Having Fun by Paul Taylor on July 27, 2021 at 10:32 pm Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Nudge, Phix, ShellyLocation: The Library Related Comics ¬ 04/19/2005 By Any Chance 11/12/2003 12/14/2001 06/24/2002
Yay!! Nudge!! It’s been awhile . . .
Third panel, the cry of a granddaughter that’s been punked😅😏😁
Be polite, be professional, have a plan to punk anyone you meet.
Did pulling the lever drop more mashed potatoes on Phix?
Nope, the pulling of the lever was Phil getting even with Shelly and Connie.
Phix, I hate autocorrupt.
Shelly, you shouldn’t try to teach your grandmother how to suck eggs.
… or pelt people with them, or etc.
You’re good at this, and inventive. So is she, and she’s had more years of practice than you have (the Time Forest notwithstanding).
(I do wonder whether we will ever find out just what that lever did, or whether this is a Noodle Incident)
“The Library is not the place for such bullshit to be taking place!”
And yet, she’s the one who put in that lever.
Me thinks she doth protest too much.
Moment of respect for the backgrounds!
Aw, Nudge. I love Nudge.
everyone doesl; she’s such a playful soul…
🙄Tell that to the coven known as Tina, who had to put up with ^anchovies^ when Nudge ordered pizza for them🤢
Curious that she knows EXACTLY where they are/would be when she pulls the lever. ROTFLMAO
The library has the most interesting…wallpaper. Yes. Wallpaper.
Very environmentally friendly.
… What does the lever actually do? Drop them into a vat of slime?
yes, even mild-mannered librarians have their limits
“Why do we even HAVE that lever?”
having fun, but while not killing someone? Phix would deny that!
Mess with The Librarian and she will Phix you but good!