If it was any one else other than on of the Waspi girls, I’d be worried it I heard them say the walls are talking.
On the other hand, maybe I should still be worried.
I’ve got my money on her her boobs (don’t they put in inplants through the belly button now adays?), others say the brain stem. If it was her boobs, I don’t see an improvement in bust size.
She looks happy… and she has the wrong eyes! I always thought Jin’s eyes were one of her most interesting features, but today they don’t look the same at all! Will they always be open a bit wider from now on, to reflect a more care-free Jin…?
Wholly shitt! So since we’ve seen that Bud has access panels, we just need three more volunteers to go to the time forst for 80000 years, start the loops again, create and destroy three more calendar machines, and Bud, Brandi and May can be human too!
With those two comments and Paul’s little smile there, I think I’ll second your concern (and jwhouk) that this might not be Jin but her little spook instead.
The comment “the room seems bigger” would indicate a child’s perspective, however, she isn’t freaked out about being in a strange place, so that seems more like she’s actually Jin.
Unless, of course, the reason that the walls aren’t talking, is that ceiling said “Sssh. Shut up, you guys, or she’ll hear what we’re planning to do to her.”
I still wonder if Jin’s also back to human now as well. She may be, after all, May could have figured a way to reverse the golem process back when she was dabbling with it. If so, now they need to find 3 more “keys.” But … probably not.
As Sergeant Taura says to Miles Vorkosigan, new troops may think they’re scared before their first drop. They’re not really scared ’till the second drop, because then they know first-hand what’s coming.
Johnny Rico would tell you you’re only nervous until you drop. Afterwards it’s smooth sailing. If anything happens, you’re dead so quick you don’t even feel it happen.
Aha! Pinoccio has become a real girl, sans monster canines..
Nowwwww And looking prety happy…. How would Bud and Brandi feel about becoming human again?
Sa.ehhhmm Shelly? I’ve got this thingymajigg, found in Ireland, here, would You mind holding it for a bit?
I’m sure they’d be happy about it. Still, it would destroy a large part of the story if the girls stop being golems. To me, anyway, it would lose a major plot factor and decrease it’s appeal and wow factor overall. Not that there isn’t still a lot left; Phix, Shelinx, Nudge, Tina, but no golems would be a significant minus.
Forgot to mention that the reason for the hiatus was that Anne, the writer and original artist, suddenly had panic attacks or something like that and just blocked.
They now have a new artist for the resumption – Anne is still writing and her friend Robin (yes, the names of two of the principal characters – “Anne Oymous” is obviously a pseudonym – not sure about “Robin”) is still colouring it, and Ian Samson, creator of the webcomic City of Reality.
WHAT THE FRICK YES! So glad the wotch is back :/ Got a little bit of catching up to do. I’ve been waiting so long it hurts. I know Annie went through some kind of hardcore divorce or break-up or something and thats when all the crap started.
I assume that Jin got a bit more “shifted” with each time loop, which might have given rise to the schizophrenic-like symptoms, and coupled with the loss of her friends at the end of each loop might have led to the disposition we are all used to. With the effect of the shifts gone, I am not at all surprised she is pleasant…
The “no fangs” comment got a from Paul. The old clay golem ain’t what she useta be, many long iterations ago… but what that means for the future remains to be seen. As for “all better,” she seems way too “perky” to me. I don’t think we’ll see any form of a wind-down or resolution in Wapsi until Paul is ready to take in his shingle and retire, and heck, he’s just hitting his stride.
I wouldn’t say “perky”. She seems very robotic to me. It’s like “Sensors on. I observe X. I don’t understand why X exists. I observe Y. I observe Z.” There is no human warmth. She’s not even talking to Maya or Bud. A normal human would be talking to them and asking them questions and showing some emotions.
May looks satisfied, so I do not know that anything out of the ordinary is happening. It seems as if the reboot was successful. As for the lack of fangs and speculation that this might actually be “crispy”, I dunno. Is it possible that “Crispy” is the “real” jin and that all we’ve experienced up until now is a façade?
You are right…my understanding of what Crispy might represent for Jin is not easily explainable in a comment, but I was indeed thinking of her as an entity that is a pat of Jin.
Reading your comment, I realize the “reboot” may be in phases, the way Dave shut down HAL, but in reverse. We may just be seeing the “Daisy Daisy” phase.
One instance I remember was in “Contagion”, the episode involving the search for the home planet of the Iconians. Both Data, and the central computers of three different starships, were “infected” by an Iconian software download and seriously disrupted.
The cure turned out to be a really “hard” reboot… turn off the power completely, wipe out all volatile storage modified since the point of the infection, and restart from “hard” backups in nonvolatile memory. When he “awoke”, Data was curious as to how he’d “suddenly” gotten from the Iconian command center, to Engineering on the Enterprise… he’d lost a chunk of memory.
