In all due fairness, humans are a very visual animal. If he took his glasses off during kick boxing and can’t use contacts, then he would be poorly skilled in kickboxing as his ability to see what his opponent was doing would screw with his ability to react. Then again, why would a person so physically limited pursue such a career?
Maybe he should plead guilty and just take his punishment.
My vision is terrible and I’ve worn glasses since 4th grade, but I studied karate for six years and won all but two of my matches. Things are blurry past five or six feet without my glasses, but it doesn’t prevent me from seeing *things*, just detail.
However, I’d probably (ahem!) *cop* a plea, too, seeing as how Shelly’s da bomb…
Wow, his Sergeant was part of this elaborate plan? I bet you anything that the police academy never prepared Justin for this. And just how did Shelly pull that off?
A lot of cops carry the cuffs on the belt, sort of around the back, so they can reach back and grab ’em.
I called it – Shelly *could* have filed a stalking complaint, but she and his sarge decided to teach him A Lesson.
And, no, i don’t think he was *really* as clumsy as he apparently acted; i think Shelly figured it out pretty quickly when she realised that the cop who’d come to see about her explosion was the same guy who’d showed up in her class…
Boy, the local cops are about 0 for 2 dealing with the Wapsi Grrls… (0 for 3, if you want to count the cops, rather than the incidents…)
Oh, I am starting to think that this meeting was no coincidence. I have a feeling that Shelly and Justin’s Sergeant planned to send him there. Everything is just falling into place too easily for Shelly for this to be a lucky set of circumstances. The cop that goes to Shelly’s kick boxing classes just happens to be sent to her address when his shift is close to being over?
It’s obvious, as i said, that this is the sergeant’s way of avoiding a stalking complaint against one of his officers; one that might very well stand up, and would certainly cause a lot of bad PR and expense for the department even if it was dismissed.
I don’t think the sergeant was worried about any charges. Shelly said that she made it obvious that filing charges wasn’t in her agenda. I’m taking Shelly at her word about what motivated him. I could easily image a sergeant thinking this was funny as hell.
I think it’s funny to watch how Shelly has been using her hands and controlling the conversation to get away with handcuffing herself to Justin. First, she pretends she’s going to hold her breath and pass out as an excuse to press up against him and to grab his shoulders. Then she squeezes his butt and keeps rubbing against him to distract him while she lifts his handcuffs, which would be back there. At the same time, she’s also distracting him with what she is saying. I can’t tell if she is putting the handcuffs on him in the first frame today, though, or if she distracts him with her right hand in the second frame while she uses her left to do it.
Yes–and a sergeant should have enough experience to know when to go the “official” way to handle things, and when to shut one’s eye over (and possibly even encourage) a more just way to get things resolved.
Shelly is unspeakably cute in that last panel. Her theatrically dainty/helpless body language contrasting with her powerful body is visually hilarious, too.
At first, I thought this was the same blond cop who was one of the pair who went out to investigate the sonic boom when Bud shot put the crunched up calendar machine into the sun, but that one didn’t have glasses — unless it is the same cop only he was wearing contacts then.
This guy probably gushes about her while on the job, and the Sergent probably heard about it. Shelly investigates at the precinct when she figures out who the guy is, and they plot out an interesting way to both get even and have a “date” at the same time.
Also: the Handcuffs were a particularly nice touch. ^_^
Hmm, I’m not sure… but wasn’t there some police connection with her Dad’s garage? Or do I confuse this with another comic/story? So, if I remember right, she may have had an even easier time of getting the drop on Justin (don’t think I need to pity him with calling him “poor”). Like, actually knowing his sarge beforehand…
Well, in the climate of modern policing, those laws broken which you mention wouldn’t be processed in court, much less dismissed, they’d be paid for in beatings and tazerings, and THEN processed in court. Can you really blame people for not also doing it for you?
It’s strange, I’ve met a handful of genuinely nice police officers, but as I’ve gotten older all I ever hear about are the corrupt and abusive ones. Which wouldn’t bother me so much if something was actually being done about it, but they all get off scot free these days.
It really hinges on who the sarge is. And whether said Sgt. is male or female. Although, the urge for matchmaking knows no bounds, gender, or restraint. As long as Shelly doesn’t quote Bud and say,”It went PPPPPppppppbbbbblllllttthhh!” this should get interesting.
