You can do it yourself! Just a fun trick I wanna share. Make a “plop” sound with your lips by pressing them together and parting them forcefully. Opening wide may help. And at the same time as your mouth opens, flick the side of your cheek with a fingertip by holding it down with your thumb and releasing to straighten it out quickly. This is a lot harder to explain than to do. But the sound is uncanny.
Thank you! I’ve been on a massive re-read trying to figure out how and when she learned that trick, and I’m still confused I found the first poit, and the Brandi poited M to the Library, then next thing she has gone back on her own…. (whimper) when did she learn and who taught her?
Going back to the Library makes sense, since I think she just followed whatever Brandi did to take them there. What I’m wondering is how she figured out she could get home with the same method.
Maybe it was her trip back from the library the second time that did it. She didn’t focus on her destination much, so Phix’s words influenced how she traveled. Maybe she inferred that she could go to other places if she focused hard enough. Or maybe she’s just experimenting to see if she can poit to other places besides back and forth from the library.
Hell, I dunno. Maybe there’s a weeklong time skip between the Library arc and this one and she figured it out in the mean time. Who knows?
I would guess there was experimentation we didn’t see. She could have started by realizing that she could poit to the library, than to a different place than where she poited from. After that, she either experimented or asked Phix/Brandi/Tepoz/Jin/Bud how to skip the library part. Or just started by asking Phix.
“poit” is a funny sound effect. Why poit?
It’s the sound that a drop of water makes when falling in a pool of water.
You can do it yourself! Just a fun trick I wanna share. Make a “plop” sound with your lips by pressing them together and parting them forcefully. Opening wide may help. And at the same time as your mouth opens, flick the side of your cheek with a fingertip by holding it down with your thumb and releasing to straighten it out quickly. This is a lot harder to explain than to do. But the sound is uncanny.
That’s super cute. Thank you for explaining.
this is the strip that made me want to be able to poit.
So, what, she just suddenly figured out how to poit after visiting the library?
Thank you! I’ve been on a massive re-read trying to figure out how and when she learned that trick, and I’m still confused
I found the first poit, and the Brandi poited M to the Library, then next thing she has gone back on her own…. (whimper) when did she learn and who taught her?
Going back to the Library makes sense, since I think she just followed whatever Brandi did to take them there. What I’m wondering is how she figured out she could get home with the same method.
Maybe it was her trip back from the library the second time that did it. She didn’t focus on her destination much, so Phix’s words influenced how she traveled. Maybe she inferred that she could go to other places if she focused hard enough. Or maybe she’s just experimenting to see if she can poit to other places besides back and forth from the library.
Hell, I dunno. Maybe there’s a weeklong time skip between the Library arc and this one and she figured it out in the mean time. Who knows?
And argh, that was longer than I intended it to be.
I would guess there was experimentation we didn’t see. She could have started by realizing that she could poit to the library, than to a different place than where she poited from. After that, she either experimented or asked Phix/Brandi/Tepoz/Jin/Bud how to skip the library part. Or just started by asking Phix.
I like the squirrel’s reaction to the “(poit)”