Connie, exercising her human-soul essence and behaving like a human child (and goaded on by a sly suggestion from Nudge) skips gleefully away from the door to Phix’s private office in the Library…
… having just deposited a flaming paper bag of cerberus poo on the threshold and knocked loudly for admission.
To quote Pres. Bartlett, see the whole board Bucc-i. They said “artistically and emotionally” they felt it was the “prettiest” one in a while.
It can be debated on the difference between “pretty” and “beautiful”, as well as the car wash print even thought it does stir emotions I dunno if I would actually describe it as an emotional response that I feel when looking at it.
So I agree with the original poster, it is quite a high mark of its own right. Now putting the two head-to-head on eBay, yeah the car wash one is more likely to get my money (and would have, if I had been paying attention, heh). But this one makes for a nice print, too.
OK, you got me on that one. Trying to see the connection between Boson and Tina’s chest, or some word that rhymes with Boson … meh, coming up empty. Enlighten me? I just get the feeling there’s a hilarious joke there, if only I got it, heh.
Mind you, Pam had a natural knack for it… except she never knew when it would happen and could never duplicate her results twice. I had already been taught that certain chemical reactions gave little warning. When I ran the show, it went like clockwork… with a little bonus action as well. I never ‘cribbed’ (overcharged)my demolition work unless I was unsure of the charge- consequently I always had a bit of ‘surplus’. I used it to ‘sign my name’. OPFOR hated me…
She suddenly reminds me of the child goddess in The Belgariad series (I think that was it). The eternal child, always had grass stains on her bare feet……
This makes me wonder of demons are simply soul fragments and Connie is something that can be forged from them. The fiery image behind her does resemble some kind of glory hole.
This evoked the scene of the little girl facing the wall of plasma.
I’m wondering if that little girl’s spirit/soul is involved somehow. I don’t remember the exact words, but it had something to do with being “ripped right out of existence” and the consequences of that.
Thanks to appointments I have to keep, I haven’t been able to find the exact scenes; however, this one does relate. The text is rather, hmmm, foreboding and foreshadowing to me.
What part does that little girl’s ghost/spirit/soul play in all of this?
Hmmm. The whole issue of reincarnation in Wapsispace is more than a bit of an open question (even with Connie’s recent comments to Shelly on that matter). I wonder if there’s any chance that the little lost “plasma soul!” girl ended up as Tina 1.0, and is now part of Connie? Would be a heck of a coincidence…
I had a similar thought when were were first trying to figure out what happened to Tina1.0’s soul. I was thinking about some of the religions that have the idea that souls are recycled but with the conscious memory of the past cycles blocked while they are living. It is one o the concepts that gave the past life regression people their ideas on the subject.
Do you want 2nd bass or should I use my baritone register? I used to sing Led Zepplin songs as a 2nd bass, you would not believe how scary that sounded, especially “Whole Lotta Love” with the walls and floor shaking (I use BIG amps on the vocals).
Connie playing with fire!
At least she’s not running with scissors.
Oh, don’t give away tomorrow’s strip! :O
BTW, “Weird” Al makes an appearance.
Looks like she’s playing with fireworks
cue ‘Dancing with stars’ judges…
…and that’s how the microwave blew up?
Thirded. What on earth has this to do with the plot?
On Earth? Perhaps nothing.
One or two dimensions over? Perhaps a great deal.
I rather enjoy a sudden burst of surrealism in a narrative thatFISH%#%U&^E$Q@!!!!
What does changing a lightbulb have to do with it?
One leg is the same as the other wing.
Nice catch, Danzier!
If you really can’t get hurt, you just gotta play with fire.
that was the first time the strip took more than a second to download — and I’ve got a very fast line. (Worth the wait…)
Such a Tease
From the waves under her feet, I’d say she broke into a public pool.
Can anyone say: “Smoke On The Water!”
No but I could hum a few bars.
Connie, exercising her human-soul essence and behaving like a human child (and goaded on by a sly suggestion from Nudge) skips gleefully away from the door to Phix’s private office in the Library…
… having just deposited a flaming paper bag of cerberus poo on the threshold and knocked loudly for admission.
I’m sure Phix would love it.
This may be both artisticly and emotionally the prettiest thing Paul has drawn in a while, and when you consider the source that’s saying A LOT! <3
I hope color prints of this are made available for sale…it really is something fine!
