I don’t believe for one second that things went that smoothly. Something is going to go wrong. Where did the little girl’s spirit go? It didn’t just vanish.
Nah. They are like the typical siblings. Constantly quarelling, and teasing, but actually utterly fond of each other.
They became closer than family, being dependent oneach other for aeons…heck, they slept in Bud’s hatch for who knows how long.. ( which makes me think this ” hatch-thing” is unique to Bud, otherwise, why retreat inside Bud ? )
i just had a thought, what if the original Chimaera had various access hatches and such, but when the girls were split into the 3 of them, the various access hatches went to different individual girls? thus Brandi and Jin DON’T have the stomach panel, because Bud got that one, just like Jin has the sternum panel and I’ll bet that Brandi and Bud DON’T… huh? sounds good, yeah?
Tepoz seems to regard Jin more as sister than antagonist (which makes sense); and now that Jin’s stopped goading Shelly I doubt Shelly wants to punch her as much. I would say the people Jin might REALLY have to look out for now are the ‘Gods’ who she’s had convinced she was a time traveler and has been manipulating for centuries…
I don’t know bout that.
It’s an artifact that May doesn’t know about so she cannot recreate it. Also it was produced in a place that cannot exist any more. So could they make it again so they could? Doubtful.
There could be more of those keys back at the graveyard in Ireland, or it could point to where others are (there was a reference to Stonehendge before). Refined plutonium is available today, so a poit by Bud or Brandi could fetch more. The difficult part would be aging the plutonium in a beryllium tube of the appropriate size.
All in all, I think there must be an advanced something behind all this. I mean, how did the Lanthians make this stuff, yet live in such a primitive culture? Refining plutonium requires more than a mortar and pestle. There is more than “magic” involved.
Jin seems to have redicovered the joy of being human. (and sane) I wonder what her reaction will be when she realizes how much Shelly sacrificed to make this possible. They were apparently best friends in several of the cycles and Jin kept her distance from everyone in this last one to improve the chances of the calander machine problem being solved. But she does rember all the cycles.
A number of questions come to mind.
Can the Chimera form now.
Can Jin even do anything extra. Snake form? Poit?
Will she be a nice person now that she’s done being haunted by talking walls and non-existent people?
From all this, the biggest question comes up. Without all of these things, who is the real Jin and what is she like?
“Wow! I wonder what other superpowers I don’t have!?”
I do hope May will step in at some point here and sum it all up so we are certain Jin is now real flesh and blood with a normal life span, etc. so we don’t have to wonder about it all. She may still be able to poit though.
Hooray!! :p
That’s putting it lightly.
But, yes … Hurray!
Yeah awesome… You feel pain.
Now, if you’re done reveling in a negative stimulus, get your head out of your ass, call Alan, and GO HAVE SEX…
Seriously, some people get so wrapped up in the minutiae that they completely overlook the important stuff.
I think that it is meant to show a -VERY- important change in her.
And the light dawns…
Good for you, Jin. You have something back you lost.
Happy Opusthepoet day
Thank you. I’m going to have dinner and then go to the party. 1215 Main st Garland TX @2000 (8PM)
yes!!! she had a ‘data’ moment!!
(see yesterday..)
Pain! Excelsior!!
I wish i could integrate that word into my natural language
It’s such a cool yelling word!
Excelsior is a packing product, much like shredded kraft paper.
It is also Stan Lee’s favorite catch phrase. And a pretty decent starship (at least when Capt Hikaru Sulu takes command) ;-p
Naw, it’s a super-fancy name for a very mundane product, which makes it AWESOME!
“I’m alive. I’m…I’m real. I’m a real boy!”
Well, that certainly would take this comic into a WHOLE new direction.
And in that vein: Pregnant.
Jin, time to be careful with your toy boy!
Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi!
But it is Jin and not something else. Now we just have to wait and see if her appearance is shape-shifting or being truly made flesh.
…a real girl with a radioactive core!
Yeah, so a real girl. Don’t see the differance.
I see what you did there…
Yeah, trying to decide if that was witty or just a bad pun….. ether way here is a dollar for the jar.
“Eventually the penny dropped, and the mechanism emitted a faint creaking sound…”
Mah Shin Hurts, Bert, Mah Shin Hurts!
Zuzu’s petals! Zuzu…there they are!
Bert, whaddaya know about that!
Merry Christmas!!!
That’s a reference I wouldn’t have thought of…
It is quite oblique, but in the sense that both Jin and George are returning from a state of being “not alive”, I hope it kinda fits…
I recognize the dialog, but can’t place where it came from. I think it’s Steinbeck, but which one? Meh.
i think its from ‘a wonderful life’ though some of the wording…
The range of facial expressions here is beautiful. Pain, to the moment of recognition (I live for those) to the joy of a kid on Christmas morning.
You know it’s successful when you get the same info across if you remove the speech balloons.
Welcome to MayaSoft Security Esentials. Initial scan complete. Trouble reports: 1 Pain (Shin). Suggested action: Don’t Do That Anymore.
Close Results? (Y/N):
If Jin got the ‘blue screen of death’ would she look like a smurf?
Would explain Tepoz colouring. He got that ages ago
I reckon her wyes would just turn into mini-monitors with the bluescreen on them.
I don’t believe for one second that things went that smoothly. Something is going to go wrong. Where did the little girl’s spirit go? It didn’t just vanish.
Jay-em had a nice theory regarding that yesterday

If it’s correct we shall find out eventually
Quick Bud! She’s can feel pain. Now’s the time to unleash all the pent-up aggression you have at Jin. Do it now, before she reverts!