I fail to see how going to a gym for legitimate training (whether one needs it or not) rises to the level of stalking. Yes, he went to be with the instructor, but if that were a real criteria, I would bet half of those going to gyms for whatever would fall into that category. Many go to meet others as much as the exercize. Or to watch the instructor do her/his thing. That would be a raving lunatic’s feminist’s view of stalking, but hardly the real world.
I also seriously doubt any sargent would risk his career by going along with such a loony plan involving a gas explosion. Don’t get me wrong, it’s all very humorous, but premise flawed.
Raving lunatic’s feminist’s view? Hardly. A trained police officer pretended to be a clumsey noob, to the extent of needing close personal contact in the training. Requiring the female instructor to put her hands all over him, to show him the proper moves. Not stalking, but….not cool to fake ignorance, so you can enjoy someone’s hands on you.
Obviously, he’s not such a noob, or the sarge wouldn’t have found it so funny.
And, what is this ‘real world’ you speak of? This is a comic, and funny as hell! Shelly is awesome, I love the plan. Obviously Shelly isn’t too pissed. If she was truly upset, she would’ve kicked him out of class, or complained to the sargeant. (Yeah, no laws were broken, but still). Instead, she’s teaching him a lesson. Let him see what it’s like to deal with someone pretending to be a total ditz, in his workplace! He told Shelly this was taking his time away from people who needed it? What about needlessly monopolizing the instructor’s time, which is unfair to the rest of the (paying!) class?
And, before you rightly point out there’s a big difference between class time and important police duties-Shelly knew that. Which is why she cleared it with the sargeant first.
And again, it’s funny. I can see the two of them having a beer together, eventually.
Hey, what about the rest of us?? I may not have posted such an elegant reply, but I was thinking the same exact thing, you know….as far as you know…:-D
Well then Shelly must be a poor teacher if she is giving too much attention to one student at the expense of the others. She is in charge, not him. It doesn’t matter what he wants, it is up to the instructor to portion her time so as to be fair to all the students.
The first thing I would do were I him would be to request a transfer away from that sargent. Conspiring against an officer over a clearly personal event is a serious matter. I feel pretty sure he never grabbed her butt and squeezed. She crossed way over the line with the conspiracy and explosion. There is no parity between the two actions. Even in the comic world. All in all, he would have a much stronger case of stalking against her as she is the one who lured him to this rendezvous. Going to the sargent first did not relieve her of responsibility, but rather made him a co-conspirator.
I don’t think Sarge’s gender matters. I mean really as far as the legality of it all goes . . . most of the cops I’ve known are allergic to the bureaucracy of things, their slightest infraction could take two months of mulling and meetings to have someone say: “Don’t do that again.” That same bureaucracy often protects bad officers that the others think should have been canned.
So that long winded bit done, this makes sense (making allowances for comic exaggeration of course!). I’ve heard stories about the jokes people in this sort of work play on each other (mine were mostly firefighters) but the gist is basically that an unofficial answer (particularly an amusing one) is always better. Requesting a transfer would be more trouble, easier to just conspire against your sergeant and play a prank back. Those guys need humor, work would drive them nuts otherwise.
Evil evil evil!
Muahahahahaha ! She’s awesome .
His sergeant knows about this? Hoo-kay, this is getting more involved by the minute.
In all due fairness, humans are a very visual animal. If he took his glasses off during kick boxing and can’t use contacts, then he would be poorly skilled in kickboxing as his ability to see what his opponent was doing would screw with his ability to react. Then again, why would a person so physically limited pursue such a career?
Maybe he should plead guilty and just take his punishment.
My vision is terrible and I’ve worn glasses since 4th grade, but I studied karate for six years and won all but two of my matches. Things are blurry past five or six feet without my glasses, but it doesn’t prevent me from seeing *things*, just detail.
However, I’d probably (ahem!) *cop* a plea, too, seeing as how Shelly’s da bomb…
Wow, his Sergeant was part of this elaborate plan? I bet you anything that the police academy never prepared Justin for this. And just how did Shelly pull that off?
Ditto and raise you one spew!
( wipes screen )
I see your raise and add a stifled guffaw
I’ll up the ante by two winks & two nudges.
Fast hands.
A lot of cops carry the cuffs on the belt, sort of around the back, so they can reach back and grab ’em.
I called it – Shelly *could* have filed a stalking complaint, but she and his sarge decided to teach him A Lesson.
