1) Last we saw the Machine it seemed to be floating, so perhaps its mass was miniscule to begin with?
2) Who’s to say all that mass isn’t still there? Just pray Bud doesn’t drop it!
Maybe all the mass is all right there? You know, a 5-ton mass the size of a pebble. Bud wouldn’t have a problem holding that!
On the other hand… “The minute that the calendar entered demon space, it became harmless.” …So, she brought it back here, where it still has power over time and space, regardless of appearance?
The old “broken record” communication technique. Works great. Most people – and demons – finally get the point. Ooh, me! Me! I want those little remains to encase in Lucite™!
SoWhyMe: I don’t think it’s just been downsized. It’s been squashed. And since the time stream has not been reset and restarted 1450 years ago – the present is continuing – Bud’s rather drastic solution to the problem seems to have worked.
I am so glad that Paul is resolving some of the threads. One of the things I wondered about was Bud’s sudden command of the situation. Now it’s clear her direction was Brandi’s doing – which made Bud’s comment about how Brandi could intellectually speaking mop the floor with Bud and Jin make much more sense. Brandi outthought herself to engineer the endgame.
Not to belittle Jin, who held it all together cycle after endless cycle. Be interesting to see what personality changes result, when that crushing load is taken away from her.
I am also interested in seeing what Monica will now make of the resources of the library. She is a researcher, after all, and I can think of several story lines involving that treasure trove.
I’m thinking (hoping?) that Maya will be able to help out Jin’s personality issues. And, of course, she will be able to clue the three of them in on the “limitations” of being Golems.
It might also be interesting if Monica goes to the library, only to find out that Phix is no longer there…
I’m still a bit unclear on why it was essential that Shelly hate Jin this time around. Whatever part did that play in making Shelly more or less intent on per part in the project, beyond on basically ignoring Jin’s presence?
Maybe last time Jin couldn’t help but intervine when it turned out that there had to be a sacrifice. Whever it was Shelly stabbing her friend or some variant on that theme she probably would have tried to stop it right?
I haven’t stated directly the specific reason but when Shelly and Jin were close, things did not work out. This is just another glimpse of the loss Jin has experienced having repeated things over and over again, trying to get things right.
It was necessary for Shelly to dislike Jin this time around because in past loops, they were friends, and Shelly died in the previous atemmpts, probably messily, or so Paul implied. She didn’t want to be close to her again, and loose her again. Or, to save her from the anguish of loosing Jin, contrariwise.
I seem to recall that Jin was acting on what Previous!Shelly told her. She may not even know the reason; only that Shelly said “We can’t be friends next time — you have to make sure we aren’t.”
Oh. THAT’S a relief. As my previous comments showed, my concerns about the Calendar Machine were similar to Brandi’s (“What if… But what if…”). But a squished Calendar Machine is a SAFE Calendar Machine. Good job, Bud.
Athough if it was alive and sentient, sucked to be it right then.
That just doesn’t bode well. If its a diamond now… Then maybe that is ok… but… It just doesn’t feel right… Of course this thing coming back would explain why they took care of it so early… If it returns they have a bit over a year until the old calender resets… It will be interesting.
Srsly, and sorry if this has already been asked, but do you think we might get a flashback (either story arc or just a panel or two) of what happened when Bud went apeshit in demonland? Not right NOW of course, but later on down the line maybe. I think we’ve had plenty of epicness for a good while.
Well, one also has to wonder how much of the mass of the calendar machine was “in phase” when it got squish-id… We’ve heard/seen that parts of it may or may not have been in phase. There’s also the wonder if, like in cartoons, when you smash something with gears and such (like alarm clocks), that not ALL of the parts remain in the ground zero area you are squashing. So there may be lots of floating in/out of phase gears bent all Dali style hovering in the demon realm. I imagine Jin’s Doubt kicking one halfway across the demon plane and then an anger demon walking up, tsking. “Now you’re channeling me. Perhaps in the next incarnation you’re in, you could take my place.” “No. I was just.. doubting whether I could kick it that far. Apparently I was wrong to Doubt.” *And she disappeared in a puff of logic.*
Interesting idea–but I’d think the demon realm is more of a projective plane or Klein Bottle-shaped analogue – you know, there is no inside or outside, so it’s impossible to get out of it!
