Heylookbananas by Paul Taylor on October 21, 2005 at 12:00 am Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Brandi, Bud, JinLocation: Monica's Place └ Tags: bananas, golem girls Related Comics ¬ Tossed Aside Justus Phonecallaway Too Old 03/22/2002
apparently if you’re not human you barf bannanas
That’s from the doorway that Tepoz poited into her, and the bananas are from the market where he got the one for M.
This is probably my favorite strip of all.
Mine too. And it comes up in references later on. And I keep thinking of this song everytime it comes up:
“this Sh*t is bananas, b-a-n-a-n-a-s!”
Win. So much epic win
Jin’s got a “What.” look on her face, while Brandi’s like “I <3 NANNERZ!"
Neither looks unduly concerned for Bud's well-being, seeing as that many bananas should never come from any container of Bud's size.