Well, they say that only 3 kind of people tells you truly, what they think:
– the child, who don’t know yet how to lie
– the drunk
– and someone totally crazy. (Those, who are only partially crazy might have enough sanity to realize the difference between what’s real, and what’s not, therefor they still could lie.)
We’ve tried, and you seem to find that very blunt and obnoxious (and an invitation to regurgitate some extremely sexist and dismissive attitudes about men). Thus the dance of awkwardness you insist upon.
Well there are a few problems as I see it and all of the have to do with the balance of power or consent. Not everyone is there for sex, that is a Hollywood fiction. If you find me in a bar or club I’m there for 1 of 3 reasons, I’m eating or enjoying a drink there, I’m socializing with my friends or family, or I’m there for the music and maybe to dance. I’m never there to hook-up for sex with someone I don’t already know and like.
The problem with a man coming up to a woman and bluntly asking for sex is that too often the man is not willing to hear an equally blunt refusal, sometime they get either physically or verbally abusive. This is common enough that some bars and clubs have procedures in place to protect the women, including an escort out to the parking lot for the woman or calling the police. But if movies and television showed this instead of the rom-com trope that the persistent, macho, and insistant man will eventually win, male audiences would complain loudly that the show is being abusive to them.
ah, but watching how they get to that question is the fun part! =)
In vino, veritas
^—- Puck ‘likes’ this.
*applause* I could not have put that better!
….. >.> I’m assuming that translates to “In wine, truth.” (not up on languages)
Exactly right.
Well, they say that only 3 kind of people tells you truly, what they think:
– the child, who don’t know yet how to lie
– the drunk
– and someone totally crazy. (Those, who are only partially crazy might have enough sanity to realize the difference between what’s real, and what’s not, therefor they still could lie.)
This is where the ‘wine’ and wherefors start. XD
Come on. say it! SAY IT! D’oh! Moment lost.
We’ve tried, and you seem to find that very blunt and obnoxious (and an invitation to regurgitate some extremely sexist and dismissive attitudes about men). Thus the dance of awkwardness you insist upon.
Well there are a few problems as I see it and all of the have to do with the balance of power or consent. Not everyone is there for sex, that is a Hollywood fiction. If you find me in a bar or club I’m there for 1 of 3 reasons, I’m eating or enjoying a drink there, I’m socializing with my friends or family, or I’m there for the music and maybe to dance. I’m never there to hook-up for sex with someone I don’t already know and like.
The problem with a man coming up to a woman and bluntly asking for sex is that too often the man is not willing to hear an equally blunt refusal, sometime they get either physically or verbally abusive. This is common enough that some bars and clubs have procedures in place to protect the women, including an escort out to the parking lot for the woman or calling the police. But if movies and television showed this instead of the rom-com trope that the persistent, macho, and insistant man will eventually win, male audiences would complain loudly that the show is being abusive to them.