I keep pondering the odd shape of the sword..and suddenly I realized it looks like a container, with a screw-on lid .
It probably has to go like this: Slice tree, sap runs along blade into container. Blade remains in tree, or is, after a LOT of coaching from the sphinx, stuck back in the rock. Blade comes loose again. Shelly awakes among the clown-car inhabitants with a container filled with interesting magic-juice (and I am NOT meaning “Moonshine potato-gin’)
From there-on it is a question of deciding what the juice is actually used-for…. I guess that only magic-juice isn’t enough to fix Jin. It is probably a fuel for some Lanthian doo-hickey that has to be found first. (I want them to go to Ireland. It is soo steeped in history and mythology..it would be glorious.)
You know, we’ve only met two sphinxes, and despite their reputation and the fact that they are undoubtedly very dangerous, both seem to be fairly nice people.
i seem to recall monica giving phix a verbal tongue lashing for trying to scare her when they first met by saying sphinx hadn’t got the right reputation.
See, this is where she needs Heather backing her up. Those two would have been perfect here, since Shelly has the strength, but Heather had the brains and coolness under fire. Not that I’m still holding a torch for that pairing or anything. Or just Heather. Nope, not at all.
Today’s confession for the “Wapsi Addicts Pretending Sanity on the Internet” Club…
…I paid the pun jar during a conversation with my sister today. Out loud and impromptu. She laughed at my omni self-narration. I’m not sure whether to be proud or ashamed.
…I just wanted to mention, Paul, that the effect in panel one doesn’t seem to be one I’ve noticed before, but I’m very much pleased with it. Using the comic panels as movie-frames gives some incredible visual stimuli. The depth of the drawing itself is awesome. I would kill to see you pull it off like it’s done in film, with a changing focus — Fuzzing out the front, then next panel, fuzzing out the back — or vice-versa, to pull the reader in or push them back, depending on what we’re seeing.
I’ve been reading Wapsi for… probably less long than many of the commenters, but I go back through and start all over, now and again — just to watch your art evolve.
You’re amazing. The subtle details you work in to the human (and inhuman) forms are an inspiration to those of us who love comics.
I keep pondering the odd shape of the sword..and suddenly I realized it looks like a container, with a screw-on lid .
It probably has to go like this: Slice tree, sap runs along blade into container. Blade remains in tree, or is, after a LOT of coaching from the sphinx, stuck back in the rock. Blade comes loose again. Shelly awakes among the clown-car inhabitants with a container filled with interesting magic-juice (and I am NOT meaning “Moonshine potato-gin’)
From there-on it is a question of deciding what the juice is actually used-for…. I guess that only magic-juice isn’t enough to fix Jin. It is probably a fuel for some Lanthian doo-hickey that has to be found first. (I want them to go to Ireland. It is soo steeped in history and mythology..it would be glorious.)
*pops Euro in speculation-jar*
ooh good idea 😀
I’d call it Moonshine Maple Syrup, m’self… 😉
Also, I want to see Paul draw the Giants’ Causeway.
Close, close…
You know, we’ve only met two sphinxes, and despite their reputation and the fact that they are undoubtedly very dangerous, both seem to be fairly nice people.
i seem to recall monica giving phix a verbal tongue lashing for trying to scare her when they first met by saying sphinx hadn’t got the right reputation.
oh, when you discover WHO this sphinx is…
I’m pretty sure that’s related to the fact that they were both “chained” for ages to a place what they couldn’t left.
See, this is where she needs Heather backing her up. Those two would have been perfect here, since Shelly has the strength, but Heather had the brains and coolness under fire. Not that I’m still holding a torch for that pairing or anything. Or just Heather. Nope, not at all.
Mostly off-topic:
Today’s confession for the “Wapsi Addicts Pretending Sanity on the Internet” Club…
…I paid the pun jar during a conversation with my sister today. Out loud and impromptu. She laughed at my omni self-narration. I’m not sure whether to be proud or ashamed.
She laughed at your what? What kind of a kinky family do you have there? You’re not from Canada are ya?
No, Wisconsin. 😉
Omni self-narration, aka limited omnicient narrator, limited to the main character (from my POV)… I literally said, “Drops a quarter in the pun jar.”
4th panel FTW!
…I just wanted to mention, Paul, that the effect in panel one doesn’t seem to be one I’ve noticed before, but I’m very much pleased with it. Using the comic panels as movie-frames gives some incredible visual stimuli. The depth of the drawing itself is awesome. I would kill to see you pull it off like it’s done in film, with a changing focus — Fuzzing out the front, then next panel, fuzzing out the back — or vice-versa, to pull the reader in or push them back, depending on what we’re seeing.
I’ve been reading Wapsi for… probably less long than many of the commenters, but I go back through and start all over, now and again — just to watch your art evolve.
You’re amazing. The subtle details you work in to the human (and inhuman) forms are an inspiration to those of us who love comics.
I’m so glad you share this with us.
Oh dear, a Spinx, uh-huh, yup, definitely a Spinx uh-huh, uh-huh, yup… 😯
Hahahaha, your sphinx quoted Joss Whedon…
Ha! I knew I couldn’t be the only one to notice that!
It’s subtle, but I think she’s trying to hint at some action Shelly is supposed to take . . .
I think that (except for the obvious diference in breast proportions) this sphinx looks/seems a LOT like shelly!!
*Shelly (bleeping lack of edit option/function 😡)
Hasn’t anyone ever watched Jeopardy??? The answer has to be in the form of a question.
Alex is rolling in his grave.