The instructions to use bowling balls probably come on separate pages, forcing her to spend extra time off doing those activities . . . instead of activities the previous Brandi(s) know she Should Not Be Doing.
That’s “fullerene”. Named after Buckminster Fuller, the architect famous for his geodesic domes. C60 molecules are actually called buckminsterfullerenes, since they were the first fullerene discovered; they are also known as buckyballs.
I think she intentionally didn’t mentioned the bowling balls before, she might need to reach a certain mental state to be able to do something, what normally she wouldn’t do.
Mayhap at this point she should just read what comes next, so she doesn’t have to make twelve trips? Just a thought lol
Nah–her way is more fun…
…for us.
Ah, but she’s already told herself not to read ahead.
The instructions to use bowling balls probably come on separate pages, forcing her to spend extra time off doing those activities . . . instead of activities the previous Brandi(s) know she Should Not Be Doing.
It’s a time travel thing.
So, it’s a big ball of wibbly, wobbly, timey wimey stuff?
looks like a ball for soccer…made of mirrors!
Dare you to kick it! 😀
A Bucky-ball or flulerine. C-60. Carbon 60 atom. Yes, a soccer shaped structure as well. Also, a geodesic dome. .
Carbon nano tubes.
That’s “fullerene”. Named after Buckminster Fuller, the architect famous for his geodesic domes. C60 molecules are actually called buckminsterfullerenes, since they were the first fullerene discovered; they are also known as buckyballs.
…What? I’m a chemistry nerd. :/
It’s also the shape of the universe. A physicist who was also a musician figured out a clever way to determine this.
What, I’m s science groupie!
well, the instructions DID say to cut in half…
my mistake; i misread the instructions. 2nd whole bowling ball…maybe she should just get like 10 or 12 bowling balls.
…Yup. I was right. ^_^
Oh, I hate when that happens. And then I go and drop the bowling ball and lose it in the carpet somewhere.
So, supposedly, Brandi has already purchased 112 bowling balls.
yes, one at a time.
Bowling balls cost $130-$1,000 so this is getting expensive… 🎳
I’d go with the cheapest one. Maybe even try calling a few pawn shops to see if they have any on hand to sell cheap.
I think she intentionally didn’t mentioned the bowling balls before, she might need to reach a certain mental state to be able to do something, what normally she wouldn’t do.