I think you owe the Pun Jar something for that – perhaps the cost of the Lydia-made bra that burned up when Monica regenerated in flames after Phix accidentally killed her?
Hey, this is a whole new age of high-tech & subtle engineering. No self-respecting succubus needs to come within a hundred miles of a glue pot any more.
I’m starting to quite like Hellen. But you know what? Almost all the recently introduced paras are coming off as likable. From a story-telling perspective, I’m not sure this is entirely a good thing.
Oh, NO! Synthetic gecko skin linings? How many synthetic geckos do they have to skin for each bra? And do they get paid, or at least get a set of sweats to cover their bare gore?
Not an issue, really. Synthetic geckos moult about once a week.. it’s a normal part of their biology. There’s a big synthetic-gecko preserve out west of Duluth, and the rangers spend most of their time just picking up the shed skins and packing them for shipment to the clothing factories. A fully renewable natural resource… we did learn better, after the terrible extinctions of the passenger pigeon and the nauga.
It’s a big industry in that area. The next time you’re driving down the highway and see a Walmart or Amazon delivery truck, realize there’s at least a 5% chance it’s actually a disguised synthetic-gecko-skin shipment. (The truck’s disguise is sometimes a glamour, and sometimes just a covering of synthetic chameleon skin).
Thus leading to a terrible shortage of decent managers for complex software projects. Managing senior programmers is very much like herding cats, and the shift to synthetic-gecko herding has deprived the tech industry of a very important training ground for managers.
That sound suspiciously like naugas (not nagas) — you know, where we get Naugahyde from. Dim-witted things that spend most of their time grazing and growing great folds of skin that can be trimmed off rather like shearing a sheep. (It’s a defense mechanism; a predator gets a mouthful of chewy, foul-tasting Naugahyde and the nauga goes back to grazing.)
true story: “In 1914, an exciting new product was developed at the U.S. Rubber Company plant in Naugatuck, Connecticut. Since it looked like a hyde and was made in Naugatuck, these two words were linked and Naugahyde was born.” but that’s besides the point…
Oh, God. Pardon me while I stagger out of the door in search of strong drink. Don’t pay any mind to the whimpering. It’s not unusual when I am exposed to brain-frying punnery.
Have you considered pun desensitization treatments? A properly prescribed set of doses might eventually teach your brain to tolerate puns, without too many side effects.
I think the classic theraputic protocol works as well as any… 2- to 3-second doses of Rocky and Bullwinkle, with the really high-potency bits carefully removed (e.g. Peabody’s punchlines). After a few months, the allergist might try you out on a Callahan’s anecdote. If that doesn’t put you into convulsions, you might be ready to try the Wapsi Forum.
But, for the love of all that’s holy, stay away from Pearls Before Swine until your doctor has specifically cleared you for it… and maybe wear goggles and a mask just to be sure.
We needn’t discuss the Phoenix Blood incident at all.
Hmm! Helen is still speaking of “… the owner” as if she is a party to be named later. So not Selene. I’m not so sure about Para Standards of beauty, but itr seems to me unusual is a factor. Helen’s headlights may NOT be that unusual for her species, but her horns…
Well that story was a bust.
I think you owe the Pun Jar something for that – perhaps the cost of the Lydia-made bra that burned up when Monica regenerated in flames after Phix accidentally killed her?
All I have is a scent.
*throws a cent into the jar along with a over the shoulder boulder holder.*
I thought it was titillating….
Dammit, Sithspit! I oughta bust you in the chops!
The ocelot thought so.
Aw c’mon guys; she’s just trying to tell the BREAST story possible…give her a break; she’s a real HOOT(er)
Wonder if Bryn is going to slip and let her horns show, or if it’s just goin to be Hellen and Selene that are goin to be horny.

Horns up, horns down.
Aww! Not The Saskatchewan Seal-Skin Bindings?!!
Ah, a SuperDave Osbourn reference.
Hey, this is a whole new age of high-tech & subtle engineering. No self-respecting succubus needs to come within a hundred miles of a glue pot any more.
So, with the cute devil horns, please remind me/us what para species Hellen and Selene are? Thanks muchly.
But not like THE succubus that was possessing Brandi for a while there. They might be called the same but are totally different.
That wasn’t a succubus that possessed Brandi ~ the name of it may have been similar, but it was
^spelled^ very different.
I’m starting to quite like Hellen. But you know what? Almost all the recently introduced paras are coming off as likable. From a story-telling perspective, I’m not sure this is entirely a good thing.
Oh, NO! Synthetic gecko skin linings? How many synthetic geckos do they have to skin for each bra? And do they get paid, or at least get a set of sweats to cover their bare gore?
I don’t know, I could think was for worse uses for Gex from Enter the Gekco had his ilk.
Not an issue, really. Synthetic geckos moult about once a week.. it’s a normal part of their biology. There’s a big synthetic-gecko preserve out west of Duluth, and the rangers spend most of their time just picking up the shed skins and packing them for shipment to the clothing factories. A fully renewable natural resource… we did learn better, after the terrible extinctions of the passenger pigeon and the nauga.
It’s a big industry in that area. The next time you’re driving down the highway and see a Walmart or Amazon delivery truck, realize there’s at least a 5% chance it’s actually a disguised synthetic-gecko-skin shipment. (The truck’s disguise is sometimes a glamour, and sometimes just a covering of synthetic chameleon skin).
Synthetic Gecko-herding is much easier than herding cats. Many experienced cat-herders have switched over.
Thus leading to a terrible shortage of decent managers for complex software projects. Managing senior programmers is very much like herding cats, and the shift to synthetic-gecko herding has deprived the tech industry of a very important training ground for managers.
That sound suspiciously like naugas (not nagas) — you know, where we get Naugahyde from. Dim-witted things that spend most of their time grazing and growing great folds of skin that can be trimmed off rather like shearing a sheep. (It’s a defense mechanism; a predator gets a mouthful of chewy, foul-tasting Naugahyde and the nauga goes back to grazing.)
true story: “In 1914, an exciting new product was developed at the U.S. Rubber Company plant in Naugatuck, Connecticut. Since it looked like a hyde and was made in Naugatuck, these two words were linked and Naugahyde was born.” but that’s besides the point…
Oh yeah; this is DEFINITELY girl’s night out!
Looks like it might turn into a girls’ night in
Now I’m imagining the poor sod who’s terrible job it is, to skin the geckos.
Eyestrain is the primary occupational injury.
Oh, God. Pardon me while I stagger out of the door in search of strong drink. Don’t pay any mind to the whimpering. It’s not unusual when I am exposed to brain-frying punnery.
Have you considered pun desensitization treatments? A properly prescribed set of doses might eventually teach your brain to tolerate puns, without too many side effects.
I think the classic theraputic protocol works as well as any… 2- to 3-second doses of Rocky and Bullwinkle, with the really high-potency bits carefully removed (e.g. Peabody’s punchlines). After a few months, the allergist might try you out on a Callahan’s anecdote. If that doesn’t put you into convulsions, you might be ready to try the Wapsi Forum.
But, for the love of all that’s holy, stay away from Pearls Before Swine until your doctor has specifically cleared you for it… and maybe wear goggles and a mask just to be sure.
We needn’t discuss the Phoenix Blood incident at all.
I AM using pun desensitization. It’s called vodka!!
Sorry. Sorry. Didn’t mean to scream …
Hmm! Helen is still speaking of “… the owner” as if she is a party to be named later. So not Selene. I’m not so sure about Para Standards of beauty, but itr seems to me unusual is a factor. Helen’s headlights may NOT be that unusual for her species, but her horns…