That’s ironic. The girl with the rug superimposed (tattoo’d) to her stabs the girl with the rug superimposed (artistically drawn for emphasis) in the ol’ grey matter.
Now, if as a result of this Monica loses all her hair and has to wear a rug… too much?
And then after the 6 month Owen-Lakshmi story, is a one panel cartoon of all the girls on this adventure sitting around drinking coffee, laughing, and promising each other never to speak of their adventure again.
Yes, I would think that having your best friend jam a shiv into your brain would indeed foul ones mood. This is definitely going to put a crimp in that whole friendship thing.
Oh ya, just stab her in the arm you say, it does not have to be fatal you say, well being stabbed through the top of your skull is going to be as fatal as fatal gets. I just hope Shelly was right about it not hurting.
actually, best chance of surviving a head trauma is if it’s right down the middle. splits between the two hemispheres. kinda messes up the communication between the right and left of the brain, but survivable still.
Words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup,
They slither while they pass, they slip away across the universe
Pools of sorrow, waves of joy are drifting through my open mind,
Possessing and caressing me.
Jai guru deva om
Nothing’s gonna change my world,
Nothing’s gonna change my world.
Images of broken light which dance before me like a million eyes,
That call me on and on across the universe,
Thoughts meander like a restless wind inside a letter box they
Tumble blindly as they make their way
Across the universe
Jai guru deva om
Nothing’s gonna change my world,
Nothing’s gonna change my world.
Sounds of laughter shades of earth are ringing
Through my open views inviting and inciting me
Limitless undying love which shines around me like a
million suns, it calls me on and on
Across the universe
Jai guru deva om
Nothing’s gonna change my world,
Nothing’s gonna change my world.
It happens all the time: somebody is stabbed in the brain for breakfast, and leaves the hospital at night for dinner.
Let’s hope that’s the case, let’s pray…
I once worked with a woman whose brother had a length of rebar dropped through the top of his head at a construction site. Came out under his chin. He was fine, only lasting effect was a slightly slurred speech.
…and I’m gonna keep telling myself that until this arc is over…
I dunno what’s worse: that these days I dislike Monica enough I like seeing her stabbed in the head, or that someone really will let the demons out of someone with a hole in the head.
Actually, they used to – and it worked sometimes and they still do … but now we know why it works (when it does).
It’s called “trepanation”:
Modern medicine
Trepanation is a treatment used for epidural and subdural hematomas, and for surgical access for certain other neurosurgical procedures, such as intracranial pressure monitoring. Modern surgeons generally use the term craniotomy for this procedure. The removed piece of skull is typically replaced as soon as possible. If the bone is not replaced, then the procedure is considered a craniectomy.
Thank you! I was trying to remember that word this morning but kept coming up with trepidation. Granted, they are close, I was more disappointed that I didn’t have my Transmetropolitan graphic novels to look it up.
You know what would really mess things up? If after all is said and done, and the survivors leave the temple, they’re wondering if this actually worked or not, and Bud says something like “We’ll know for sure after 2012”!
So … the demon didn’t know Shelly could, and would, kill Monica? I don’t get it. Why was she making that boastful statement with Shelly right there? But then, villians always seem to talk too much at crutial times, allowing the good guys to get the upper hand.
In my mind I see this whole thing taking place in a really noisy environment with the characters shouting to be heard. Even then they can just barely hear each other.
Shelly’s thoughts are silent to other demons, thanks to the annexation of the little demon girl. =) And yes, it is noisy and whirl-windy where they are.
Thank you for your response … but … the demon emerged delivering a vicious punch to Shelly as she was about to perforate Monica. Therefore she must have known of Shelly’s intention. I can only assume she thought Shelly was still out of it from the punch. Sorry to be a pest, but I just abhor plot holes.
I would also like to say how amazing these last panels have been. So very expressive. Almost like watching a movie.
No worries! ^_^ The demon was watching like a spectator through Monica, so it was like she was in the room with them. It’s all the stuff done away from Monica that she’s not always privy to. Unless she’s in the same room with Shelly, Bud or Brandi, she doesn’t know what they’re doing. =)
[Gasp!] [pant pant pant]. Man, I *don’t* do that to cartoons. I keep trying to figure out how in the hell Monica getting STABBED IN THE FRIGGING HEAD isn’t a bad thing! Paul, YOU BREAK MY BRAINS!
What the?!?! Ok, I said I’m giving up guessing and now it’s just waiting for tomorrow.
Ok, I lied. I wonder if that mirror ball has been brought into play. Is Jin’s Doubt getting tricked? You know what they say about tricks. They’re all done with mirrors
Nah, probably not. None of my other guesses have been right. But it’s still fun trying.
