Just sayin’ I like today’s strip. Lots. For the rest of my thoughts, see comments above. Hope stinky’s OK, and will be interested to see how Bud looks after having her swimsuit shredded… Was the artifact indestructible?
If not, then…
…Jin has to build the Calendar Machine 2.0 ™ –this one has a speed feature! Watch as the speed of time passing becomes faster and slower at seemingly random points!
–Oh, and I owe the pun jar from earlier. (Deposits a dollar and tries to think up new puns)
Connecting all happenings, I am afraid that Stinky dropping the sub was the beginning of the de-stabilizing of ordnance, and Bud’s dropping the grenade, the trigger.
To parafrase a rather famous MP sketch: “It must have been that last little after-dinner mint” (curiously enough, thatalso set off an explosion, but of a different magnitude).
It reads, in very small print, loosely translated: “Manufactured by Bang – Bang Sticks. To cause to function, pull cord. If toilet does not flush, drop grenade and run like hell.”
Ah, Wapsi fans, I love you.
Three overwhelming comment threads on a day dealing with an earth-shattering Kaboom.
1) Bud, NEKKID!
2) That’s not a Bikini (surely on an island that SHOULD be “That isn’t a bikini atoll!”?)
3) I hope Stinky (a monster sqid/octopus) is okay.
Only here folk, cartoon porn, haute couture and animal welfare
I’m placing odds that Bud didn’t poit out of there in so much as the fact that there was no 1..2..3 boom. All she had time to do was look down and possibly realize a Maalox moment was fast approaching.
Interestingly, the French boat Surcouf was lost not too far from there…but it’s not mysterious and Germanic, just weird.
There was a treaty which limited many French warships – but if it submerged they could build any damn thing they wanted. The loophole was quickly plugged when the rest of Europe saw the French sea monster.
Great link, thanks. After reading it and being led to the Japanese I-401, and then American and Russian nuclear subs, I eventually stumbled on these photos of the exterior and interior of an old russian Typhoon/Shark class sub: http://community.livejournal.com/ru_submarine/17486.html
Running the link it through Google translate first, helps a lot.
I would like to thank you again, Hoomi, for recommending Shadow Divers. I’ve just read it, and was quite surprised to find so many historical records were wrong, and so many ‘experts’ as well.
Everyone – including me – seems to forget that Bud has had experience -poit-ing- out ahead of activated grenades – way back when M and Bud went to collect the other end of the teleporting tapestry. Those with encyclopedic memeories, please feel free to post the link…..
I am beginning to think that “Wapsi Square” must be the MOST popular comic on the Internet. At least judging from the number of comments … well over 200 in about 24-hours. Best I’ve ever seen I think.
well maybe, but while it may not be the best, it definitely has the best commentors, and if you notice a lot of those comments are from repeat offenders, myself included. plus a lot of the more popular comics tend to remove the ability to comment.
If I remember the firing train in those grenades correctly, it takes a pretty good pull to initiate the fuse . . . it’s a friction fuse like striking a match, not the percussion mousetrap that modern grenades use.
Just sayin’ I like today’s strip. Lots. For the rest of my thoughts, see comments above. Hope stinky’s OK, and will be interested to see how Bud looks after having her swimsuit shredded…
Was the artifact indestructible?
If not, then…
…Jin has to build the Calendar Machine 2.0 ™ –this one has a speed feature! Watch as the speed of time passing becomes faster and slower at seemingly random points!
–Oh, and I owe the pun jar from earlier. (Deposits a dollar and tries to think up new puns)
Wait… Wait…
Stinky TOSSES the sub onto the beach. No boom. Yet, if Bud touches the arm, that’s enough jostling to set off the trap?
Good trap! Efficiant design. Darn those Germans, they really don’t design anything half-assed do they?
Connecting all happenings, I am afraid that Stinky dropping the sub was the beginning of the de-stabilizing of ordnance, and Bud’s dropping the grenade, the trigger.
To parafrase a rather famous MP sketch: “It must have been that last little after-dinner mint” (curiously enough, thatalso set off an explosion, but of a different magnitude).
