You’d actually touch the contagion-ridden, bushy-tailed tree rat with your bare hands?! Good job, that’s how pandemics get started. If there’s any person destined to be patient zero in the upcoming zombie armageddon, it’s you.
My favourite comic for the ‘cute pets’ – the hyper ferret and the insanely violet lop-eared rabbit. I still remember disturbing the office I was working in with a burst of laughter when they fed Kiki pixie sticks, she blasted through a wall, and the easiest way to catch her was to head in the opposite direction and catch her as she came around… ooh, shiny…
That’s why I usually buy three or more – I cut one small one open and stuff bread chunks and bird seed inside and put it out for the squirrels, that way I have the rest to myself 😉
Do we distinguish between pumpkin murderers and pumpkin eaters in ways similar to the difference between weeds and garden plants?
I.e., weeds are plants where they are not wanted; pumpkin murderers are pumpkin eaters when they are not the intended eaters?
Should have brought it in…
DO IT DO IT! KILL THE SQUIRRELS! Filthy little rabid things
I’d think they’re more likely to carry the plague.
I like squirrels!
*leaps in front of you and takes it home before you can murder it, you meany-head*
You’d actually touch the contagion-ridden, bushy-tailed tree rat with your bare hands?! Good job, that’s how pandemics get started. If there’s any person destined to be patient zero in the upcoming zombie armageddon, it’s you.
My grandpa used to pay me and my cousins to shoot all the tree-rats (bb and pellet guns) that were destroying his bird feeders.
If you are what you eat, the squirrels are just plain nuts. And maybe a little pecans too.
I’d like to see them when she’s done…BUST UP LAFFIN!
At least they don’t look organized enough to be part of the rodent revolution…
She’s gonna go all Nolan Joker on those squirrels. XD
Why so serious mr.Squirrel ?!
why didn’t she bring it indoors?
good question
Pumpkins are messy. If its out back she can just leave the spilled innards in the lawn for some good mulch.
Because she thought a coworker had eaten all the squirrels that were more hyper then an ADD afflicted ferret stuck on the sugar rush of the century.
That is NOT Kiki. Sorry.
My favourite comic for the ‘cute pets’ – the hyper ferret and the insanely violet lop-eared rabbit. I still remember disturbing the office I was working in with a burst of laughter when they fed Kiki pixie sticks, she blasted through a wall, and the easiest way to catch her was to head in the opposite direction and catch her as she came around… ooh, shiny…
That’s why I usually buy three or more – I cut one small one open and stuff bread chunks and bird seed inside and put it out for the squirrels, that way I have the rest to myself 😉
Paul, your squirrel is adorable.
Do we distinguish between pumpkin murderers and pumpkin eaters in ways similar to the difference between weeds and garden plants?
I.e., weeds are plants where they are not wanted; pumpkin murderers are pumpkin eaters when they are not the intended eaters?
How…in the WORLD did those squirrels take it apart that fast?
very carefully
Cows and deer love to eat pumpkins, too. That’s why you never see any cows or deer carving them for Halloween.
They have the tools!
The fluffy tailed tree rats strike again.
It was HER pumpkin to kill! Her rage is justified!