Late on this post, but I had a thought. If ‘fake-killing’ Monica has caused this demon door to swing open like a Ghostbuster Trap, sucking in all the demons and the Calendar Machine, how will this affect Monica’s ‘link’ to the GGG?
According to Tepoz and Jin, Monica is able to control the GGG (albeit not well, since the GGG appear to like stabbing her, placing her in front of a firing squad, and public pimp-smacking) due to the fact that her ‘heart stopped’ when she almost died in Mexico.
If I’m not mistaken, this is also part of the reason why her demons affect her so different than everyone else. If this second ‘almost death’ is reversing the Demon Door, will it also reverse her control of the GGG?
And a funnier thought: If it does reverse/negate her control of the GGG, do they become Tepoz’s responsibility again?
Ha! I love how happy Bud looks
You sure that’s Bud? I thought it looked more like Jin, me.
no that’s Bud, Jin has a different sigil
Yes – it looks like the dominos are finally lined up properly to get this fix in place!
Death, be not proud. Death, be not permanent!
… Please? 8^0
I feel confident in saying that no one but pablo knows what this means.
Pretty sure! ^_^ And everyone will find out tomorrow! =)
As it should be!
Hmm. Monica’s gone all paisley like Jin’s Doubt.
Guess Boiler Room Girl wasn’t kidding.
Oh – and i LOVE Bud’s Evial Grin.
It’s practically Genki.
I’m thinking more mandelbrot than paisley.
(but what do I know?)
It’s actually an Asian rug. =)
Now that you mention it.
Knew a girl had a body-stocking patterned a lot like that…
That’s ironic. The girl with the rug superimposed (tattoo’d) to her stabs the girl with the rug superimposed (artistically drawn for emphasis) in the ol’ grey matter.
Now, if as a result of this Monica loses all her hair and has to wear a rug… too much?
uh, how did you fit it on the scanner?
scanned a photo, perhaps?
If Pablo was truly evil, this is where he’d start the 6 month Owen-Lakshmi story that everyone clamors for.
That would be beyond evil.
And then after the 6 month Owen-Lakshmi story, is a one panel cartoon of all the girls on this adventure sitting around drinking coffee, laughing, and promising each other never to speak of their adventure again.
I think no matter what, when all is said and done, Monica is going to be super-pissed off.
Yes, I would think that having your best friend jam a shiv into your brain would indeed foul ones mood. This is definitely going to put a crimp in that whole friendship thing.
Monica pissed at Shelly = More Jacqulin & Amanda strips. Maybe even Tepoz and Daren? (>^_^)>
Awe, c’mon, nothing brings friends together like a shiv to the brain!
Well, recall how they met and bonded. Over a nice fight.
Oh ya, just stab her in the arm you say, it does not have to be fatal you say, well being stabbed through the top of your skull is going to be as fatal as fatal gets. I just hope Shelly was right about it not hurting.
actually, best chance of surviving a head trauma is if it’s right down the middle. splits between the two hemispheres. kinda messes up the communication between the right and left of the brain, but survivable still.
Or making stabby with a magic knife, carefully prepared long ago, in a room awash with magic overload?
“What Good Is a Glass Dagger?” (Niven)
As much as i like how everything’s coming to a tee, i’m despising how everything is coming to a tee.
Words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup,
They slither while they pass, they slip away across the universe
Pools of sorrow, waves of joy are drifting through my open mind,
Possessing and caressing me.
Jai guru deva om
Nothing’s gonna change my world,
Nothing’s gonna change my world.
Images of broken light which dance before me like a million eyes,
That call me on and on across the universe,
Thoughts meander like a restless wind inside a letter box they
Tumble blindly as they make their way
Across the universe
Jai guru deva om
Nothing’s gonna change my world,
Nothing’s gonna change my world.
Sounds of laughter shades of earth are ringing
Through my open views inviting and inciting me
Limitless undying love which shines around me like a
million suns, it calls me on and on
Across the universe
Jai guru deva om
Nothing’s gonna change my world,
Nothing’s gonna change my world.
“Across the Universe”
The Beatles
Im not sure if nurofin would cure THAT headache!
And doubt looks a tad…doubtful
as well as shocked, horrified and alot more stuff.
My question is: Is that black and white blood, or surreptitious dark demon matter that she’s leaking?
Back to the Time War with you, Rassilon!!! ^_^
How about “worst rescue ever” ? XD
Bad Man!
(Or woman, or person, as appropriate or preferred…)
It happens all the time: somebody is stabbed in the brain for breakfast, and leaves the hospital at night for dinner.
Let’s hope that’s the case, let’s pray…
I once worked with a woman whose brother had a length of rebar dropped through the top of his head at a construction site. Came out under his chin. He was fine, only lasting effect was a slightly slurred speech.
