Poor poppy-seed. She’s just encountered one of life’s big letdowns… yet another bit of adult disillusionment for her to deal with.
She hoped for a real, honest-to-goodness ghost. What she got was a simple, straightforward temporal anomaly, courtesy of some ley lines and a berry pastry.
She found out that being leyed by a tart isn’t as enjoyable as what she had imagined.
That Digit . . . she be trolling . . .
I could almost hear Castela’s brain going aahOOOgaah when Digit punks her like that.
If there was a shadow it was probably Digit herself.
She’s the best straight-delivery comedian on the planet.
Didn’t they have cameras watching their sleeping area?
Yeah, but Hiroshi and Timothy may not have finished transcribing the videos and stills.
*Sure* she has no idea.
Nothing like the “unknown” to make one feel “right at home”.
(just not your own home)
RIP heart.
Way to go Digit, that’s really going to help her sleep 😛
By the way, loving Shawna’s pet-name for the stink weed 😀
Poor poppy-seed. She’s just encountered one of life’s big letdowns… yet another bit of adult disillusionment for her to deal with.
She hoped for a real, honest-to-goodness ghost. What she got was a simple, straightforward temporal anomaly, courtesy of some ley lines and a berry pastry.
She found out that being leyed by a tart isn’t as enjoyable as what she had imagined.
The pun jar is waiting for you… 🙂
The pun jar is buying a contract on your life for that pun! 😎
Dave… Dave… Dave…
Just wandering around hittin’ the ‘random’ button, and I found a ‘baby’ picture of Castela: Getting her hair did.
Mr. Taylor, we gotta love your work.
Hmm, link didn’t work so here’s the url: http://wapsisquare.com/comic/getting-her-hair-did/
Di-GIT???OMG! NOW you bring that up?
By the by…”poppy seed?”
Poppy seed is Shawna’s little ‘love-name’ for Castela…