Fine. If you’re not going to do it, just don’t tell Tepoz or Shelly what happened, or we may not have a Jin much longer.
She was ready to put May through a wall because she thought she was hurting Jin.
Maybe she has forgiven Jin
Nah. They are like the typical siblings. Constantly quarelling, and teasing, but actually utterly fond of each other.
They became closer than family, being dependent oneach other for aeons…heck, they slept in Bud’s hatch for who knows how long.. ( which makes me think this ” hatch-thing” is unique to Bud, otherwise, why retreat inside Bud ? )
i just had a thought, what if the original Chimaera had various access hatches and such, but when the girls were split into the 3 of them, the various access hatches went to different individual girls? thus Brandi and Jin DON’T have the stomach panel, because Bud got that one, just like Jin has the sternum panel and I’ll bet that Brandi and Bud DON’T… huh? sounds good, yeah?
Okay. Under that theory, Bud and Jin have the front of the torso covered.
So where’s Brandi’s port?
either her head, or her tail.
Gotta be the rear. And I can’t help but think that’s kinda hot…
I don’t know where Brandi’s hatch is but I’m willing to go look for it.
Maybe they thought it was funny?
darn went to the wrong spot in thread.
Soo… are the two others … hatchlings?
*drops a coin*
Tepoz seems to regard Jin more as sister than antagonist (which makes sense); and now that Jin’s stopped goading Shelly I doubt Shelly wants to punch her as much. I would say the people Jin might REALLY have to look out for now are the ‘Gods’ who she’s had convinced she was a time traveler and has been manipulating for centuries…
Okay, Jin is apparently human, or at least human-ish. This raises two questions:
1. Can Bud and Brandi regain their humanity?
2. Would they *want* to?
I don’t know bout that.
It’s an artifact that May doesn’t know about so she cannot recreate it. Also it was produced in a place that cannot exist any more. So could they make it again so they could? Doubtful.
I think Bud would. Brandi … not so sure.
There could be more of those keys back at the graveyard in Ireland, or it could point to where others are (there was a reference to Stonehendge before). Refined plutonium is available today, so a poit by Bud or Brandi could fetch more. The difficult part would be aging the plutonium in a beryllium tube of the appropriate size.
All in all, I think there must be an advanced something behind all this. I mean, how did the Lanthians make this stuff, yet live in such a primitive culture? Refining plutonium requires more than a mortar and pestle. There is more than “magic” involved.
Love the expression and body language in the final panel.
Not something I would be happy for, but I have felt pain all my life, so there’s that
Jin’s lookin’ sooo cute!
Her teeth are smooth. She doesn’t have canines any more, so that’s a good sign, I think.
Also notice: no fangs.
Maybe it has been said or mentioned….anyone notice no more vampire teeth on her since her new humanization?
Been mentioned.
Also no more snake eyes.
And, tellingly, the mention earned a grin from the cartoonist.
gotta say, i’ve been holding out for this part in the story ever since the end of the calender machine. Huzzahs for Jin!
Ah! No more proof needed. It’s Jin allright… Aannd.. I spilt my coffee, laughing.
Whow !!! expressions … real good ! 8-D
Jin seems to have redicovered the joy of being human. (and sane) I wonder what her reaction will be when she realizes how much Shelly sacrificed to make this possible. They were apparently best friends in several of the cycles and Jin kept her distance from everyone in this last one to improve the chances of the calander machine problem being solved. But she does rember all the cycles.
By her shins ye shall know her.
(I’m such a heel…)
What’s the current Pun Jar total now?
And what does the Jar look like, anyway?
I can only give one detail about the jar: it’s waaaay too small.
For that pun, Lee, I think you’re going to have to make a serious contribution to the Pun Dumptruck.
May I suggest a disused grain silo.
There’s got to be one somewhere in the Twin Cities area.
Life is like a hurricane,
Here in Wapsi…
Golems, Poiters, demon dames,
It’s a freak spree!
Like this
According to my cheap import car, “The jar is a door.”
Absolutely love the lightbulb moment in panel 2. <3
Yep–the moment when she realizes the reboot worked.
And that, had she worn boots, her shin would hurt just enough to tell her it worked.
A number of questions come to mind.
Can the Chimera form now.
Can Jin even do anything extra. Snake form? Poit?
Will she be a nice person now that she’s done being haunted by talking walls and non-existent people?
From all this, the biggest question comes up. Without all of these things, who is the real Jin and what is she like?
How soon until she becomes pregnant?
“Wow! I wonder what other superpowers I don’t have!?”
I do hope May will step in at some point here and sum it all up so we are certain Jin is now real flesh and blood with a normal life span, etc. so we don’t have to wonder about it all. She may still be able to poit though.
Soooooooooo…if Jin is “alive” and “human” and can now die a normal death, will the artifact have to be retrieved at the time of the autopsy?
Jin also displays a colorfully diverse use of the english language as well. LOL
“Colorfully diverse”?
Try here – and eight strips later, and the one after that…
Billions of blue blistering barnacles!
Urk. No half-life, so full-life then?
One has to wonder how much furniture the golem girls went through (and I mean through) adjusting to life in the 21st Century.
Not to mention the 6th, when they were split from the Chimera. But once the diamond squeezing technique is perfected, they can afford it.
And it looks like the system is being slow to update again. C’mon Pablo, I need to hit the hay. Us dead people need our sleep too.
Really liking Jin’s expressions. They seem subtly different from before.
pain pain, huzzah!?
And with that, Jinoccio turned into a real live girl!