She just got hit with an exposition grade nuke.
I Love ur comic and art for years now and this is my first time commenting so please keep up the stellar work!
Awful? No, I been there. Your kid starts dumping something out on you, you have no idea where it’s going, and your face just freezes. All that can be read are the eyes – and in the second panel. all 6 sets of Kat’s have “blunked out” with processing overload.
When they’re done, you’re very careful with your next statement. In this case, I’m sure it was “OK, Red Cow sounds awesome”, then a quick “Let me tell Bryn” followed by a frenzied core-dump.
I doubt she had the wherewithal to even comment on Shawna…
Cass’s stutter, at this point, mostly shows up under conflicting emotions or stress.
My own tends to come out when I’m either angry or extremely tired. In general, it seems to happen when thoughts are moving exponentially faster than speech can keep up (again, for me. For others, there are likely different causes.)
There also used to be a chain called Red Steer. Been out of business (at least in my area) for a LOOOOOOOONG time. But it would appear that there is an actual place called Red Cow, so…
For those of you not in the know or too lazy to look it up: Red Cow is a gourmet burger chain based in the TC, with one restaurant in Uptown Minneapolis. A bit like Red Robin (yum!).
Her Original Software asserted itself, and recorded the the new information as a “Seismic Anomaly.” She’s in the middle of a System Restore , to an earlier Set-point. You have to wonder if this will invoke an irrational urge to move to Montana.
It sucks when your kids start needing someone else more than they need you. Not long after that, they’ll be gone. They’ll call you on the phone once in a while, if you’re lucky.
Nope, still don’t get it. I understand Kath’s emotional reaction, but it’s not a reversal of roles so I don’t see why it’s symbolized by the body switching.
Now that I think about it — have we found out what Kath now does in Real Life for work, since her Grand Adventure? (Does she work for MIB or something greater?)
That answered my question, all right! If I had seen RC-Uptown this afternoon, that would have been my choice. This undoubtedly reflects my observation skills, rather than Google’s display algorithms.
She just got hit with an exposition grade nuke.
I Love ur comic and art for years now and this is my first time commenting so please keep up the stellar work!
Mom feels
All the feels
Typo, Paul, in Shawna’s name.
Smiling through the awful shock.
Awful? No, I been there. Your kid starts dumping something out on you, you have no idea where it’s going, and your face just freezes. All that can be read are the eyes – and in the second panel. all 6 sets of Kat’s have “blunked out” with processing overload.
When they’re done, you’re very careful with your next statement. In this case, I’m sure it was “OK, Red Cow sounds awesome”, then a quick “Let me tell Bryn” followed by a frenzied core-dump.
I doubt she had the wherewithal to even comment on Shawna…
Hence the “Breathe” comment.
Very info-packed statement. Red Cow.
OK! I waited a day, and did anyone else notice?
Not ONE Stutter, not one!!
[I’m pretty sure Katherine did.]
Cass’s stutter, at this point, mostly shows up under conflicting emotions or stress.
My own tends to come out when I’m either angry or extremely tired. In general, it seems to happen when thoughts are moving exponentially faster than speech can keep up (again, for me. For others, there are likely different causes.)
They grow up so fast…
Red Cow instead of Black Angus……noice!
“The” Red Cow. A restaurant obviously
So’s Black Angus. We used to have a couple of ’em in Boise.
Just a hunch, but is sounds like some mad scientist crossbred Red Robin with Black Angus.
There also used to be a chain called Red Steer. Been out of business (at least in my area) for a LOOOOOOOONG time. But it would appear that there is an actual place called Red Cow, so…
For those of you not in the know or too lazy to look it up: Red Cow is a gourmet burger chain based in the TC, with one restaurant in Uptown Minneapolis. A bit like Red Robin (yum!).
It’s good to have a Bryn around…
Ok correct me if I am wrong but isn’t usually the computer system doing the memory dump does the blue screen of death? lol
That wasn’t a memory dump, Kat just opened a detailed log file.
Her Original Software asserted itself, and recorded the the new information as a “Seismic Anomaly.” She’s in the middle of a System Restore , to an earlier Set-point. You have to wonder if this will invoke an irrational urge to move to Montana.
Am I the only one here who doesn’t understand the last panel?
looks like you havent got young kids…
It sucks when your kids start needing someone else more than they need you. Not long after that, they’ll be gone. They’ll call you on the phone once in a while, if you’re lucky.
Nope, still don’t get it. I understand Kath’s emotional reaction, but it’s not a reversal of roles so I don’t see why it’s symbolized by the body switching.
What body switching? The last panel is Kath being comforted by Bryn because Kath is freaking out that her “baby” is growing up.
aww, is Katherine worried that Pickle is going to have a hard time because of this? ~<3
Breathing. That’s the key. You’d be surprised how many people forget to breathe.
How was your day, Mom?
*SIGH* if ONLY real life could be like this…
Now that I think about it — have we found out what Kath now does in Real Life for work, since her Grand Adventure? (Does she work for MIB or something greater?)
Atsali told Skylar that Kath was a Senior MIB Agent, so working for MIB it seems.
I looked up Red Cow. Burgers and Craft beers…
…can I tag along??
I wonder which location? My guess is North Loop.
You mean there actually IS a place called Red Cow??? (I thought it was a plot device that Paul had cooked up)
That answered my question, all right! If I had seen RC-Uptown this afternoon, that would have been my choice. This undoubtedly reflects my observation skills, rather than Google’s display algorithms.
Of course it’s the Uptown restaurant. It’s the one closest to where they live…
… and they have Bottle Wine, and $7 Appetizers!
Bryn: “Breathe!”
Kath: “I am breathing!”
Bryn: “That’s hyperventilating. It’s not the same thing.”