Either this can get really good, or turn really bad in a ‘She just pushed Kevin/Gerard down the huge pit of dead messengers instead of her bed’ kind of way
Did you catch Richard Thompson at the Variety Playhouse last month? I so wanted to go, even with Angie out of town, but I was pretty well completely broke at the time.
On a side note, that outfit of hers is NOT made to handle the strain she’s putting it through. The way I figure it, she’s lucky it survived that far into the tackle. Than again, I doubt she would have minded if her toga bit the big one given what she’ll be doing next.
I sincerely hope this isn’t a dream sequence, and is in fact Kevin doing some role playing with her…
Rigorous though it was, no amount of Spartan military training could have fully prepared King Leoneidus for such an attack. Too bad the ancient Greeks never considered the quite substantial threat of horny Latinas…
I miss the usual Wapsi Square. Since the calendar was “fixed” the plot has been heavily relying on sex to draw audiences (Shelly/cop, Monica/300, Monica pinups). Classy. *eyeroll*
Having sex scenes that aren’t graphic doesn’t bother me. These characters have done things in the past of that nature. But lately it’s just getting to be too much. Too often and too graphic. Ick.
I hope this comic doesn’t turn into a sex-focused story permanently. Whenever a good comic starts relying on sex too much it just loses its appeal and I inevitably stop reading.
i hate gerald. i saw him at wondercon when he was at the panel for his new movie, “300” few years ago. when i tried to take a picture of him, he saw me and then gave me a finger. just the hell of it. then he laughed. he thought it was funny. what an egoist.
so i decided to not to watch his stupid “300” movie. never have and never will.
if i was monica, i’d pick bradley cooper.
one more thing – if you are reading this, gerald butler — screw you.
He may have thought he was giving you a fun photo-op, like this one I got from Farscape‘s Gigi Edgley at a “Save Farscape” rally back in 2002, where she suddenly made an incredibly obscene gesture the name of which I do not even know as soon as I raised my camera to snap a picture.
FWIW, as soon as the picture was snapped, she turned seven shades of red. Several years later, I presented her with an 8×10 of the shot at Dragon*Con.
Queue the “300“-inspired fantasy sequence!!
BTW, who is that on the wall poster behind and to the left in the middle panel?
Ahhhhhhh…never mind, found the link to Sleater-Kinney…
…who released several albums on the Kill Rock Stars label.
I guess Kevin is back. Either that, or this is a dream sequence while Monica is out cold.
Comments from yesterday:
(Let’s see if that formats right.)
It’s all Dusty668’s fault.
Than kew, than kew.
I now predict night to last till daytime, and baseball players will scratch their junk on TV.
Sun will shine, wind will blow…
That’d prolly be Kevin dressed up as Gerard Butler fom “300”…he needs to be showing more teeth, tho…
Let the games begin.
Hahahaha !
Either this can get really good, or turn really bad in a ‘She just pushed Kevin/Gerard down the huge pit of dead messengers instead of her bed’ kind of way
What? Oh…the bottle to the head. Okay.
Great cheesecake shot in the tackle panel. Yep, dream sequence – now, about that Australian aboriginal Dreamtime thingie….
Underboob. Always relevant. ^_^
hmm hit on the head induces a 300 dream sequence?
must try that one day
Only after an intense shower/fantasy session and drinking more than yopu ought on a work night…
ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED!?!?!?!? yes I am well aware I’m quoting the wrong movie but I haven’t watched 300 since it came out and I forgot most of it.
And now for something completely different….
Sleater-Kinney totally does. Kill Rock Stars.
Hi, Ray…
Hi, Mike…
Did you catch Richard Thompson at the Variety Playhouse last month? I so wanted to go, even with Angie out of town, but I was pretty well completely broke at the time.
I’m finally glad the girls did not kill Monica back in the last storyline. I knew that if I waited long enough there’d be some boning going on.
“Our beer bottles will blot out the SUN!!!”
Then we shall get it on in the DARK!!!
…um, sorry.
Also, the surprised look on King Leonidas in that last panel is simply priceless.
love love love love love! love the sleater-kinney refference! it has given me courage to start the day!
You’re having WAY too much fun with Monica’s fantasies I think.
OK, this is getting strange. Stranger. Weird.
With all this lady has been through over the last decade, you’d expect NORMAL dreams?
PERFECT! Well done Pablo!
Hmmm…I like where this is going.
On a side note, that outfit of hers is NOT made to handle the strain she’s putting it through. The way I figure it, she’s lucky it survived that far into the tackle. Than again, I doubt she would have minded if her toga bit the big one given what she’ll be doing next.
I sincerely hope this isn’t a dream sequence, and is in fact Kevin doing some role playing with her…
Because that would be awesome…
When Monica dreams, she doesn’t mess around. Sparta for the win!
Random Sleater-Kinney reference FTW.
<3. Finally, a 300 Parody that does not mention SPARTA! This comic has just breached my Top 3 webcomics, pushing down The Dreamland Chronicles.
I thought Madness was a Ska band from back in the day….
Ahh,to sleep;perchance to dream…
Rigorous though it was, no amount of Spartan military training could have fully prepared King Leoneidus for such an attack. Too bad the ancient Greeks never considered the quite substantial threat of horny Latinas…
Especially since Spartan military doctrine tended to include marching into battle next to your boyfriend…
Hah, I live in the town where Sleater Kinney started up, and when I first read this my immediate thought was the road their band was named after!
I realize I’m in the minority here, but…
I miss the usual Wapsi Square. Since the calendar was “fixed” the plot has been heavily relying on sex to draw audiences (Shelly/cop, Monica/300, Monica pinups). Classy. *eyeroll*
Having sex scenes that aren’t graphic doesn’t bother me. These characters have done things in the past of that nature. But lately it’s just getting to be too much. Too often and too graphic. Ick.
I hope this comic doesn’t turn into a sex-focused story permanently. Whenever a good comic starts relying on sex too much it just loses its appeal and I inevitably stop reading.
Looking forward to when this tangent is over.
Vastly better opponent than Persians
Indeed. The Persians never did perfect the Sexy Tackle.
There’s a virus somewhere on this page. My AV utility reports:
Virus: HTML/Infected.WebPage.Gen
Date discovered: 14/08/2007
Type: Trojan
In the wild: Yes
Reported Infections: Low
Distribution Potential: Low
Damage Potential: Low
Static file: No
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Thanks. I had my tech guy, Troy, look things over and he said it’s most likely a false positive. He’ll check things out more thoroughly shortly.
i hate gerald. i saw him at wondercon when he was at the panel for his new movie, “300” few years ago. when i tried to take a picture of him, he saw me and then gave me a finger. just the hell of it. then he laughed. he thought it was funny. what an egoist.
so i decided to not to watch his stupid “300” movie. never have and never will.
if i was monica, i’d pick bradley cooper.
one more thing – if you are reading this, gerald butler — screw you.
He may have thought he was giving you a fun photo-op, like this one I got from Farscape‘s Gigi Edgley at a “Save Farscape” rally back in 2002, where she suddenly made an incredibly obscene gesture the name of which I do not even know as soon as I raised my camera to snap a picture.
FWIW, as soon as the picture was snapped, she turned seven shades of red. Several years later, I presented her with an 8×10 of the shot at Dragon*Con.
cool! thanks for sharing! and i still don’t like gerald.
no, this is… SCIENCE