Hah. First thing I thought of, seeing this, was that if you replaced the grins with angry scowls, and replaced the dialogue with “GRRR!”, we’d have ourselves an instant wrestling match.
Oh, and then replace the background with mud or jello or something. Yeah.
I’ve often thought, if you had enough cutout figures of the characters and backgrounds, you could create your own comic pages as imagined offshoots of various parts of the arcs. The only problem is you would not be able to actually post them anywhere as they are copyrighted to Paul.. It would have to be for your own amusement only. If you drew them yourself, from scratch, they might classify as fan art, however. Still, who among us has that much talent?
…of which Bil Stout is a master – he once caricatured Wally Wood, Bill Elder, Jack Davis and Al Williamson in a single panel, each 100% recognisable … and each perfectly in his own style.
Oh, and I meant to mention how nice Tina looks in that drawing. I really like the expression on her face. Odd though, she has boobs as large (relative to size) as Monica’s. I have to assume she is using a rebar reinforced push up (and out) bra.
Very interesting. Comanches aren’t very tall to begin with. Lurch in “Genesis II” as a man of Comanche heritage? Big laughs ’round these parts. We do have some tall ones, just not many.
Spend about 4-5 hours getting your scalp pulled in about three dozen directions for a fee of $100 U.S or more, not including supplies…then see if you can still call it “pretty easy”, haha. ; )
umm the month of August was named after the Emperor Caesar Augustus, just like July Is named after Julius Caesar. September actually means “seventh month” even though it isn’t. No reason August can’t be a name…
Ohhh I see: It was a Joke…
Well, if you are curious, you can read yesterday’s comments and see me doing it. I often over-think things, but at the same time, sometimes I catch things that other people seem to miss.
How come I could never be that happy when I had my waist length hair cut, which was about every 2-3 years. I usually missed my hair after about 3 days.
I have a soft spot for Shelly because she is a mechanic. Working out is almost essential if you do that for a living. A lot of what mechanics do is very physical and requires strength, such as exhaust work. I can’t imagine doing it without regular workout sessions; it’s also a good stress relief to counteract annoying customers and recalcitrant equipment . It also takes brains. Lest anyone think mechanics are stupid. So if you are an office worker and are insecure because your girlfriend has bigger guns than you do, take heart in the fact that you probably type faster than she does. The fact is you acquire skills for the job you do. An office worker doesn’t need to be able to bench press 200lbs to do their job. For a mechanic being able to do that is a big plus. So give Shelly a break about her physique.
I’m sure you’re right. Still, it seems like Shelly has crossed over from simply getting stronger into bulking up. There is a reason those huge muscled guys are not also the weight lift champs.
Heavy weight + low reps = size/mass power
light weight + hi reps = definition; endurance
middle weight + mid range reps = size and endurance
Looking at Shelly in this picture her muscles are not defined or “ripped.” She looks to be going the middle of the road, which would be par for the course for someone wanting useful muscle strength and endurance. I could be wrong, only Paul knows for sure.
Looks to me like she’s going for what mechanics need: lots of power, used once per 15-30 minutes (makes for oodles of bulk).
If anything, she probably stretches the muscles enough to keep them limber (another must), so they only really look bulky when they’re flexed/tensed up, as seen here.
Except that Shelly is working as a personal trainer and kickboxing instructor at Punk Yoga now, not as a mechanic. AFAIK Shelly’s mechanical work is done as stress relief now on her personal vehicle(s).
Heh, my dad was a mechanic and never set foot inside a gym to work out. Of course he also worked on cars back when they were made of steel and pounded out the dents with a hammer and blocks instead of using a fancy frame straightener, and we had horses so there were regular work outs moving hay bales, bags of feed and of course the cleaning of stalls… Coincidentally I tend to relate to Shelly, other than the spider part.
I forget how big a difference 5 inches is. This wouldn’t be as far fetched if it were me (5’5”) and a friend of mine at 4’11” or 5’0”. I remember quickly when I hug my friends and their heads rest on my shoulders ~_~
I had a friend (i guess i still would if she and her family hadn’t moved away), who was Japanese-American.
I’m right at six feet (and wore boots with an inch or two of heel, come to think, in those days). She’s not over four-six. (Her husband, BTW, was about six-four.)
At an SF convention one time, she and i were going to go to lunch with some other friends, while my wife and some friends were going to go to a panel discussion. I was walking down the hallway, and saw her talking to my wife and another friend. I’m still not sure why, but i didn’t even break stride as i hooked an arm ’round her waist and headed off to meet the lunch gang.
Darn, I was hoping that Monica would show up while Shelly was freaking out over the spider. Monica could show Shelly her new do, and Shelly could introduce Monica to Justin.
I know there’s still a lot of upset on the part of some readers about Monica’s new do, but I want to reiterate my own view.
When Metallica released “Load,” a lot of their fans were aghast that _their_ band could abandon the fans like that. In contrast to that attitude, I thought the album was a neat step forward for a band that had become somewhat “safe” in what they did, album after album. In the years since, Metallica has continued to change and morph into what they are today. They’ve lost some fans who couldn’t adjust to the changes, but they’ve gained others who liked the fresh sound. They grew in their art, and not all their fans could accept that.
