe?)
Finding the right island, One Day.
Finding out this may not have been the best choice, via an earth-shattering Kaboom? Priceless.
(For everything else, there’s MasterCard…)
I take it they chose the island with the volcano, after all?
“This yogurt is so bad. It’s Minnesota springtime bad.”
“It’s like, naked in the Library with Nudge bad.”
“It’s getting your ribs and face crushed in a failed suicide bad.”
“It’s exploding private island bad.”
“They probably shouldn’t package it beer bottles.”
Good one. I can picture Shelly and Bud at a bar having that dialogue.
So, the Cerberus Club is now serving kumis and blaand, in addition to Echidna martinis?
I’m not sure it’ll be terribly popular, although given the Nordic heritage of many in Minneapolis it might actually develop a cult following…
… even if it is “dropping a grenade in a sub” bad.
Wait… why is that second one bad, again?
I don’t think so… no volcano goes from no sign to earth-shattering kaboom. More likely somebody with a mind is behind this boom.
They might just have paranormal affected events on this island. This is the Wapsiverse after all. 🙂
Bippity, Boppity, BOOM!
Man, that island’s a real blast.
~cough~ /poke ~points at the pun vault~ You know the routine.
That is one good-size, sonic BOOM!
[quickly flys X-1 replica into pun vault]
All right calm down Jager 🙂
Okay, what the hell was in those bottles?! Must be pretty volatile….
Or, “Hey didn’t we leave Bud at home?”
“Bud! You made it! Over here!”
Mentos and Diet Coke? Pop Rocks and Mountain Dew? Alka Seltzer and club soda?
…let’s try B again….
Called it!
That main panel looks like one of the pictures of Mt. St. Helen during the eruption. That’s why I was nervous about that one island, the steeper the sides the more violent the eruption that made the cone, until you get to the tipping point that blows up the cone instead of accumulating on it/
It also resembles a large caliber navel round, say 16 inches. Can any one say “Navel Firing Range?”. Deserted island in the carribean(sp I know), small, isolated. I am sure the navy noticed it. The ship is probably 30 miles away. This ia also possible.
Well, a navy has to have weapons drills after all.
You mean the island is at the belly-button of the world?
well, there ARE records of battleship shells sinking islands…
I kid you not.
and the spelling is N-A-V-A-L, your spelling means ‘a small hole’
Aside from the 16A3 guns on the four Missouri-class battleships (which the US navy can’t seem to decide whether to keep operating), the biggest naval guns afloat are the US’ 5″ /54 guns which are on almost all combat and combat-support ships.
There have been reports that Sweden and/or France were on the verge of fielding larger guns and the Soviet Kirov-class cruisers used to have 155mm cannons; but the big guns were taken of the Kirovs and neither the French or Swedes have officially declared they have fielded their big guns.
16″ is about 407mm. They said it was like lobbing a VW Beetle 26 miles. That exploded on impact.
Of course they Navy is testing rail guns now. They are hoping to field a 32 megajoule gun in a few years.
Or they could just hire Bud to toss golf balls at the bad guys.
Actually, they are the IOWA class battleships. Ship classes are named after the first example of that class. The Missouri is just the most famous.
Thank you for taking a turn at being ‘that guy.’
Was either him or me, glad he took it before I did. But my umbrage is two-fold … as Former Navy and as current (and proud) Iowan. Don’t be taking our legacy … one of the few things we have left. 😛
And yes, I have my official BB-61 ballcap stashed somewhere, complete with the ship’s nickname, “The Big Stick” on it. 😀
You are correct. I must be getting sebile….. er, senille…. ahhh, drat.
one more time… cenile.
>>> pouts and wonders off<<<
Well, Well, two cliff hangers in one week. So many story lines so little closure. Can’t wait until Monday!
They accidentally poit to Vieques, Puerto Rico?
That was my thought. Down range at a practice target is not conducive to relaxation…
well, for the golem girls, it’ll be a gentle massage.
Except Jin is no longer invulnerable, and Monica certainly is not!
Wasn’t that range closed in 2003?
The Universe is conspiring against them.
Every time they find a nice island, it blows up.
They should stay away from Greenland.
That’s 1 island for Bud.
And 1 island for Jin.
… oh dear. Where’s Brandi !?!
Brandi may already have a credit for the destruction of a civilization.
The universe is telling them: mixed drinks, not beer. Shaken, not stirred.
So… volcano? Earthquake? Sonic boom from a military jet fly-over? Meteorite impact? Naval gunnery practice? One of Stinky’s anchor-toss toys coming down, a trifle more violently than usual? Transdimensional visitor, forcing his/her/its/their corporeal form through a Triangle-related weak point in the Vimana Shield? The Midgard Serpent, having really bad intestinal gas?