And, no, i don’t think he was *really* as clumsy as he apparently acted; i think Shelly figured it out pretty quickly when she realised that the cop who’d come to see about her explosion was the same guy who’d showed up in her class…
Boy, the local cops are about 0 for 2 dealing with the Wapsi Grrls… (0 for 3, if you want to count the cops, rather than the incidents…)
Oh, I am starting to think that this meeting was no coincidence. I have a feeling that Shelly and Justin’s Sergeant planned to send him there. Everything is just falling into place too easily for Shelly for this to be a lucky set of circumstances. The cop that goes to Shelly’s kick boxing classes just happens to be sent to her address when his shift is close to being over?
It’s obvious, as i said, that this is the sergeant’s way of avoiding a stalking complaint against one of his officers; one that might very well stand up, and would certainly cause a lot of bad PR and expense for the department even if it was dismissed.
I don’t think the sergeant was worried about any charges. Shelly said that she made it obvious that filing charges wasn’t in her agenda. I’m taking Shelly at her word about what motivated him. I could easily image a sergeant thinking this was funny as hell.
I think it’s funny to watch how Shelly has been using her hands and controlling the conversation to get away with handcuffing herself to Justin. First, she pretends she’s going to hold her breath and pass out as an excuse to press up against him and to grab his shoulders. Then she squeezes his butt and keeps rubbing against him to distract him while she lifts his handcuffs, which would be back there. At the same time, she’s also distracting him with what she is saying. I can’t tell if she is putting the handcuffs on him in the first frame today, though, or if she distracts him with her right hand in the second frame while she uses her left to do it.
Yes–and a sergeant should have enough experience to know when to go the “official” way to handle things, and when to shut one’s eye over (and possibly even encourage) a more just way to get things resolved.
Shelly is unspeakably cute in that last panel. Her theatrically dainty/helpless body language contrasting with her powerful body is visually hilarious, too.
At first, I thought this was the same blond cop who was one of the pair who went out to investigate the sonic boom when Bud shot put the crunched up calendar machine into the sun, but that one didn’t have glasses — unless it is the same cop only he was wearing contacts then.
Yep, it’s the same fellow.
BTW, any word on when the tee-shirts commemorating that earth-shaking event will ship?
This guy probably gushes about her while on the job, and the Sergent probably heard about it. Shelly investigates at the precinct when she figures out who the guy is, and they plot out an interesting way to both get even and have a “date” at the same time.
Also: the Handcuffs were a particularly nice touch. ^_^
Hmm, I’m not sure… but wasn’t there some police connection with her Dad’s garage? Or do I confuse this with another comic/story? So, if I remember right, she may have had an even easier time of getting the drop on Justin (don’t think I need to pity him with calling him “poor”). Like, actually knowing his sarge beforehand…
Don’t do it! She can throw car engines! *giggle*
No, wait…DO it! She can bench press you in some interesting positions!
That depends on whether Shelly is planning on wrestling to win or lose…
I think she would probably try to win, because I have a feeling that if Justin won he’s probably running for the hills……..
One-handed, no less…….;)
He wuz framed.
Now, wouldn’t it be hilarious if Shelly knew her Sergeant?
Like, say, it was her long-lost brother?
Or, even weirder, it was… Owen???????
In real life, she has already broken several laws and could be gettin herself into a LOT of trouble.
In the comic, it’s absolutely adorable.
It also makes me insanely jealous that no one did that for me when I was a cop!
Well, in the climate of modern policing, those laws broken which you mention wouldn’t be processed in court, much less dismissed, they’d be paid for in beatings and tazerings, and THEN processed in court. Can you really blame people for not also doing it for you?
It’s strange, I’ve met a handful of genuinely nice police officers, but as I’ve gotten older all I ever hear about are the corrupt and abusive ones. Which wouldn’t bother me so much if something was actually being done about it, but they all get off scot free these days.
The good folks seldom get recognized as widely as those with “issues.”
Good news doesn’t draw readers/viewers and therefore doesn’t sell advertising.
It depends–having the sergeant on her side could make a big difference. . . .
What are you doing Shelly?
Have you done this before?
Um … does it work?
Maybe I should be looking for pointers.
Can’t wait for tomorrows post … to see if it might work.
She’s smart to get the sarge involved…so it would appear that she was the kickboxing instructor in question?
It really hinges on who the sarge is. And whether said Sgt. is male or female. Although, the urge for matchmaking knows no bounds, gender, or restraint. As long as Shelly doesn’t quote Bud and say,”It went PPPPPppppppbbbbblllllttthhh!” this should get interesting.
i just love Shelly.
