Do you remember, when she talked out of her normal vibe with cryptic sentences? We know it from a time, that she is a collective of demons, but it was rare when we could pin one of those on one demon. It was most likely her doing.
Huh…Ok, so the different colored text bubbles and such finally make sense. I thought it was just her mumbling, not that it was another consciousness taking over to offer advice
Man there’s jut something about that last panel… Nudge’s eyes look like swirling pools of chaos and power, and that POSE… Why does that posture look so familiar?
I can understand why Tina/nudge is revealing all of this now, but what I don’t get is why she is being so candid about all of this. She’s been working the angles up till now, so what has changed between them that allows Nudge to approach Monica so directly this time?
Tina was the only person who was able to see that a little girl is apparently occupying Jin’s core and Jin and Monica specifically asked for Tina’s help this time. Previously the problem was a calendar machine that Tina had no insight into. Sometimes Monica came in with specific questions, but that’s all. Nudge may feel more needed or empowered this time.
That make sense. Nudge would keep her mouth shut on something that she has no knowledge of. I wonder if she is using this to further her own agenda, and if so, what it is.
I don’t think Monica can easily tell. This implied that Monica didn’t know, but it’s possible Bud was merely stating the obvious. Also, Monica seemed surprised when Tina referred to herself as “we” for the first time, even though individual demons had spoken previously.
And i love Bud’s sort of casual, “Well, our friend who could destroy the world is haunted by an angry spirit, but aside from that…” expression in that last panel.
I know some major things have happened in recent months, but I am still in mid-’08 on the archives and have been reading daily only since Monica started contemplating her latest adventure over several courses of food, so I beg the community’s understanding for my ignorance…
In addition, I think it will be open to debate that anything Tina has done for Monica, either as a collective or as an individual demon at the helm, can be directly attributable to Nudge, who has only just been revealed.
Well, *someone* has been talking to Monica without going through The Collective for quite some time, if you look back knowing what the screened text means…
Yes, and I and others have posted links to such exapmles in recent days pondering about which of the collective is talking at different times. A lot of the time Tina takes on a more human appearence when one of the collective is speaking, but when Nudge talks, she looks, if anything, more otherworldly, so I’m still not sure who is the member that took over in all those cases…but maybe all will be revealed in good time.
We’ve been thinking in Chaos and Order, and where Ms. Nudge fits in, but if we think in checks and balances, she might be a third force: Random. It can be expressed thus: Chaos- disarray, Order- progression, Random- keeps things interesting. Chaos breaks your toy, Order wants you to put it back together properly, and Random hands you a butter knife to do it with.
In Magickal terms Nudge would be a force of Chaos, not always a bad thing as to make changes it is necessary to tap into Chaos. The bad thing about Change is there are unforeseen consequences to every change, hence the knowledge of Chaos required to make good changes.
I knda like the way kingklash put it- Chaos, Order, Random. maybe it’s just because I like the visual of Random handing you a butterknife to do it with.
I’m used to contemplating hive-minds, not multiple distinct personalities within a single body. It’s a subtle but important difference which explains why this is oddly familiar to me, but in a way that actually makes it harder to comprehend than normal.
As for why I’m used to contemplating hive-minds, I have wayyyy too much free time and am an inspired writer at times.
Will someone wiser in the ways of ordering the Pre-ordered Bud t-shirts please let me know how to get it??? I got an email that there was a prob with my credit card and I can’t seem to get into the site to make the attempt to rectify the prob.At this point I’m afraid that I may have missed out on that priceless scene!
I have to sign off ’til tomorrow, so could someone drop a few words of wisdom for me?
This is going to take some thinking about …
I’m sure as hell confused so far.
Do you remember, when she talked out of her normal vibe with cryptic sentences? We know it from a time, that she is a collective of demons, but it was rare when we could pin one of those on one demon. It was most likely her doing.
Well , they’re all still Tina , to me . She’s still awesome .
Tina is going to get directly involved? It must be serious then.
Huh…Ok, so the different colored text bubbles and such finally make sense. I thought it was just her mumbling, not that it was another consciousness taking over to offer advice
I like this Nudge so far. 🙂
so nudge is THE tina?
I must admit i am now getting confuzzled -.-
Hmmm. So then, was Nudge the one in control when Tina knocked some conspiring Doubt-demon heads together at the club that one time?
Man there’s jut something about that last panel… Nudge’s eyes look like swirling pools of chaos and power, and that POSE… Why does that posture look so familiar?
