Own It by Paul Taylor on August 4, 2016 at 10:30 pm Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Castela, KatherineLocation: Gilchrist Home └ Tags: Growing pains Related Comics ¬ Mom Voice Last Minute She Shoots She Scores That View You Are Kind
Well played mama, well played!
Oh, well done, Cath! Well done!
The last frame is all Grand-Ma Lilly.
The little weed ain’t weaseling her way out of this one. LOL
Nailed it! I guess.
So: That’s what Homo Superior looks like…
No – that’s what Mom In Her Aspect looks like.
Castela! Curb that language! Yes I know you’re only thinking it, but still!
Is telepathy a thing we’ve seen in the Wapsiverse?
The Library comes to mind, but I think Tina falls short of actual mindreading (she reads Auras, which isn’t the same thing)
Jin communicates mentally with Monica and picks up remote conversations.
No need.
The dead silence was more than enough communication.
*groan* was that pun intentional, Michael?
Sudden, completely unrelated thought.
Does Katherine still collect spiders?
More wondering whatever happened to her goldfish, the one who was lactose intolerant but liked going on walks
Has been a lot of years, odds are good the goldie is no more by now. Dead spiders have a longer shelf life though 😀
Oscar wasn’t a goldfish – he was a betta (Siamese Fighting Fish).
According to Wikipedia:
The way this comic goes, the fish will have saved the universe once with super powers and is immortal, so yeah, it’s likely still around.
Thank you Fairportfan, forgot what species he was and figured he was one of them ‘fancy’ goldfish
So, depending on when Kat got Oscar, he could still be around?
Lucky her; if that had been me, I’d have gotten my ass kicked so far over the moon, I’d be saluting the American flag as I went sailing overhead.
Wash your inner mouth out with soap, Castela.
No guilt like Mom-guilt 😀
Called it! Kath is such an awesome Mom to those two 🙂
Has Castela always known how to swear like a sailor?
probably ownly recently.
http://wapsisquare.com/comic/mom-voice/ shows her start.
Katherine’s awesome quotient just went off the charts! And her expression in that last panel is just amazing, Paul caught that face just right.
The face in that last panel-LOL!
Best mom ever. Geeze, why cant i find a woman with that kind of sensibility? XD