Knowing Paul it’s probably “none of the above”.
I was thinking along the lines of somebody testing a bomb.
That was quick.
Sorry ladies, but your new private island is in another ocean!
Please ignore that boom, it was the sound of the other shoe dropping.
Ok, I was close: Something found them!
Stinky dropped the other shoe???
That must be quite the large shoe, to make that much noise… I’d hate to see the foot that goes with it…
Re: opening sequence, Monty Python’s Flying Cirrrrcus….
Oh dear.. with unerring precision, they chose some French polynesian deserted island.
The French Navy tends to shoot the crap out of those.
Aaand since neither Jin or Monica are schrapnel-proof, I suggest they “poit” the hell outtathere!
The V-cell that they used to fix Jin was (oopsie) accidentally one of those keeping the grid intact to keep the inter-dimensional beings out, and we are about to see Krishna slug it out with the baddies, like in the old days..
Well, give me Parvati too, and I ain’t complaining here..
possible this is a result of choosing a wrong V-cell, but highly improbable.
remember, they had already raised that question and confirmed Jin’s new power supply is NOT part of the protective net… confirmed by none other than the creator of that net, Brandi.
Would still be hilarious, if however unlikely, if that made Jin like an anti-Vcell. Get too close to another Vcell, and Panel#2.
It was a cute island, but it’s no Bikini Atoll.
In a related story, after Bud blew up the sandbar, she was not wearing a bikini at all.
So, do I make the check out to “Pun Jar,” or what? Oh, screw it. *stuffs checkbook into pun jar*
Sir! That won’t cover your debt by half!
Neither will many bikinis. They don’t cover much at all. But, for some reason, many of them end up around lagoons and other similar bodies of water.
[drops in a chunk of decorative coral]
The No Bikini Atoll, home of Dinah Saur!
FPF – Pay up ..
As made famous in an episode of Beannie and Cecil (and if you remember that, Kudos!)
Cecil the Seasick Sea Serpent.
Don’t forget Lambchop.
@Valkeiper: Lambchop was a contemporary, but not part of that particular show; Shari Lewis was the pupetter/voice for Lambchop and others. All good.
I remember the show, but not that episode. . . . 🙁
Monica! What are you doing impersonating Bud in Panel#1?
LOL!! That’s what I was thinking. I had to glance at the endowments to check who it was. XD
Me three! 🙂
Looked like Bud but with Monicas….Endowments.
(Bet’cha all thought I was gonna say “Rack” didn’t ya?)
Heh, at first glance I thought it was Bud too. I think it’s mostly how her hair was drawn.
In other news…. *pokes Mon’s potbelly*
Yeah, that figures. XD
Girls, watch out for the pyroplastic flow. That’s a cloud of volcanic gases heated to temps that would melt ANY metal or ceramic and moving pretty dang close to mach one.
“Pyroclastic”, actually. For those that don’t get it, think of the last eruption you saw televised. You know the avalanche-like gray thing heading down the mountain? That’s the pyroclastic flow.
IIRC, the flow cools quickly and then tends to bury things (like villages) and preserve them under the rock.
“Cools quickly” is a relative term.
The cloud of ash and gas can be over 1500 degrees as it tops the caldera, head downhill at over 60mph, and still encase you in 500 degree ash, for a personal, inside experience of a clay wrapped chicken recipe.
I hope they’re not experiencing such a pyroclastic flow.
oops, thanks for the correction. Normally I catch such misspellings like htat.
A new test for Monica’s anti-bullet “instinctual poiting”, eh?
Well, either you’re closing your eyes
To a situation you do now wish to acknowledge
Or you are not aware of the caliber of disaster indicated
By the presence of a volcano in your community.
Ya got trouble, my friend, right here,
I say, trouble right here in Desert Island.
Trouble, oh we got trouble,
Right here in Desert Island!
With a capital “T”
That rhymes with “V”
And that stands for Volcano,
That stands for Volcano.
We’ve surely got trouble!
Right here in Desert Island,
Right here!
Gotta figger out a way
To keep the young ones alive after school!
Trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble…
Silly girls. Did you think it’d be that easy?
Why do I get a sneaking suspicion that the Island is known popularly as Monster Island?
If we hear this next, you’re right.
History shows again and again, nature points out the folly of men — and women!
— and women!
— and women!
— and women!
Go go Godzilla!
must be friday… Paul is giving us another cliffhanger!
That was supposed to read:
I HATE IT when that happens! Damn it!!!
And the music goes round and round – and it comes out here !