I can understand why Tina/nudge is revealing all of this now, but what I don’t get is why she is being so candid about all of this. She’s been working the angles up till now, so what has changed between them that allows Nudge to approach Monica so directly this time?
Nudge has spoken directly to Monica before, but never actually revealed herself.
I think you mean, “Nudge has spoken directly to Monica many times before, but never actually revealed herself.”
Tina was the only person who was able to see that a little girl is apparently occupying Jin’s core and Jin and Monica specifically asked for Tina’s help this time. Previously the problem was a calendar machine that Tina had no insight into. Sometimes Monica came in with specific questions, but that’s all. Nudge may feel more needed or empowered this time.
That make sense. Nudge would keep her mouth shut on something that she has no knowledge of. I wonder if she is using this to further her own agenda, and if so, what it is.
Why does that posture look so familiar?
Probably because you saw it here.
Can Monica and the others tell when Nudge is speaking (vs. The Collective), or is it only revealed to us?
I don’t think Monica can easily tell. This implied that Monica didn’t know, but it’s possible Bud was merely stating the obvious. Also, Monica seemed surprised when Tina referred to herself as “we” for the first time, even though individual demons had spoken previously.
Well, can she tell since she found out?
And i love Bud’s sort of casual, “Well, our friend who could destroy the world is haunted by an angry spirit, but aside from that…” expression in that last panel.
nice eyes
I love the way this is going. It seems that another member of the committee now needs to drive the boat for a while.
I could so live in Monica’s world, and I’d ask Tina out in a heartbeat. Heck, she’s probably 1,000 times older’n me… :p
Nudge, nudge. Wink, wink. Say no more!
We all need a little nudge now and then.
So when do we see the mocha? I.NEED.CAFFEINE.
…And just what is it that Nudge has been doing all this time to keep Monica safe?
Kind of the same thing that Shelly’s “amalgam” demon has…. She’s just pulled out the cat is all 😛
Do you want a list?
I know some major things have happened in recent months, but I am still in mid-’08 on the archives and have been reading daily only since Monica started contemplating her latest adventure over several courses of food, so I beg the community’s understanding for my ignorance…
In addition, I think it will be open to debate that anything Tina has done for Monica, either as a collective or as an individual demon at the helm, can be directly attributable to Nudge, who has only just been revealed.
Well, *someone* has been talking to Monica without going through The Collective for quite some time, if you look back knowing what the screened text means…
Yes, and I and others have posted links to such exapmles in recent days pondering about which of the collective is talking at different times. A lot of the time Tina takes on a more human appearence when one of the collective is speaking, but when Nudge talks, she looks, if anything, more otherworldly, so I’m still not sure who is the member that took over in all those cases…but maybe all will be revealed in good time.
She’s probably got another persona in there named wink, lets all start naming ’em!
We’ve been thinking in Chaos and Order, and where Ms. Nudge fits in, but if we think in checks and balances, she might be a third force: Random. It can be expressed thus: Chaos- disarray, Order- progression, Random- keeps things interesting. Chaos breaks your toy, Order wants you to put it back together properly, and Random hands you a butter knife to do it with.
In Magickal terms Nudge would be a force of Chaos, not always a bad thing as to make changes it is necessary to tap into Chaos. The bad thing about Change is there are unforeseen consequences to every change, hence the knowledge of Chaos required to make good changes.
I knda like the way kingklash put it- Chaos, Order, Random. maybe it’s just because I like the visual of Random handing you a butterknife to do it with.
See, this is odd.
I’m used to contemplating hive-minds, not multiple distinct personalities within a single body. It’s a subtle but important difference which explains why this is oddly familiar to me, but in a way that actually makes it harder to comprehend than normal.
As for why I’m used to contemplating hive-minds, I have wayyyy too much free time and am an inspired writer at times.
How many are in there?
Approximately 2,648…
within an order of magnitude?
Taking another look – Nudge is showing quite a bit of fang, there…
Will someone wiser in the ways of ordering the Pre-ordered Bud t-shirts please let me know how to get it??? I got an email that there was a prob with my credit card and I can’t seem to get into the site to make the attempt to rectify the prob.At this point I’m afraid that I may have missed out on that priceless scene!
I have to sign off ’til tomorrow, so could someone drop a few words of wisdom for me?
I don’t know what happened but contact Shark Robot asap and have them check things out for you.
Thanks, Pablo! You’re a gem!!