And, luckily for true addicts, there are coffeemakers with timers, so you can prepare the first pot when you can still function without coffee, thereby avoiding the whole dilemma of how to prepare coffee when you need coffee to be able to function enough to prepare coffee.
Hey, like the girl said, she needs her coffee.
I can see the similarities between her and me in the morning…
If she can move that fast without coffee, maybe she doesn’t need it as much as she thinks she does?
Addictions work in mysterious ways
I doubt she needs to consume organic material to live, if she doesn’t want to, or have it available. She still enjoys the pleasure of eating.
Coffee is a great motivator. You rush to get it, then it keeps you going after you drink it. The perfect morning beverage!
So. Bud & Brandi live West of Mucho Mocha. Interesting…
As a coffee addict, I don’t NEED coffee, but coffee takes the urge to murder the whole world from a 9 to about a 3.
And, luckily for true addicts, there are coffeemakers with timers, so you can prepare the first pot when you can still function without coffee, thereby avoiding the whole dilemma of how to prepare coffee when you need coffee to be able to function enough to prepare coffee.