If Jin has truly reverted to a pre-golem form… well, I don’t know if that qualifies as a “really hard” reboot, or a “sorta warm and hug-worthy” reboot. Be interesting to see how much of herself (memories, personality) she has lost, for how long.
Yeah… if this were a computer I was working on, I’d be real suspicious of a trouble-free reboot.
Is she human now, or just relaxed and sane?
I take it as a good sign that the walls aren’t closing in, nor talking.
She might not mind being human now, with only a few decades left. After 80,000 years, it may be possible to be perfectly OK with that. I’ll let y’all know in ten thousand or so…
Going back to this comic makes me realize that maybe a plutonium-infused synchronization artifact might not be enough, and that perhaps Tina might have some things in her journal that are yet to be discovered. But there may not be any incentive to go through it if Jin seems to have been cured by this procedure…
One wonders at what age Jin started to hallucinate. A lot of times these things come on at puberty, so it’s possible that in the process of the reboot she’s reverted personality-wise to the last point she was completely sane.
It’s also possible she’s lost any subsequent memories, or that they’ll be harder to retrieve and not seem quite real, since they’d be pretty disordered.
If she asks Bud “Who’re you?” we’ll know something like that has happened. She should, at least, recognize May.
I’m not sure about going through the navel, but I’ve heard that at some clinics in Japan, they insert them from under the arms, and just sort of slide them to the chest. Not sure if it’s caught on here in the USA yet, though.
Yay, it’s actually Jin… and she’s all better!
Seriously! I have been waiting and hoping for this! XD
It’s always a good day when the walls aren’t being talkative…
Well, except the one grumbling, “Bud just threw your mom into me.”
Otherwise, um, yay?
That was my thought too: there is that one wall with it’s pie-hole open to grumble about the way the golem girls treat it. . . .
Treat your walls well. It’s not pretty when they turn on you.
When Walls Attack!
Shhhh! The walls have ears!
If it was any one else other than on of the Waspi girls, I’d be worried it I heard them say the walls are talking.
On the other hand, maybe I should still be worried.
Aren’t talking…makes a difference.
Walls should be seen and not heard.
Um — where’s the power cell / artifact?
Where was May’s hand the other day before Jin went clay?
I’ve got my money on her her boobs (don’t they put in inplants through the belly button now adays?), others say the brain stem. If it was her boobs, I don’t see an improvement in bust size.
It’s a trick.
That’s not really Jin.
She looks happy.
Seconded. That’s the little girl from Bud’s dream.
But that little girl was NOT happy.
Its a TRAP!
I was being smart-arse.
And yet, somehow, I get the feeling that this was all far too easy…
It’s quiet…too quiet…
You don’t need to see her identification. That is not the Jin you’re looking for. She can pass. Move along, move along…
Fairportfan- And this should surprise us? After all it is one of your best points.
She looks happy… and she has the wrong eyes! I always thought Jin’s eyes were one of her most interesting features, but today they don’t look the same at all! Will they always be open a bit wider from now on, to reflect a more care-free Jin…?
Further confirmation the BiOS is working, still waiting for confirmation of installed internal memory….
Then there’s the load of updates and patches to download and install. I hope May made a lot of margaritas.
No fangs……
Wot – May is the Blue Fairy in disguise?
Maybe she is mortal now? I just hope that it is Jin.
Wholly shitt! So since we’ve seen that Bud has access panels, we just need three more volunteers to go to the time forst for 80000 years, start the loops again, create and destroy three more calendar machines, and Bud, Brandi and May can be human too!
and she feels cold.
Wow, how did I miss that?
… round pupils …
With those two comments and Paul’s little smile there, I think I’ll second your concern (and jwhouk) that this might not be Jin but her little spook instead.
Bud: “She’s different”
May: “Yes.”
Bud: “Let’s test how different. I’m going to hit her into the wall and see what happens.”
The comment “the room seems bigger” would indicate a child’s perspective, however, she isn’t freaked out about being in a strange place, so that seems more like she’s actually Jin.
Agreed. Elation at freedom.
It could also mean the walls aren’t closing in on her and whispering dark, evil things.
It could also just be Jin hasn’t spent much time on the floor. A room looks much bigger from that vantage.
Given some of the hints about her relationship with Alan, i’m sure she’s spent at least a little time there.
This is just the calm before the storm. Everyone should prepareto take cover.
-Cowers under a magically protected blanket-
Uhm, wow. Talking walls?
I think the little ticked-off girl just got control of the wheel.
No – the walls were talking. Not any more.
GOOD sign.
