Many people wold give you scolding remarks about that pun… might even make their blood boil!
But to me it’s just water of my back, and I prefer to go with the flow.
Nah. Two of the kids at school. Ruri is a teapot come to life because it was loved, Alana is her friend/caretaker. Click on their names in the “characters” section below the comic and you can find their first appearance and following where they explain it.
It wasn’t really explained what the limit would be of her “coming apart”. She said it takes a lot of energy to maintain human form, so clearly the noodles and pizza were not enough…
Google-search or see Wikipedia for “tea cosy”. Every teapot tsukumogami should have her own lovingly-hand-knitted tea cosy, to get her through those cold winter nights.
soo?? will she (Ruri) ever talk bout her siblings ( Chadogu ) ,, cuz as much as they love tea ceremony (Chado ) she can’t be the only one out of the set .. out of the set of 7 (one cup ,Chawan) i would say at least 3 made it,,, ( the tea storage jar, Chigusa,, the water pot, “Ruri,” Kyusu,, an a cup, Chawan..
Damn that girl can EAT!
Also I find it interesting that a Sentient Teapot would choose to practice an activity that requires precision and BALANCE. She not just holding human form. She’s training her Kinesthetic Sense.
Alana’s bleach job seems to be holding up better than most. No roots showing.
I assume the black hair back in high school was her natural color. Of course it could be a magical effect?
no.. all she (Ruri) had, would have been water… the tea is mixed in the cup (Chawan)…
an Ruri’s style of teapot would be called ” Uwade no Kyusu.” or handle on top teapot,, an IF she is a pottery pot (not metal) could also be called “Dobin” = earthen pot…
Holy cow! I’m soo hungry and that noodle bowl looks delicious!
But I thought there was a rule that you should never eat anything bigger than your head.
She’s not eating the bowl, and there’s nothing in the bowl bigger than her head (even if the pile of them might be).
Colin McKenzie: Except pizza?
You dont consume POWER SOURCES bigger than your head. Per evil overlord list
…Out Cold-brew?
Many people wold give you scolding remarks about that pun… might even make their blood boil!
But to me it’s just water of my back, and I prefer to go with the flow.
I love that her knees are scraped and bruised.
In the final panel?
I guess she can never live alone. She seems to need to be with someone that loves her.
Ruri got some good moves.
Tongue in the first frame is adorable.
So so cuuuuuuuute.
Tongue position … the Feng Shui of skate boarding.
The tongue out looks cool right until you blow a move and bite the hell out of it.
Then you learn to keep the darned thing in your mouth
Is that a slice of pizza (folded) in the middle panel?
Pretty sure it is!
Either that, or an unusually large slab of octopus sushi.
Pizza is a better bet… Ruri is a college student and I imagine she’s on a limited budget.
I thought it was a banh mi sandwich. But yeah, now that you mention it, that’s a properly folded slice of pizza.
Hah! Until your comment, I thought it was a Pop-Tart.
I hope her state at the end of the day isn’t permanent.
Being human form takes a lot of energy. Out like a light would be the human expression.
Totally forgotten who these two are. Are they the vampires, who one of them is Kath’s granma or something?
Alana was another student at Gryphon High who was in Atsali’s graduating class. Para background unknown.
Ruri was a teapot that was used and loved by her family for 100 years, and became an infant. Eighteen years later, she’s a college student.
Nah. Two of the kids at school. Ruri is a teapot come to life because it was loved, Alana is her friend/caretaker. Click on their names in the “characters” section below the comic and you can find their first appearance and following where they explain it.
Eh, beaten.
She’s the Velveteen Teapot.
I didn’t realize she could return to her teapot state.
Ditto …
My bet is that this is just a regular new (old?) teapot and she’s just habing a cup of tea with Alana… 🙂
This must be what she meant when she said when she drains her energy too much, her human form “falls apart.”
It wasn’t really explained what the limit would be of her “coming apart”. She said it takes a lot of energy to maintain human form, so clearly the noodles and pizza were not enough…
That, or eating doesn’t help with the kind of energy she needs. She eats for the sensation of eating, not because it provides any energy benefit.
Or the food maintained her enough to finish up and get back to the dorm.
I wonder how Ruri would do having some of Castela’s special root beer?
I’d say she had an active day, sustained by dinner and snax, got home tired, fell asleep, and *pop!*
@Jeff Weiner
“I wonder how Ruri would do having some of Castela’s special root beer?“
Good question 🤔
Does a sentient teapot need a bed, or can you just leave it in the kitchen for resting?? So many awkward questions…
Teapot-sized bed wherever THEY want it to be is the way I’d go. They want to sleep in the kitchen? I’m not gonna yuck their yum.
Google-search or see Wikipedia for “tea cosy”. Every teapot tsukumogami should have her own lovingly-hand-knitted tea cosy, to get her through those cold winter nights.
IF she is still part of a set, (Chanoyu) then she has a box that all of the “set” is stored in,, and NOT in the kitchen..
here is a “basic set” ..
soo?? will she (Ruri) ever talk bout her siblings ( Chadogu ) ,, cuz as much as they love tea ceremony (Chado ) she can’t be the only one out of the set .. out of the set of 7 (one cup ,Chawan) i would say at least 3 made it,,, ( the tea storage jar, Chigusa,, the water pot, “Ruri,” Kyusu,, an a cup, Chawan..
Holy crap in a car crash…SHE’S DJINN!!! (genie)
Ruri is delightful.
Damn that girl can EAT!
Also I find it interesting that a Sentient Teapot would choose to practice an activity that requires precision and BALANCE. She not just holding human form. She’s training her Kinesthetic Sense.
Alana’s bleach job seems to be holding up better than most. No roots showing.
I assume the black hair back in high school was her natural color. Of course it could be a magical effect?
What is Alana anywho? She’s always had very pronounced fangs so I presume she’s some sort of predator.
All we know is she went to Gryphon High and was in Atsali’s graduating class, so far.
When all you had to eat or drink for over a century was tea… I guess you savor the chance to try other things.
no.. all she (Ruri) had, would have been water… the tea is mixed in the cup (Chawan)…
an Ruri’s style of teapot would be called ” Uwade no Kyusu.” or handle on top teapot,, an IF she is a pottery pot (not metal) could also be called “Dobin” = earthen pot…
Ah, “loose leaf”, and the pot is only used to boil the water?
It’s been so long (like decades) since I read up on Japanese traditional tea that I’d forgotten all that. Thx.
Darn straight. That rule applies for any activity.
Oh, lordy, that was supposed to be a reply to Syncline’ s post about sticking your tongue out.
🥴I really love Ruri‘s eyes ☺️