Not likely unless the specification she set up for the machine happened to include this condition seeing that it is so far outside the environment it is supposed to operate in.
Ah, it’s moments like this that remind me why I truely and completely luv Bud.
So *That’s* what Bud was doing while over there….
But why did she(Bud) leave it in one *bleep*ing piece?!
Complex clockwork mechanisms don’t do well when their myriad of pieces get squashed into a solid blob.
ROTFLOL!! Oh, that’s delightful! And I agree, Christi, Bud’s my favorite too.
Okay. She squished it.
What happened to the mass?
Yeah – i know – cartoon physics.
1) Last we saw the Machine it seemed to be floating, so perhaps its mass was miniscule to begin with?
2) Who’s to say all that mass isn’t still there? Just pray Bud doesn’t drop it!
Maybe all the mass is all right there? You know, a 5-ton mass the size of a pebble. Bud wouldn’t have a problem holding that!
On the other hand… “The minute that the calendar entered demon space, it became harmless.” …So, she brought it back here, where it still has power over time and space, regardless of appearance?
“5-ton mass the size of a pebble”?
Strong chair.
Hehe. For some reason, I keep thinking of the “Cube” from Transformers.
It became completely and totally harmless. Then she squashed it, so it was no longer any kind of machine at all. Then she brought it back.
Remember Bud’s talent for making diamonds…?
What? No diamond this time?
Well, put it in the Apple Diamond jar anyway…
Nope, this time she put some effort into it. This is probably about the density of a white dwarf star…
LOL. So it’s fixed by smashing it? I do that all the time.
Hah. I love how she calmly repeats herself over and over. The emphasis at the end there was pretty hilarious. ^_^
Percussive – or compressive? – maintenance
Been there, done that with rather recalcitrant machines
Good going, Bud!
More like compressive demolition. That machine ain’t gonna work again, nohow.
Bud made a calendar machine diamond? That is freakin’ sweet!
I’m not so sure it was a good idea to bring it back, regardless of it’s now diminutive size.
Ah, the old collapsed matter solution. Not as dense as a proton mass, but the electron clouds of the atoms have been greatly inconvenienced.
The old “broken record” communication technique. Works great. Most people – and demons – finally get the point. Ooh, me! Me! I want those little remains to encase in Lucite™!
“We are sitting in a car.”
K9 reference ftw!!
I *loved* that episode! Was wonderful to see Sarah Jane Smith again. And K-9 as well! :thumbsup:
Poor K-9 on the initial episode of the SJS Adventures…
SoWhyMe: I don’t think it’s just been downsized. It’s been squashed. And since the time stream has not been reset and restarted 1450 years ago – the present is continuing – Bud’s rather drastic solution to the problem seems to have worked.
Actually, we have to wait two years to see if it’s actually not going to reset.
I am so glad that Paul is resolving some of the threads. One of the things I wondered about was Bud’s sudden command of the situation. Now it’s clear her direction was Brandi’s doing – which made Bud’s comment about how Brandi could intellectually speaking mop the floor with Bud and Jin make much more sense. Brandi outthought herself to engineer the endgame.
Not to belittle Jin, who held it all together cycle after endless cycle. Be interesting to see what personality changes result, when that crushing load is taken away from her.
I am also interested in seeing what Monica will now make of the resources of the library. She is a researcher, after all, and I can think of several story lines involving that treasure trove.
Fun times coming …
I’m thinking (hoping?) that Maya will be able to help out Jin’s personality issues. And, of course, she will be able to clue the three of them in on the “limitations” of being Golems.
It might also be interesting if Monica goes to the library, only to find out that Phix is no longer there…
I’m still a bit unclear on why it was essential that Shelly hate Jin this time around. Whatever part did that play in making Shelly more or less intent on per part in the project, beyond on basically ignoring Jin’s presence?
