This is annoying. 3:03 AM EDT and still no update!!!
*cricket* *cricket*
Yeah, it’s slightly irritating, but Paul’s life doesn’t revolve around us.
No problem with that, true — just the anxious anticipation!
…Wait, didn’t Medusa have a sister by that name?
And if someone has already asked or answered this, I apologize.
Yes, there were three of them who made up the Gordon’s, of whom only Medusa was mortal and able to be killed. (I really love mythology and am delighted to see some of the lesser known aspects of it represented here. Great job by Paul.)
I have an overpowering urge to lean in close and see what’s on her playlist…
Euryale’s looking … significantly better than she did in God of War 2.
Ah, Euryale. One of the sisters, then. So where’s Stheno?
And then there was the time when Watson asked Sherlock Holmes what type of rock it was that gorgons turned people into. His reply?
“Sedimentary, my dear Watson!”
And here I thought everyone took the stone figures for Granite. Sorry, l couldn’t resist going pun on pun with this subject.
Also one of the three Gorgons or with other words, one of the older sisters of Medusa.
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This is annoying. 3:03 AM EDT and still no update!!!
*cricket* *cricket*
Yeah, it’s slightly irritating, but Paul’s life doesn’t revolve around us.
No problem with that, true — just the anxious anticipation!
…Wait, didn’t Medusa have a sister by that name?
And if someone has already asked or answered this, I apologize.
Yes, there were three of them who made up the Gordon’s, of whom only Medusa was mortal and able to be killed. (I really love mythology and am delighted to see some of the lesser known aspects of it represented here. Great job by Paul.)
I have an overpowering urge to lean in close and see what’s on her playlist…
Euryale’s looking … significantly better than she did in God of War 2.
Ah, Euryale. One of the sisters, then. So where’s Stheno?
And then there was the time when Watson asked Sherlock Holmes what type of rock it was that gorgons turned people into. His reply?
“Sedimentary, my dear Watson!”
And here I thought everyone took the stone figures for Granite. Sorry, l couldn’t resist going pun on pun with this subject.
Also one of the three Gorgons or with other words, one of the older sisters of Medusa.