…and I’m gonna keep telling myself that until this arc is over…
I dunno what’s worse: that these days I dislike Monica enough I like seeing her stabbed in the head, or that someone really will let the demons out of someone with a hole in the head.
Actually, they used to – and it worked sometimes and they still do … but now we know why it works (when it does).
It’s called “trepanation”:
(from Wikipedia)
Thank you! I was trying to remember that word this morning but kept coming up with trepidation. Granted, they are close, I was more disappointed that I didn’t have my Transmetropolitan graphic novels to look it up.
Joel’s Law… Joel’s Law… Joel’s Law…
(keep repeating it until I believe it)
You know what would really mess things up? If after all is said and done, and the survivors leave the temple, they’re wondering if this actually worked or not, and Bud says something like “We’ll know for sure after 2012”!
…..and that’s how the strip ends.
When people post lyrics, you MUST post the author…. it’s the only right thing to do.
Also, I still believe that when time resets, Monica will be there.
@Dakabn Simple… it’s the Beatles.
@Everyone else… I sure hope that Monica doesn’t die… it would be an abrupt end to what I consider one of the best web-comics of our time!
Is this going to be one of those “opening a black hole inside a black hole” kind of things? Also, what if I want to hold on to someone else’s ass?
they do all have tight butts
@ VeraInquam and Dakabn Simple: Actually, the lyrics are by John Lennon.
Ref: A shiv in the skull, — this is only Tuesday — must be one heck of a cliffhanger we’re gearing up for!
No – it’s opening a white hole inside a black hole (a la “Timecrash”)
Pablo says we’re going to get some kind of resolution tomorrow – about seven hours from Right Now as i type.
So … the demon didn’t know Shelly could, and would, kill Monica? I don’t get it. Why was she making that boastful statement with Shelly right there? But then, villians always seem to talk too much at crutial times, allowing the good guys to get the upper hand.
In my mind I see this whole thing taking place in a really noisy environment with the characters shouting to be heard. Even then they can just barely hear each other.
Shelly’s thoughts are silent to other demons, thanks to the annexation of the little demon girl. =) And yes, it is noisy and whirl-windy where they are.
Also, Bud and Brandi do not have demons and are also silent to them, only Jin has demons because of special circumstances.
This is the awesomest page ever.
Waiting for tomorrow’s strip with bated breath!
Thank you for your response … but … the demon emerged delivering a vicious punch to Shelly as she was about to perforate Monica. Therefore she must have known of Shelly’s intention. I can only assume she thought Shelly was still out of it from the punch. Sorry to be a pest, but I just abhor plot holes.
I would also like to say how amazing these last panels have been. So very expressive. Almost like watching a movie.
No worries! ^_^ The demon was watching like a spectator through Monica, so it was like she was in the room with them. It’s all the stuff done away from Monica that she’s not always privy to. Unless she’s in the same room with Shelly, Bud or Brandi, she doesn’t know what they’re doing. =)
[Gasp!] [pant pant pant]. Man, I *don’t* do that to cartoons. I keep trying to figure out how in the hell Monica getting STABBED IN THE FRIGGING HEAD isn’t a bad thing! Paul, YOU BREAK MY BRAINS!
Cos they couldn’t kill M if they wanted to. JinsDoubt just said so.
What the?!?! Ok, I said I’m giving up guessing and now it’s just waiting for tomorrow.
Ok, I lied. I wonder if that mirror ball has been brought into play. Is Jin’s Doubt getting tricked? You know what they say about tricks. They’re all done with mirrors
Nah, probably not. None of my other guesses have been right. But it’s still fun trying.
Late on this post, but I had a thought. If ‘fake-killing’ Monica has caused this demon door to swing open like a Ghostbuster Trap, sucking in all the demons and the Calendar Machine, how will this affect Monica’s ‘link’ to the GGG?
According to Tepoz and Jin, Monica is able to control the GGG (albeit not well, since the GGG appear to like stabbing her, placing her in front of a firing squad, and public pimp-smacking) due to the fact that her ‘heart stopped’ when she almost died in Mexico.
If I’m not mistaken, this is also part of the reason why her demons affect her so different than everyone else. If this second ‘almost death’ is reversing the Demon Door, will it also reverse her control of the GGG?
And a funnier thought: If it does reverse/negate her control of the GGG, do they become Tepoz’s responsibility again?
She was TAUGHT to be a glyph reader, THAT is what gives her power to control the chimera, I thought.
Also, One word that will make many people perhaps groan.
And I say that now and leave for I am childish and cannot put away my childish things… yet. In short, you may groan because I have not
I myself have taken a knife blade to the head…NOT FUN!!!
Love the look on the demon’s face!
Shit just got unreal.
I must say, though I lost track of it in perusing the comments, my thought when Bud put in her two bits was, “Doubt’s ass will be on fire? Again??”