for people who already swap spit, among the transfer of other bodily fluids, sheesh… using one another’s toothbrush isn’t that bad… but as for the toilet paper… uhh… I don’t even reuse my OWN… but if you’re talking about TP sitting on a roll in the bathroom, then I thought that stuff was fair game.
The reverse situation is not generally as socially acceptable. Probably not comfortable either, I imagine women’s underwear would ride up my ass and strangle my junk.
no, she actually did try to brush her teeth with a rotten banana once, I forget the strip and my computer’s acting up when I try to search for it though.
Toothbrushes are sacred!
Toothbrushes are like toilet paper. DO NOT USE SOMEONE ELSE’S!!!
for people who already swap spit, among the transfer of other bodily fluids, sheesh… using one another’s toothbrush isn’t that bad… but as for the toilet paper… uhh… I don’t even reuse my OWN… but if you’re talking about TP sitting on a roll in the bathroom, then I thought that stuff was fair game.
Yeah, I’m finding that one confusing too. I mean… who would reuse toilet paper? Even for themselves? It’s a worrying thought.
better the toothbrushes than the panties
I’ve borrowed the boyfriend’s underwear… though since it was clean, this may be a bit off topic.
(Boxer-briefs are super comfy!)
The reverse situation is not generally as socially acceptable. Probably not comfortable either, I imagine women’s underwear would ride up my ass and strangle my junk.
Mostly they let your junk hang out. They aren’t built to contain.
i like a line from the 1st panel: “my boobs are considered concealed weapons in 17 states.”
That’s a lie. They can’t be concealed lol
There is a reference back to the old band in the wall of text… “I once tried to brush my teeth with a rotten banana”… That was fermented though…
no, she actually did try to brush her teeth with a rotten banana once, I forget the strip and my computer’s acting up when I try to search for it though.
you need to see an episode of seinfeld. jerry drops his gf’s brush in the toilet and for the entire episode refuses to kiss her
…And here I thought Monica was the vamp!