I fail to see how going to a gym for legitimate training (whether one needs it or not) rises to the level of stalking. Yes, he went to be with the instructor, but if that were a real criteria, I would bet half of those going to gyms for whatever would fall into that category. Many go to meet others as much as the exercize. Or to watch the instructor do her/his thing. That would be a raving lunatic’s feminist’s view of stalking, but hardly the real world.
I also seriously doubt any sargent would risk his career by going along with such a loony plan involving a gas explosion. Don’t get me wrong, it’s all very humorous, but premise flawed.
Never mind.
Raving lunatic’s feminist’s view? Hardly. A trained police officer pretended to be a clumsey noob, to the extent of needing close personal contact in the training. Requiring the female instructor to put her hands all over him, to show him the proper moves. Not stalking, but….not cool to fake ignorance, so you can enjoy someone’s hands on you.
Obviously, he’s not such a noob, or the sarge wouldn’t have found it so funny.
And, what is this ‘real world’ you speak of? This is a comic, and funny as hell! Shelly is awesome, I love the plan. Obviously Shelly isn’t too pissed. If she was truly upset, she would’ve kicked him out of class, or complained to the sargeant. (Yeah, no laws were broken, but still). Instead, she’s teaching him a lesson. Let him see what it’s like to deal with someone pretending to be a total ditz, in his workplace! He told Shelly this was taking his time away from people who needed it? What about needlessly monopolizing the instructor’s time, which is unfair to the rest of the (paying!) class?
And, before you rightly point out there’s a big difference between class time and important police duties-Shelly knew that. Which is why she cleared it with the sargeant first.
And again, it’s funny. I can see the two of them having a beer together, eventually.
*gives Chicgeek a big cyber cookie and a hug*
Hey, what about the rest of us?? I may not have posted such an elegant reply, but I was thinking the same exact thing, you know….as far as you know…:-D
*hugs and cookie*
Well then Shelly must be a poor teacher if she is giving too much attention to one student at the expense of the others. She is in charge, not him. It doesn’t matter what he wants, it is up to the instructor to portion her time so as to be fair to all the students.
The first thing I would do were I him would be to request a transfer away from that sargent. Conspiring against an officer over a clearly personal event is a serious matter. I feel pretty sure he never grabbed her butt and squeezed. She crossed way over the line with the conspiracy and explosion. There is no parity between the two actions. Even in the comic world. All in all, he would have a much stronger case of stalking against her as she is the one who lured him to this rendezvous. Going to the sargent first did not relieve her of responsibility, but rather made him a co-conspirator.
Somebody’s getting laid!
Well, presumably both of them are, if I’m reading this straight…
Okay. I LOVE Shelly in that last panel. But is it just me or is her hair getting more….. Dragon Ball Z by the minute?
Interesting story line……
She tried to make her hair look like it was blown back by the gas explosion.
I can’t find the first time she boomed her gril. Is that a comic or is it just back story for this chapter?
Backstory. Don’t fash yersel’.
So now we got Offissa
PupJustin and KrazyKatShelly . . . so where’sIgnatzBud just when you need her to chunk a half-brick?Wouldn’t Ignatz = Heather?
Nah, I figure Bud, since we were just talking about her chunkin’ things at things not too long ago.
Shelly is my kind of evil. I wish her well!
Shelly always has explanations that are…off the cuff *snicker*
I do dig that expression on her face in the last panel. Too cool.
Anybody betting on whether Sarge is female or not? I’m voting female.
I don’t think Sarge’s gender matters. I mean really as far as the legality of it all goes . . . most of the cops I’ve known are allergic to the bureaucracy of things, their slightest infraction could take two months of mulling and meetings to have someone say: “Don’t do that again.” That same bureaucracy often protects bad officers that the others think should have been canned.
So that long winded bit done, this makes sense (making allowances for comic exaggeration of course!). I’ve heard stories about the jokes people in this sort of work play on each other (mine were mostly firefighters) but the gist is basically that an unofficial answer (particularly an amusing one) is always better. Requesting a transfer would be more trouble, easier to just conspire against your sergeant and play a prank back. Those guys need humor, work would drive them nuts otherwise.
Justin probably doesnt get ditz pretenders at work. he most likely gets the real ones. ———— what was he doing behind the desk?
Why Ms. Wahnee, you’re trying to seduce me. ^_^
holy frak…
yeah, I’m speechless.