Nat And Marie
Please tune in every Wednesday night at 9pm EST and visit my friends Nat&Marie!
“Nat Tubanos and Marie Nicola are the sassiest sweethearts to ever take a byte out of the world wide web. When internet culture goes “Pop” it usually means anything can happen, especially when two Canucks dissect the goings online – streamed live & unscripted around the world. Featuring the “Hot5”, “Will it go Viral?” and latest viral videos, the biggest ceWEBrities (digital celebrities) and the craziest topics trending from India to America, Nat&Marie are first to cover it all while throwing in a few musical guests just for kicks. This is one interactive night of e-tainment that you don’t want to miss.”
Is this a podcast?
Looks as if it’s a UStream videocast. Past episodes are Listed, but I was unable to stream one to my iPad… the content isn’t online, according to the website.
Once I turned off javascript I was able to check the website with most of the particularly troublesome ads gone There not be any way to port their content over to your iThing, sorry. Nat and Marie might want to have a word with their web designer when they get the chance.
Hey Dave, Ustream won’t allow for the shows to air on iPhone/iPad in archive, but it’ll air on mobile when we’re live.
um.. constructive comment..
so PLEASE dont take it badly!!!
I am not the sort of person who listens to hour long ‘chat & news’ podcasts or vidcasts..
so others may like the format presented…:)
Reducing the logo to only 2 or 3 seconds, or putting it in a corner, would make it more watchable.. and a camera view facing the person talking would be nice…
Just my opinion you guys…
That’s just a place holder video, the actual show has the cameras on the gals.
we’re a live streaming/interactive talk show about internet entertainment culture. Tune in and be our digital co-host.
Not at my home computer tonight. No mic or webcam.
Good luck!
You don’t need either. There’s a social stream to chat via text and the show is loaded on mobile during the live show only! Hope to catch you next week!
Cool beans!
OK I see Monica as Wonder Woman, but is Tina supposed to be Catwoman? or ?
Or it’s his friends Nat and Marie.
That’s a drawing of Nat and Marie.
But with Tina’s neck ring, and Monica’s bangers!!! you naughty boy….

Bangers and mash is the least appetizing food I’ve heard mention of today, and I’ve passed two taco bells. What were you thinking?
haha it’s Nat Tubanos as Wonder Woman and me, Marie, as Catwoman.
And, believe me, we always put our breast foot forward.
“Breast foot” ?!? What, do your Nike’s come in a D-cup? Or do you hafta put yer ta-tas in a Brannok Device? C’mon, people wanna KNOW!
… ? … weren’t we just singing about whips and such? C’mere, baby- try an’ dominate ME! I’ll give ya a run fer yer money! An’ I’ll bet yer’ve been naughty, too! I can deal with naughty… wanna play?
Boobs and Taller boobs >3>?
That’s what my diploma says.
Pablo, you may have missed a point on the advertising. What do they do? What do they talk about? Yes, their website should mention this already, but it omits descriptions as well as content.
Are you kidding me? They have a whole paragraph on their page explaining their show.
“Nat Tubanos and Marie Nicola are the sassiest sweethearts to ever take a byte out of the world wide web. When internet culture goes “Pop” it usually means anything can happen, especially when two Canucks dissect the goings online – streamed live & unscripted around the world. Featuring the “Hot5”, “Will it go Viral?” and latest viral videos, the biggest ceWEBrities (digital celebrities) and the craziest topics trending from India to America, Nat&Marie are first to cover it all while throwing in a few musical guests just for kicks. This is one interactive night of e-tainment that you don’t want to miss.”
Allow me, Pablo.
They’re a superheroine team.
Thanks, that’s echoed here now. (Investigating, I find that the blurb text appears only with javascript turned on, and last night I had to look at the page with java off to keep some ads from eating my browser. Something less vile is up now.)
Our website is launching on May 1st. If you go to the show description on our ustream channel it explains what we do. The show currently airs in the archives with a 30 minute pre-show because of the limitations of Ustream.
Yeah, ustream isn’t ideal, that’s why we’re launching our website very very soon. There will be one stop shop for information about online entertainment culture and more.
The story of how we came about is a little unconventional and it kind of explains why everything is the way it is. But, that’s what makes us unique.
I promise we’re getting a proper website!!
Wait, so I was wrong? You two don’t fight crime?
Does this mean that you engage in crime?! Do you smuggle? Are you bootleggers?
I think I could be quite happy to smuggle up with EITHER of them!
What do we start the bidding at?!!!!!!!!
Sorry, the pic is for my friends. =)
If I could like that comment I would.
*hugs* you’re an allstar, Paul!
PS – your friends here are incredible.
No problem maestro, I’m just the noisy one in the appeciative audience
rrrrrROOWWRRRRrrr! Holy hotties, Batman!
Interesting looking show, and the way you draw them those two could take over the world with those looks I would say it’s both exciting and scary to think of ^_^
We are working on it. Want to join the team? We are legion.
Yes ma’am I obey… O.O
Great artwork – but as backwards as I am at “tech” stuff – I’ll have to pass..
What tech stuff? You click on the link, and you watch their show at 9pm EST, it’s no more difficult than watching television.
haha I’ve never heard of us being referred to as “Techie” that’s awesome. LOL But, if you’re feeling more confident with watching web streamed video – we’re here for you!
I wish I had time to spare for such things.
As it is I have to sneak time from work to check my comics…
Well, I wish your friends the best of success!
Julie, thanks! You should check the show out, if you have a web comic get it in our hands and on our show.
We will do everything we can to support everyone who’s trying to live out their passion online.
Lovely drawing, at any rate!
Great artwork!
Wonder Woman always has my attention!
Paul, everytime I see this picture I’m speechless. I’m so grateful, and I know Nat is as well. You made it seem almost possible to wedge my abnormally superb breasts into a latex catsuit – it has always been a problem. With the soaring costs of latex, Lycra just doesn’t give the support a girl needs.
This is the breast picture of me I have ever seen.
Also, thank you everyone for your comments. We are launching our website May 1st and we will have many of the issues you’ve noted resolved.
Tonight when the show goes live at 9pm, we’re talking to the co-founder of Hip Urban Girl, Nat and I go head to head with our viral video picks, we run down the latest news, trending topics and – my favorite – the Hot5.
I’m going to go through and answer any of your concerns and questions individually.
But, honestly, we have fun and we want you guys to be our digital cohosts, so come and let’s hang out tonight!
The Mythbusters call it “Cartoon Physics”. A unique power possessed only by artist to nullify the natural order of the universe, physics, biology, etc.
“That’s the thing about crayons. They can take you more places then a starship.”
– Guinan, aka Whoopie Goldberg, STTNG.
Calvin and Hobbes also discussed it–it’s not a superpower; all cartoon women can do that to a costume.
I find it amusing how often bra makers ads randomly pop up on this site. ^_^