Now, if you really want to demonstrate your nerdish potential, Mindy, you would invent and successfully market a very sophisticated automatic-sprayer-and-squeegee attachment for glasses like yours. Equip it with a voice recognition system, and a simple “Hey, dude, wipe off that cheese-puff dust!” order would activate the circuitry and render the lenses squeaky-clean within moments.
It wasn’t that we didn’t notice them, it was that we didn’t know how to see them. We could look right at them and not know what we were looking at, which was a shame.
A glamour that HIDES her actual appearance. What ever Para Mindy is, she is apparently more human in appearance then most, and is CONCEALING it, [the same way she wrapped her chest with ACE Bandages.]
Am I the only one who prefers her with the glasses on? She looks like shes got half the IQ with them off. and yes that as ignorant as thinking she’s less hot with them on. But I really dig smart girls.
Those are clearly Oz-grade Anonymity Spectacles. Did she get them from Ozma? Though they might be a Gallifreyan Perception Filter…but the Kryptonian Galactic Stupidity Inducer Glasses are probably the best bet. After all…
Difference between Mindy and Hollywood Cliché: HC is nerdy woman who doesn’t know how attractive she is until some guy “discovers” her. Mindy knows damn well what her abilities do, and she takes deliberate steps to hide them. Her beauty is like Pickle’s plasma beams. Remember the flashlight trick to fool Valerie into ignoring her glowing hand?
It really occurs to me in this that the skirts are depicted waaaaay too short. Pretty much standard dress code is that they can be no shorter than the tips of your fingers with your arms strait at your sides. Pretty sure if any of the teachers I had caught anyone wearing a micro skirt, they would have had an aneurysm.
I never believed in that phrase, “Men don’t make passes at girls who wear glasses”. Some of the Hottest girls in school wore glasses and besides… It gave you one more thing to take off. 😀
I theorized on an earlier strip’s comments section that Mindy may both need the glasses to see correctly, and to also hide her true appearance. Whether she’s Aphrodite’s great-granddaughter or merely her granddaughter (both were mentioned in the strip), she still is either 3/4 human, or up to 7/8 human (assuming she’s descended from one of Aphrodite’s mortal lovers and not another of the gods). In any event, she may have enough “goddess-ness” in her to still have a literally unearthly beauty about her, but not enough to counteract other common human genetic maladies such as astigmatism/poor vision. So the thinking might have been “as long as she needs the glasses, let’s enchant them to hide her true appearance”, for better or worse. Time will tell if my theory is correct.
Now, if you really want to demonstrate your nerdish potential, Mindy, you would invent and successfully market a very sophisticated automatic-sprayer-and-squeegee attachment for glasses like yours. Equip it with a voice recognition system, and a simple “Hey, dude, wipe off that cheese-puff dust!” order would activate the circuitry and render the lenses squeaky-clean within moments.
🤔… ↑💡This‼️💡↑
AH! Mindy swiped Superman’s glasses! What will Clark do?
They are Kryptonian-grade specs, that’s for sure!
Those specs are magic! They MUST be!
There weren’t any geeks like her when I was young.
yes there were. you didnt notice them
It wasn’t that we didn’t notice them, it was that we didn’t know how to see them. We could look right at them and not know what we were looking at, which was a shame.
I’d say Myk’s got it.
And the few we did spot, we still couldn’t work up the nerve to talk to.
“She’s All That” intensifies
Well sha is Aphrodite’s grandaughter after all.
Ah! that would explain it! Wait … “daughter?” and she’s still in High School?
That’s Aphrodite’s great</b-granddaughter 🙄
That’s Aphrodite’s great-granddaughter 🙄
There has got to be a glamor on those glasses!
A glamour that HIDES her actual appearance. What ever Para Mindy is, she is apparently more human in appearance then most, and is CONCEALING it, [the same way she wrapped her chest with ACE Bandages.]
She’s Aphrodite’s granddaughter. She’s a hemidemigoddess (one-quarter goddess) with beauty greater than mortal.
If they held a beauty pageant at Gryphon High, I think she’d be the winner hands down.
That’s if you can get her to take off her glasses, and break out of her shell.
If they held a beauty pageant she’d be disqualified on account of her grandmother. She’d probably be Shanghai’d into being a judge though.
Ugh. Can we NOT do that hackneyed old trope, please?
Wow! Diamonds are no longer the hardest substance on Earth!
“Mindy is Hollywood Homely” confirmed.
But is that how she wants to be seen?
Mindy is a geek in the streets, and a freak in the sheets!
She’s got that “Hot For Teacher” kinda vibe.
Am I the only one who prefers her with the glasses on? She looks like shes got half the IQ with them off. and yes that as ignorant as thinking she’s less hot with them on. But I really dig smart girls.
Nope, Barb prefers her with the glasses as well (oh, and me 🙂 )
That explains a lot. She’s not hiding her looks to protect herself — she’s hiding them to protect everyone else!
….and suddenly I hear Rorschach yelling in the background…
Those are clearly Oz-grade Anonymity Spectacles. Did she get them from Ozma? Though they might be a Gallifreyan Perception Filter…but the Kryptonian Galactic Stupidity Inducer Glasses are probably the best bet. After all…
Difference between Mindy and Hollywood Cliché: HC is nerdy woman who doesn’t know how attractive she is until some guy “discovers” her. Mindy knows damn well what her abilities do, and she takes deliberate steps to hide them. Her beauty is like Pickle’s plasma beams. Remember the flashlight trick to fool Valerie into ignoring her glowing hand?
↑This‼️↑ (Duh_uh🙄)
It really occurs to me in this that the skirts are depicted waaaaay too short. Pretty much standard dress code is that they can be no shorter than the tips of your fingers with your arms strait at your sides. Pretty sure if any of the teachers I had caught anyone wearing a micro skirt, they would have had an aneurysm.
I always wonder if they’re skirts, or belts.
I suspect that this is at least partly due to an anime/manga trope being in effect.
There’s not a female who wears skirts in WS who wouldn’t get an indecent exposure summons every time the wind blows…
I never believed in that phrase, “Men don’t make passes at girls who wear glasses”. Some of the Hottest girls in school wore glasses and besides… It gave you one more thing to take off. 😀
And at that very moment; TIME…STOOD…STOCK…STILL…
Only for those in her presence who were NOT god(dess) and/or demi-god(ess)‼️
Cute, but I believe she should keep the freckles.
I theorized on an earlier strip’s comments section that Mindy may both need the glasses to see correctly, and to also hide her true appearance. Whether she’s Aphrodite’s great-granddaughter or merely her granddaughter (both were mentioned in the strip), she still is either 3/4 human, or up to 7/8 human (assuming she’s descended from one of Aphrodite’s mortal lovers and not another of the gods). In any event, she may have enough “goddess-ness” in her to still have a literally unearthly beauty about her, but not enough to counteract other common human genetic maladies such as astigmatism/poor vision. So the thinking might have been “as long as she needs the glasses, let’s enchant them to hide her true appearance”, for better or worse. Time will tell if my theory is correct.
Cheese dust?
No, this is more like cheesecake!
Not that I’m complaining or anything like that because this isn’t a complaint.