In exactly the same way, Paul’s work has grown. His style is now quite different from what it was in the early strips. His plotting has moved from three-panel jokes to long, involved story arcs. His characters have grown individually, as most of us do in the course of a life. Look at Phix – now _there’s_ some personal change! And Monica’s changed herself to accommodate a new attitude about who she is. She cut her hair. And she glows. And that’s all that needs to be said.
Den I agree with you on the comic’s growth and the new style of art, but Metallica has always sucked. Yes they have found new ways to suck, marvelous new sounds. That suck. Back to Wapsi, we need more Tina! She is the most awesome.
Paul, I’d just like to say that I think M’s new do is absolutely adorable. I had my hair that style for about 10 years and I always felt cute as a button on the inside as well as the outside.
Guys, it’s a f!@king comic strip! And the creator is done with a major, plot-heavy, drama-laden arc, and is trying to have a little fun in his own universe. Just enjoy, can’t you?
@SoWhyMe: People who say they don’t care what other people think are just desperate to have others think that they don’t care what they think.
That’s fine , as long as I don’t start seeing glitter . . .
“Moon Prism Power… MAKE UP!!” ^_^
stupid gaypires leaving glitter all over the place
So I’m wondering, if comments like this make you a vampohomophobe =)
Hah. First thing I thought of, seeing this, was that if you replaced the grins with angry scowls, and replaced the dialogue with “GRRR!”, we’d have ourselves an instant wrestling match.
Oh, and then replace the background with mud or jello or something. Yeah.
That sounds like an excellent Photoshop mashup, why don’t you do it?
I’ve often thought, if you had enough cutout figures of the characters and backgrounds, you could create your own comic pages as imagined offshoots of various parts of the arcs. The only problem is you would not be able to actually post them anywhere as they are copyrighted to Paul.. It would have to be for your own amusement only. If you drew them yourself, from scratch, they might classify as fan art, however. Still, who among us has that much talent?
Hah! I don’t even have photoshop to do what Opus said I should, let alone talent. xD
First off ‘talent’ is often the result of practice
second. There are free image editors (such as Gimp)
Quite true, but capturing someone else’s style well enough to duplicate it for your own comic takeoff is another whole level of talent.
…of which Bil Stout is a master – he once caricatured Wally Wood, Bill Elder, Jack Davis and Al Williamson in a single panel, each 100% recognisable … and each perfectly in his own style.
Small wonder with a big ol grin like that!
Awww, that’s adorable!! XD
wow that’s her in heels? i guess it never really sank in just how short Monica is!
Here is a relative hight chart on some of our faves….
Whoa! Tina’s a whole head taller than any of them.
I suspect that Tina was wearing some SIgnificant heels, though.
I mean, look here – you can’t see the heels, but those look like the kind of boots that have pretty high ones.
Well, you can’t see them clearly, but notice what you can see of the left one.
Perhaps, but it’s likely they were all wearing heels, so that factor would tend to cancel out overall.
Oh, and I meant to mention how nice Tina looks in that drawing. I really like the expression on her face. Odd though, she has boobs as large (relative to size) as Monica’s. I have to assume she is using a rebar reinforced push up (and out) bra.
You get the same relative heights for Tina, Monica and Shelly here, FWIW:
Very interesting. Comanches aren’t very tall to begin with. Lurch in “Genesis II” as a man of Comanche heritage? Big laughs ’round these parts. We do have some tall ones, just not many.
Aw, c’mon. Monica didn’t mention “grab the headboard”?
Hehe. They’re both happy, but about different things.
Haha, I love when I meet up with my friends after a week or two apart and we catch up on stuff that’s gone down.
Jeebus, Shelly is a giant.
That’s it, Shelly is She-Hulk in disguise.
Ha! Monica isn’t the only one who has problems with her poit mechanics.
True. Still, being a little off that way is better than being a little off the other way, in which case one would be poited into the steps.
Hope Jin teaches Monica how to lengthen her hair. Honestly…. not liking the new look.
It’s pretty easy really. It’s called “extensions.”
Spend about 4-5 hours getting your scalp pulled in about three dozen directions for a fee of $100 U.S or more, not including supplies…then see if you can still call it “pretty easy”, haha. ; )
All right – do we have somebody named “September”?
umm the month of August was named after the Emperor Caesar Augustus, just like July Is named after Julius Caesar. September actually means “seventh month” even though it isn’t. No reason August can’t be a name…
Ohhh I see: It was a Joke…
Glowing? Does this mean they’re going to become 50 feet tall?
(Yeah, I just watched Monsters Vs. Aliens. Heh. Gimonica. And… Gishellya? Nah.)
Happiness is……………………………………
Whoakay, I guess I did read too much into yesterday’s strip.
Don’t worry, we all do. Or maybe, it’s just you and me.
I’m not sure I understand how it could have been read too much into. :/
Well, if you are curious, you can read yesterday’s comments and see me doing it. I often over-think things, but at the same time, sometimes I catch things that other people seem to miss.
I see you got rid of the vote button.