Deposits complete PCGS 19th century type set into the pun vault . Valued in excess of 50K. Sobs quietly .
And that should cover any pun-ishing comments that I might make in the future.
I don’t know about that, as363. Are you making a claim that Paul’s characters in Wapsi Square are the victims of type-casting?
Perhaps that’s a leading question.
(drops a hand-crafted Shield of Umor into the Pun Jar)
Maybe Monday we find Monica and Jin have gone through an InterDimensional Doorway and turned into Cute, Fuzzy animals…..What? Nobodys read Kevin n’ Kell?
I don’t, but I do read one of the comics that had characters cross into it. Fun times.
Endtown would be a better reference point.
At first I thought it was Stinky dropping something heavy behind them, but the background looks like flames… I think the vulcanologists are correct.
A Volcanic Island with it’s own active volcano; yep, they know how to pick ’em.
And that, my children, is why you should always consult with local geological stations when going island-shopping.
♪I don’t know where I’m a-gonna go when the volcano blows…♫
I’m amazed i haven’t seen any avatars from that bottom panel yet…
(I’ve swapped mine around enough lately i’m holding off for a while…)
and how do you swap avatars? I’ve tried to; but the d*** system won’t let me.
You can have a different one for each e-mail address you use at Grvatar.
Sigh. ‘Gravatar’. Just go there and give an alternate e-mail address with your chosen name, it should let you.
‘Show’ + ‘Others’ = Shower
Did I got it right?
Maybe they missed the sign saying “Property of Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. Trespassers will be blown up.”
All your island now belong to us.
Stinky was my first thought, but you beat me to it by about twelve hours!
And there it is…
Could it be that when they were looking for a peaceful little hamlet, they chose the wrong character and made Ophelia’s Mistake?
“Get thee to a gunnery!”
Dave – I prepaid for mine – I think you have some donations to catch up .
(drops a large piece of uncurrent gold, and a sable silver’d, into the Pun Jar)
If it’s not currently gold, what is it?
“Sabled Silver”?
Oh, now come on people!!!! Can’t you catch even the simplest of heraldic puns?
Saving Dave to bother… plinks in 2 wooden nickles.
Judging from the position of the girls against the background shown in panel one, the fourth wall is at the waterline, or close to it, looking inland.
Without changing the POV, the girls have jerked their heads around to look at us, i.e., out to sea.
Unless the volcano has suddenly popped a cork offshore, it ain’t the volcano.
Curious though that the explosion seems to have occurred on the opposite side of the way they are facing, could their looks be a sort of comic aside to we the audience?
And I vote for volcanic activity based on what to me seem to be flaming magma blobs rocketing skyward in the upper right hand section of panel two along with blinding flash, sparky bits, and the afore mentioned earth-shattering ka-BOOM…
or even “hey, stinky got us an ‘island-warming’ present!!!” 😀 😀
Without going back and peeking, what was the first hint of the supernatural in WS?
Don’t cheat!
tepozcotl arrives
My webcomic cousin getting voodoo’d.
From 9/11/2001
I… told … them… to leave.. the … mineshaft… alone…. that stuff gets more.. potent, and … twitchy… as it ages… get to the south shore and hide in the lagoon. Do not eat the limpets, they will make you sick this time of year. The fiddler crabs are deliciouse, though… as are the razor clams and mussles. Make sure you boil them long enough. Wait… you can ‘poit’ to a seven-eleven, right? Never mind…
So the Island search went boom and bust, eh? Two sqeemeisters just got a seriouse bump of more than a butt here, I suspect their beer has already passed through their kidneys and points south. I doubt this is what they had in mind when they decided to get bombed….
(drops a federally licenced LMG ’08/’15 Spandau belt-feed WWI machinegun with re-built water jacket and 5,000 rounds of 8mm Mauser ammo into the pu vault)
oh yeah. there it is.
“Uhm, did you make that noise?”
[Urkel] Did I do thaaaat? [/Urkel]
Soon as I saw the island, made me think of the ending of Deep Rising. Was waiting for a pulled back view of the island, with Monica saying “NOW what?!?”
So, what story line will we start with Monday? Nudge admiring Justin’s “assets” in the Library? Or Mon and Jin on an exploding island? Or something else completely?
“And now for something completely different …”
::drops a Funny Walk and a dead parrot into the pun jar::
When you are on a tropical volcanic island the number one rule is don’t piss off Pele. I don’t know what those two did, but Pele is blowing her top.
Why yes, I lived in Hawaii for 4 whole years. I even know both pronunciations for pipeline.
Mother Nature needed some time to catch up with these two teleporters… But she already had been prescripted a storm for them! 😂