Well we just found the location of the library (or at least one of the accesses to it). If people want to creep out by being surrounded by human skeletal remains like that I suggest a visit to the ossuary below Paris (France, Europe). Unless Phix has a LOT of rooms stacked to the ceiling like that she can’t beat the artistic display of roughly 6 million skeletons.
…I bet lots of those came in large groups.
Nice trophy wall…
Those ghostly portraits on the wall give me the screamin’ creeps!
I didn’t even see the skulls on the wall until I read the first comment…
it could be just an ugly wallpaper xD
Those pictures… Doubt?
Nah. Based on what she’s thinking, and the statue in the foreground, I’d say those were other ways she chose to appear to people.
It would be interesting if she had really stayed around long enough to pose for that statue.
The wall shows that for other people, she only came into their lives very briefly…
Are skulls really that sturdy of a building material?
look for the building that inspired “House of a Thousand Corpses” Also, in GH: World tour, it inspired Bone Church. Apparently it is rather sturdy.
They don’t need to be. My guess is that the actual load-bearing wall is behind the skulls, which are attached to the front of it.
Well we just found the location of the library (or at least one of the accesses to it). If people want to creep out by being surrounded by human skeletal remains like that I suggest a visit to the ossuary below Paris (France, Europe). Unless Phix has a LOT of rooms stacked to the ceiling like that she can’t beat the artistic display of roughly 6 million skeletons.
I was just gonna mention that.
Ah, so that’s how her top fits around her wings.
She must have used the same interior decorator as the makers of the Heterodyne Castle’s chapel…
Okay, it’s official. Phix’s pad gives me the jibblies.
Fabulous art. I know Phix’s wings are done with a gray wash, but I see them as gleaming gold.
I have heard it said that regret is a waste of spirit. However keeping memorial to your victims might prevent future mistakes.
I count, within the limits of the frame, 18 rows by 28 columns of skulls, or roughly 500.
Wait, what? She uses -teabags- ?
I get the feeling that Phix might’ve been who inspired the Greeks to demonize sphinxes…
Phix is a giantess, an eagle and a lioness all wrapped up in one; that’s 3 predatory monsters for the price of one! Phix’s emotions are justified.
When you have so many skeletons, that they no longer fit in your closets.
I wonder where she shops for her 3D wallpaper. That’s wallpaper, right?
Please tell me that’s wallpaper.