Unless, of course, the reason that the walls aren’t talking, is that ceiling said “Sssh. Shut up, you guys, or she’ll hear what we’re planning to do to her.”
Well, yeah. there is that.
I feel like I could safely hug Jin now
Only if you were Alan.
Opus the Poet- And only if May and Bud liked you.
I still wonder if Jin’s also back to human now as well. She may be, after all, May could have figured a way to reverse the golem process back when she was dabbling with it. If so, now they need to find 3 more “keys.” But … probably not.
Or they could just enlist the short, Irish face-light generator they know to become the third golem.
If Jins out that is.
I got a bad feeling about this drop.
You always say that. You always say, “I got a bad feeling about this drop.”
As Sergeant Taura says to Miles Vorkosigan, new troops may think they’re scared before their first drop. They’re not really scared ’till the second drop, because then they know first-hand what’s coming.
Meh… I’ll wait for the movie.
When we get back without you, I’ll call your folks.
Johnny Rico would tell you you’re only nervous until you drop. Afterwards it’s smooth sailing. If anything happens, you’re dead so quick you don’t even feel it happen.
Aha! Pinoccio has become a real girl, sans monster canines..
Nowwwww And looking prety happy…. How would Bud and Brandi feel about becoming human again?
Sa.ehhhmm Shelly? I’ve got this thingymajigg, found in Ireland, here, would You mind holding it for a bit?
I’m sure they’d be happy about it. Still, it would destroy a large part of the story if the girls stop being golems. To me, anyway, it would lose a major plot factor and decrease it’s appeal and wow factor overall. Not that there isn’t still a lot left; Phix, Shelinx, Nudge, Tina, but no golems would be a significant minus.
Just because she’s human doesn’t mean she’s harmless. Nothing says you can’t be human and still wield the power of the Chimera.
Without the glyphs written on her, Monica won’t have anyway to restrain her.
True, but it’s unlikely that a human body could contain and use the sheer power the indestructable clay body did.
Hm, a pre-Chimera Jin. Softer facial expressions, no fangs…and I suspect that if/when she’s ever upset, her pupils won’t narrow like those of a snake.
On a less serious note, my dirty dirty mind thinks Bud is groping May.
She’s cold because she is in a t-shirt and underwear on the bare floor. She is actually FEELING the cold… She’s human.
Nice. <3
She always felt the cold – she just didn’t like it.
Completely and totally off-topic, fairportfan, but what cartoon is your avatar from? Because I suddenly have a desire to read it.
The Wotch
Thanks. I’ve got some reading to do.
The redhead is Sonja. The brown-haired gfirl (now gon) is Robyn.
Usually, they’re called “Jason” and “Sonja”. But when Anne, the Wotch, came into their lives, Things Began Happening.
Jason actively enjoys spending time as Sonja. Robin is a touch less sanguine about his stints as Robyn.
The strip just restarted after something like a two-year hiatus. You can find an eight-page summary of several years of story here.
Forgot to mention that the reason for the hiatus was that Anne, the writer and original artist, suddenly had panic attacks or something like that and just blocked.
They now have a new artist for the resumption – Anne is still writing and her friend Robin (yes, the names of two of the principal characters – “Anne Oymous” is obviously a pseudonym – not sure about “Robin”) is still colouring it, and Ian Samson, creator of the webcomic City of Reality.
Ian did an animated preview for The Wotch waybackwhen that gives the basic setup.
WHAT THE FRICK YES! So glad the wotch is back :/ Got a little bit of catching up to do. I’ve been waiting so long it hurts. I know Annie went through some kind of hardcore divorce or break-up or something and thats when all the crap started.
Paul, I think the RSS is broken.
Hmmm… I reserve judgement until I don’t see explosions.
Still though, hoping this is a good thing. ^_^
Faulty installation. Jin’s too pleasant. Tear that nuclear battery back out of her.
Back to the old drawing board.
I assume that Jin got a bit more “shifted” with each time loop, which might have given rise to the schizophrenic-like symptoms, and coupled with the loss of her friends at the end of each loop might have led to the disposition we are all used to. With the effect of the shifts gone, I am not at all surprised she is pleasant…
Thing is, Jim had the problem before she became a golem or any of the calendar machine events began.
SoWhyMe- but that doesn’t mean it was as bad. Lots of such problems get worse under stress, sometimes much worse.
May looks more like herself today…
The “no fangs” comment got a
from Paul. The old clay golem ain’t what she useta be, many long iterations ago… but what that means for the future remains to be seen. As for “all better,” she seems way too “perky” to me. I don’t think we’ll see any form of a wind-down or resolution in Wapsi until Paul is ready to take in his shingle and retire, and heck, he’s just hitting his stride.