“Eets wahfer theen..”
First thing that came to my mind when i read that comment…
Always baffled me how the waiter knew enough to run and hide from the danger – it can’t have been a regular occurrence?
Nothing like dropping a live, armed potato masher grenade on your feet. Ouch, that’s gotta sting, even if you are invincible.
I hope she had it when she poited outta there. And I also hope Stinky was a safe ways away when it went boom!
Wish I could read the stenciling on that potato masher. It doesn’t look like “VOR GEBRAUCH SPRENGKAPSEL EINSETZEN”.
It reads, in very small print, loosely translated: “Manufactured by Bang – Bang Sticks. To cause to function, pull cord. If toilet does not flush, drop grenade and run like hell.”
Ah, Wapsi fans, I love you.
Three overwhelming comment threads on a day dealing with an earth-shattering Kaboom.
1) Bud, NEKKID!
2) That’s not a Bikini (surely on an island that SHOULD be “That isn’t a bikini atoll!”?)
3) I hope Stinky (a monster sqid/octopus) is okay.
Only here folk, cartoon porn, haute couture and animal welfare
Good point about stinky…just because he’s lived for a very long time indeed, brother, he may not be as immune to explosion as Bud is…
You guys are 50% of why this comic is in my top 3.
Same here! It’s not enough to read the comics, I have to read the commentary almost as much!
I also agree! The extremely clever chorus of commentators complements the creative comic!
I’m placing odds that Bud didn’t poit out of there in so much as the fact that there was no 1..2..3 boom. All she had time to do was look down and possibly realize a Maalox moment was fast approaching.
AAArgh!! You got me with that one. I read it twice and was midway through a “it’s Kodak” comment–and then I got it. *hangs head in shame*
Interestingly, the French boat Surcouf was lost not too far from there…but it’s not mysterious and Germanic, just weird.
There was a treaty which limited many French warships – but if it submerged they could build any damn thing they wanted. The loophole was quickly plugged when the rest of Europe saw the French sea monster.
Great link, thanks. After reading it and being led to the Japanese I-401, and then American and Russian nuclear subs, I eventually stumbled on these photos of the exterior and interior of an old russian Typhoon/Shark class sub:
Running the link it through Google translate first, helps a lot.
Those treaties were also what led various Powers to begin building aircraft carriers, since they weren’t covered either…
I would like to thank you again, Hoomi, for recommending Shadow Divers. I’ve just read it, and was quite surprised to find so many historical records were wrong, and so many ‘experts’ as well.
Everyone – including me – seems to forget that Bud has had experience -poit-ing- out ahead of activated grenades – way back when M and Bud went to collect the other end of the teleporting tapestry. Those with encyclopedic memeories, please feel free to post the link…..
Hey, I found it myself!
Arg, not again. http://wapsisquare.com/comic/motherhen/
I am beginning to think that “Wapsi Square” must be the MOST popular comic on the Internet. At least judging from the number of comments … well over 200 in about 24-hours. Best I’ve ever seen I think.
well maybe, but while it may not be the best, it definitely has the best commentors, and if you notice a lot of those comments are from repeat offenders, myself included. plus a lot of the more popular comics tend to remove the ability to comment.
I alone now have 13 comments, and will probably have more before the next one is posted.
Before they shut off comments on Pibgorn over at GoComics, 200+ would have been not atypical for a mid-week strip.
1000+ happened at least once or twice.
Not counting the trolls.
That’s because the comments were abridged…
(throws money at the tip jar)
You’re addicted….
*puts on sunglasses*
…you need some change.
I know Bud will survive this … and trying not to show odd concerns … but I wonder if her one-piece will.
The weird part is that the explosion is probably not strong enough to clear Bud’s sinuses. The bikini is toast.
And thus the dead shall rest in…pieces? KA-BOOOM!!!
If I remember the firing train in those grenades correctly, it takes a pretty good pull to initiate the fuse . . . it’s a friction fuse like striking a match, not the percussion mousetrap that modern grenades use.