Nice…… She looks more like Monica in the first panel though.
I’m curious how Brandi and Bud take their hot chocolate.
For one thing, they’re both such cheerful cute girls that you’d imagine them taking it sweet.
For another, however — they both grew up around the Aztecs, where cacao has been used as a form of currency and as a very bitter, strong drink.
um… you’re not reading that correctly… the Lanthians were around AND DESTROYED *before* the Olmec society was even created, and they disappeared even before the Aztecs were called the Aztecs. now, that’s not to say that the Olmecs didn’t find out about cacao from those that started out as post-Lanthian-pre-Olmec settlers though.
Nice…… She looks more like Monica in the first panel though.
I’m curious how Brandi and Bud take their hot chocolate.
For one thing, they’re both such cheerful cute girls that you’d imagine them taking it sweet.
For another, however — they both grew up around the Aztecs, where cacao has been used as a form of currency and as a very bitter, strong drink.
Nope, they’re Lanthians and predate the Aztecs and even the Olmecs by millenia.
That doesn’t mean they didn’t learn about cacao from the Aztecs. Contrary to popular opinion, you can teach old fire lions new tricks.
um… you’re not reading that correctly… the Lanthians were around AND DESTROYED *before* the Olmec society was even created, and they disappeared even before the Aztecs were called the Aztecs. now, that’s not to say that the Olmecs didn’t find out about cacao from those that started out as post-Lanthian-pre-Olmec settlers though.
What is this I don’t even!?
I think what MikeB was saying is that Bud and Brandi could have learned about cacao from the Aztecs.
No reason to think they did, but no reason to think they didn’t either, if you see what I mean.
OOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH….. I knew it would be something like this… I was thinking a lantern….
And the steam-heater in Bud’s room is her “fireplace”.
NOW I Get it!