I wouldn’t say “perky”. She seems very robotic to me. It’s like “Sensors on. I observe X. I don’t understand why X exists. I observe Y. I observe Z.” There is no human warmth. She’s not even talking to Maya or Bud. A normal human would be talking to them and asking them questions and showing some emotions.
Or is she supposed to be like a curious little girl? As scantron says below, she might not know Bud or Maya.
That doesn’t look like Jin – not just the lack of fangs and slit snake-pupils, but her features just seem different.
and tomorrow we hear her say: “Who are you two?!”
Well THAT would suck.
Why is there a hole in my wall? Were you two about to make out?
May looks satisfied, so I do not know that anything out of the ordinary is happening. It seems as if the reboot was successful. As for the lack of fangs and speculation that this might actually be “crispy”, I dunno. Is it possible that “Crispy” is the “real” jin and that all we’ve experienced up until now is a façade?
Interesting theory, but it seems unlikely since it would present a paradox in that Jin was part of the chimera which roasted the little girl.
You are right…my understanding of what Crispy might represent for Jin is not easily explainable in a comment, but I was indeed thinking of her as an entity that is a pat of Jin.
Reading your comment, I realize the “reboot” may be in phases, the way Dave shut down HAL, but in reverse. We may just be seeing the “Daisy Daisy” phase.
Things are always better when the walls aren’t talking! However, the conversations are certainly a bit lax.
My walls are not talking either!
(But the ceiling….!)
Cold boot = cold?
Give her a few minutes to reach 98.6 ‘.
Wasn’t there an episode of STTNG where Data rebooted
and was surprised he wasn’t where he last remembered being? Was that the Mark Twain episode?
I believe it was the Twain story.
That happened to Data more than once.
One instance I remember was in “Contagion”, the episode involving the search for the home planet of the Iconians. Both Data, and the central computers of three different starships, were “infected” by an Iconian software download and seriously disrupted.
The cure turned out to be a really “hard” reboot… turn off the power completely, wipe out all volatile storage modified since the point of the infection, and restart from “hard” backups in nonvolatile memory. When he “awoke”, Data was curious as to how he’d “suddenly” gotten from the Iconian command center, to Engineering on the Enterprise… he’d lost a chunk of memory.
If Jin has truly reverted to a pre-golem form… well, I don’t know if that qualifies as a “really hard” reboot, or a “sorta warm and hug-worthy” reboot. Be interesting to see how much of herself (memories, personality) she has lost, for how long.
Season 2 Episode 11 – 20/Mar/89 – Contagion, is the episode I believe you are trying to remember.
Where Data got zapped by the Iconians technology.
Almost to the end to see it
The “Twain” Episode as you are referring to it is
Season 5 Episode 26 – 15/Jun/92 – Time’s Arrow, Part I
Season 6 Episode 01 – 21/Sep/92 – Time’s Arrow, Part II
where Data was deactivated for hundreds of years.
System boots fast. Jin must use Android. (sorry couldn’t resist the pun)
So OK. How human *is* she now?
Vorlonagent- Is that a pun? Shakes jar.
Yeah… if this were a computer I was working on, I’d be real suspicious of a trouble-free reboot.
Is she human now, or just relaxed and sane?
I take it as a good sign that the walls aren’t closing in, nor talking.
She might not mind being human now, with only a few decades left. After 80,000 years, it may be possible to be perfectly OK with that. I’ll let y’all know in ten thousand or so…
It was established at some point that that was, indeed, precisely what Jin hoped/believed that shutting down the Calendar machine would do for her.
Going back to this comic makes me realize that maybe a plutonium-infused synchronization artifact might not be enough, and that perhaps Tina might have some things in her journal that are yet to be discovered. But there may not be any incentive to go through it if Jin seems to have been cured by this procedure…
She found her daughter’s reset button?
One wonders at what age Jin started to hallucinate. A lot of times these things come on at puberty, so it’s possible that in the process of the reboot she’s reverted personality-wise to the last point she was completely sane.
It’s also possible she’s lost any subsequent memories, or that they’ll be harder to retrieve and not seem quite real, since they’d be pretty disordered.
If she asks Bud “Who’re you?” we’ll know something like that has happened. She should, at least, recognize May.
Congratulations, Ms. Heuell … it’s a GIRL!
Okay. Yesterday i complained about the update being late, and the next time i looked, there it was!
The update is late.
Almost 1 am here, usually the comic is up by now on a weekday.
I’m wearing out the F5 key on my computer tryng to get the new comic up XP
Regarding a question about breast implants…
I’m not sure about going through the navel, but I’ve heard that at some clinics in Japan, they insert them from under the arms, and just sort of slide them to the chest. Not sure if it’s caught on here in the USA yet, though.
…she actually looks 18.