In The Cross Hairs by Paul Taylor on April 6, 2016 at 10:30 pm Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Castela, Conscience, Phix, ShellyLocation: The Library Related Comics ¬ Fresh Air Need Coffee Lost Count Crack Pot Story Rock It
Hmm. I guess it is the library doing the cannonerring?
Beginning to look like a dream. Wake up, Phix! No, don’t. This is too much fun.
One of Confuse-a-Cat’s unlisted subsidiaries – Stress-a-Sphinx, Inc.
Yay for the slightly obscure Monty Python reference!
The stoat is stunned, Captain!
A Periscope? Well, I guess HMS SURPRISE would be a good name for a submarine.
if this is an April Fool’s Day joke on Phix the girls, and The Library, are doing an AWESOME Job at it!!!
Is a cannon really a weapon if it’s being used as a toy? 😀
Eh, when Tchaikovsky used them they were percussion.
NOW they’re just being silly — and I’m still loving it!!
What do you mean ‘now‘? You didn’t think they were before? o_O
So, they moved from 18th century Sailed Ships, to 20th century submarines? o_O
I like the cork ectomy. I guess Phix feel like having a cerebrectomy.
wasnt the rule that it wouldnt work if it was used with intend to harm? … aka they are just playing so the cannons “work” as in they make noise and thats it
or thats just my guess