Maybe last time Jin couldn’t help but intervine when it turned out that there had to be a sacrifice. Whever it was Shelly stabbing her friend or some variant on that theme she probably would have tried to stop it right?
I haven’t stated directly the specific reason but when Shelly and Jin were close, things did not work out. This is just another glimpse of the loss Jin has experienced having repeated things over and over again, trying to get things right.
Bud should go into the car-crushing business.
Shelly could toss the cars to her, and Bud could catch and miniaturize them!
Bud team FTW!
Anyone need a miniaturized Xerox Z2012 Calendar/Fax/Copy machine?
I predict that we’ll be seeing this part of the story arc again in 1.450 years…..
Nice way to end the time calender thing… except she brought it back.. o.o;
It’s been squashed. As in crushed. Machines don’t stay functional after you do that to them.
It was necessary for Shelly to dislike Jin this time around because in past loops, they were friends, and Shelly died in the previous atemmpts, probably messily, or so Paul implied. She didn’t want to be close to her again, and loose her again. Or, to save her from the anguish of loosing Jin, contrariwise.
I seem to recall that Jin was acting on what Previous!Shelly told her. She may not even know the reason; only that Shelly said “We can’t be friends next time — you have to make sure we aren’t.”
Well, that sure answers THAT question.
Oh. THAT’S a relief. As my previous comments showed, my concerns about the Calendar Machine were similar to Brandi’s (“What if… But what if…”). But a squished Calendar Machine is a SAFE Calendar Machine. Good job, Bud.
Athough if it was alive and sentient, sucked to be it right then.
Heh I have a feeling thats a squished something. just not the calender machine.
Better to tell a tiny fib than the truth and have brandi worry
And we’ve all heard that “Diamonds are forever”. (c8
That just doesn’t bode well. If its a diamond now… Then maybe that is ok… but… It just doesn’t feel right… Of course this thing coming back would explain why they took care of it so early… If it returns they have a bit over a year until the old calender resets… It will be interesting.
Someone’s got a glass half empty attitude!
My theory is that the newly diminutive calendar machine will still reset in 2012, but will only go back three weeks.
Or maybe we’ll just have much smaller seconds, so time will go forward, but really, really fast. But due to relativity, of course, no one will notice.
Any movie references coming up tomorrow?
None that i can think of.
Now from Apple, …. the iCalendarmachine! It fits in your ear and makes temporal recursions. Get yours today!
Warranty void in the demon realm, Alaska, and Hawaii
Srsly, and sorry if this has already been asked, but do you think we might get a flashback (either story arc or just a panel or two) of what happened when Bud went apeshit in demonland? Not right NOW of course, but later on down the line maybe. I think we’ve had plenty of epicness for a good while.
That might be a great idea for a story line down the line. =)
Stupid machine! You go Squish now!
Anyone else have this image of Bud pulling an Office Space copier moment on the Calendar Machine
What if, what if, what if…you’re starting to sound like me now, Brandy!
Well, one also has to wonder how much of the mass of the calendar machine was “in phase” when it got squish-id… We’ve heard/seen that parts of it may or may not have been in phase. There’s also the wonder if, like in cartoons, when you smash something with gears and such (like alarm clocks), that not ALL of the parts remain in the ground zero area you are squashing. So there may be lots of floating in/out of phase gears bent all Dali style hovering in the demon realm. I imagine Jin’s Doubt kicking one halfway across the demon plane and then an anger demon walking up, tsking. “Now you’re channeling me. Perhaps in the next incarnation you’re in, you could take my place.” “No. I was just.. doubting whether I could kick it that far. Apparently I was wrong to Doubt.” *And she disappeared in a puff of logic.*
And then we find out that the demon realm is a spherical universe and the gear smacks Anger in the back of the head.
Interesting idea–but I’d think the demon realm is more of a projective plane or Klein Bottle-shaped analogue – you know, there is no inside or outside, so it’s impossible to get out of it!
Also, with Maya standing right there, wouldn’t she be able to tell if it’d still cause problems, given the fact that she helped make the thing?
Not likely unless the specification she set up for the machine happened to include this condition seeing that it is so far outside the environment it is supposed to operate in.