Girlie Fix by Paul Taylor on June 6, 2016 at 10:00 pm Characters: Justin, ShellyLocation: Lake Calhoon Related Comics ¬ 04/19/2002 07/15/2004 11/07/2003 Jumped In Sooner See Me
Either that’s a different suit or Paul forgot something.
Shirtless at the beach? I don’t think he forgot anything?
Fair means that Shelly’s bikini lacks the detailing that was shown in the previous comic page.
Awww… =°)
awwwwwwww Well done, Justin. Ice cream doesn’t solve everything, but it makes most things better. =)
Written on my favourite coffee mug:
“Money doesn’t buy happiness… but it buys ice cream, and that’s basically the same thing.”
If money can”t buy happiness i guess I’ll have to rent it. by Weird Al
The two of them are soo cute
Awww, a touching scene (But if I know Paul, it WON’T stay that way)
I’m thinking this is an adorable interlude until he starts his next story.
Those cones are YUGE!
…where can I get one?