How come I could never be that happy when I had my waist length hair cut, which was about every 2-3 years. I usually missed my hair after about 3 days.
I have a soft spot for Shelly because she is a mechanic. Working out is almost essential if you do that for a living. A lot of what mechanics do is very physical and requires strength, such as exhaust work. I can’t imagine doing it without regular workout sessions; it’s also a good stress relief to counteract annoying customers and recalcitrant equipment . It also takes brains. Lest anyone think mechanics are stupid. So if you are an office worker and are insecure because your girlfriend has bigger guns than you do, take heart in the fact that you probably type faster than she does. The fact is you acquire skills for the job you do. An office worker doesn’t need to be able to bench press 200lbs to do their job. For a mechanic being able to do that is a big plus. So give Shelly a break about her physique.
I’m sure you’re right. Still, it seems like Shelly has crossed over from simply getting stronger into bulking up. There is a reason those huge muscled guys are not also the weight lift champs.
Heavy weight + low reps = size/mass power
light weight + hi reps = definition; endurance
middle weight + mid range reps = size and endurance
Looking at Shelly in this picture her muscles are not defined or “ripped.” She looks to be going the middle of the road, which would be par for the course for someone wanting useful muscle strength and endurance. I could be wrong, only Paul knows for sure.
Looks to me like she’s going for what mechanics need: lots of power, used once per 15-30 minutes (makes for oodles of bulk).
If anything, she probably stretches the muscles enough to keep them limber (another must), so they only really look bulky when they’re flexed/tensed up, as seen here.
Except that Shelly is working as a personal trainer and kickboxing instructor at Punk Yoga now, not as a mechanic. AFAIK Shelly’s mechanical work is done as stress relief now on her personal vehicle(s).
I think she still works part-time for her father.
I don’t think that even matters anymore. From what I understand, she does it because she enjoys it.
Heh, my dad was a mechanic and never set foot inside a gym to work out. Of course he also worked on cars back when they were made of steel and pounded out the dents with a hammer and blocks instead of using a fancy frame straightener, and we had horses so there were regular work outs moving hay bales, bags of feed and of course the cleaning of stalls… Coincidentally I tend to relate to Shelly, other than the spider part.
I forget how big a difference 5 inches is. This wouldn’t be as far fetched if it were me (5’5”) and a friend of mine at 4’11” or 5’0”. I remember quickly when I hug my friends and their heads rest on my shoulders ~_~
I had a friend (i guess i still would if she and her family hadn’t moved away), who was Japanese-American.
I’m right at six feet (and wore boots with an inch or two of heel, come to think, in those days). She’s not over four-six. (Her husband, BTW, was about six-four.)
At an SF convention one time, she and i were going to go to lunch with some other friends, while my wife and some friends were going to go to a panel discussion. I was walking down the hallway, and saw her talking to my wife and another friend. I’m still not sure why, but i didn’t even break stride as i hooked an arm ’round her waist and headed off to meet the lunch gang.
Darn, I was hoping that Monica would show up while Shelly was freaking out over the spider. Monica could show Shelly her new do, and Shelly could introduce Monica to Justin.
Shelly’s glowing too? Uhh…. all she got was laid….
OHSHIT! 0.0 Baby?!?
I dunno. I don’t think Shelley’s had any in a long long time. When you get some after a long dry spell, I think you’d glow too!
I know there’s still a lot of upset on the part of some readers about Monica’s new do, but I want to reiterate my own view.
When Metallica released “Load,” a lot of their fans were aghast that _their_ band could abandon the fans like that. In contrast to that attitude, I thought the album was a neat step forward for a band that had become somewhat “safe” in what they did, album after album. In the years since, Metallica has continued to change and morph into what they are today. They’ve lost some fans who couldn’t adjust to the changes, but they’ve gained others who liked the fresh sound. They grew in their art, and not all their fans could accept that.
In exactly the same way, Paul’s work has grown. His style is now quite different from what it was in the early strips. His plotting has moved from three-panel jokes to long, involved story arcs. His characters have grown individually, as most of us do in the course of a life. Look at Phix – now _there’s_ some personal change! And Monica’s changed herself to accommodate a new attitude about who she is. She cut her hair. And she glows. And that’s all that needs to be said.
Den I agree with you on the comic’s growth and the new style of art, but Metallica has always sucked. Yes they have found new ways to suck, marvelous new sounds. That suck. Back to Wapsi, we need more Tina! She is the most awesome.
I have such a crush on Shelly. Such an awesome character~ Monica is adorable, as always. I’d love this as a desktop background. XD
Paul, I’d just like to say that I think M’s new do is absolutely adorable. I had my hair that style for about 10 years and I always felt cute as a button on the inside as well as the outside.
Oh wow! Monica and Shelly are like sisters now.
Oh, ho. A new format for the page, I see.
Guys, it’s a f!@king comic strip! And the creator is done with a major, plot-heavy, drama-laden arc, and is trying to have a little fun in his own universe. Just enjoy, can’t you?
@SoWhyMe: People who say they don’t care what other people think are just desperate to have others think that they don’t care what they think.
Are they preggers or did they just get laid?