If the comic is in color, the print will be in color. =) Just click the “buy print” button below the comic to get your print of it. =)
“prettiest thing Paul has drawn in a while”
Dude, have you even SEEN the Geek Girl Carwash print?
To quote Pres. Bartlett, see the whole board Bucc-i. They said “artistically and emotionally” they felt it was the “prettiest” one in a while.
It can be debated on the difference between “pretty” and “beautiful”, as well as the car wash print even thought it does stir emotions I dunno if I would actually describe it as an emotional response that I feel when looking at it.
So I agree with the original poster, it is quite a high mark of its own right. Now putting the two head-to-head on eBay, yeah the car wash one is more likely to get my money (and would have, if I had been paying attention, heh). But this one makes for a nice print, too.
That’s the idea I got, since when I look at the pyrotechnics I think of the car crash…
However, in hindsight, that looks more like a train wreck, literally. Nope, got nothin’, then.
I would like to have a giant version of this for my desktop
Sign me up.
The elusive boson…
…leaving the ship to the rats.
Again, with the jokes about Tina’s chest…..Oh, wait, you said ‘boson’. Never mind.
The tip is probably there, if you know how to look for it in the pun jar.
OK, you got me on that one. Trying to see the connection between Boson and Tina’s chest, or some word that rhymes with Boson … meh, coming up empty. Enlighten me? I just get the feeling there’s a hilarious joke there, if only I got it, heh.
Well transpose the “n” with the right-next-to-it “m”,,,
It’s a simple “off by one” math or programming problem.
“boson” minus one alphabetic position equals “bosom”
Do fax us a picture of your face upon reading this, please?
Wow, that worked better than I thought it would.
My first ex-wife would do that sort of thing in the kitchen… but she never skipped away, she always ran and dodged behind cover… so did I.
You really shouldn’t cook things you find in the impact area.
Let EOD do that.
?!? who do you think TRAINED me?!?
Mind you, Pam had a natural knack for it… except she never knew when it would happen and could never duplicate her results twice. I had already been taught that certain chemical reactions gave little warning. When I ran the show, it went like clockwork… with a little bonus action as well. I never ‘cribbed’ (overcharged)my demolition work unless I was unsure of the charge- consequently I always had a bit of ‘surplus’. I used it to ‘sign my name’. OPFOR hated me…
Did some of that surplus end up in your kitchen????
Naw… my ex just had that knack…
My condolences. I can’t imagine what is was like to explain to the VA doctors that you have PTSD from your Ex Wife in the kitchen.
Ok, this bumped the Time Forest out of the top spot and has become my new PS3 wallpaper.
She suddenly reminds me of the child goddess in The Belgariad series (I think that was it). The eternal child, always had grass stains on her bare feet……
Not the Belgariad… it’s been a while since I read them, but you’re thinking of Aphrael from the Elenium / Tamuli series.
tossup, which one do i want (haveto) read now…i couldnt read EITHER of the 3 series till i got ALL of the books.
…then i tore through them in about 2 days per series, including the belgarad the sorcerer and polgara the sorceress ones. good reading indeed!
You are probably right, I’m just too lazy to dig through boxes of paperbacks to find/confirm.
Is this what the start of Connie’s Sailor Moon transformation looks like?
Oh great — now I’m imagining Connie in pigtails with a sparkle wand…..
Now my work here is done!
Bucc-i You Evil, Evil man, Here have a nice bit of Pastery, and wipe that grin off your face! You’ll scare Tina’s patrons away.
Wow. Nothing like a random pyrotechnic scene in the middle of a (mostly) serious discussion.
And tomorrow, we see what someone else is doing. The results of the conversation will sneak up on us in a couple months, when we least expect it.
Curse it, he did!
And from destruction comes the brilliance of creation. Like shining star little Connie skips forth from the flames.
Paul -your voting and contact buttons are not working
As of noon EDT, the voting button is back up again.
This is what Connie does in the Boiler Room when no one is watching. While singing the Smurfs themesong.
She’ll never admit it.
I’d almost order brain bleach just to remove that last bit of TMI (about the smurfs).
You mean that you don’t deep-fry them – egg dip and some ground crackers – serve on a bed of brown rice with apple-sauce on the side .
Nope. I just douse them in gasoline and throw in a match for that extra-crispy broiling.
Oooooo, Pretty!
Weeeell, Thats what we used to say when watching Fireworks when I was little.
And some of us used to do that when the Fireflys came out – and we tried to catch them in a bottle..
I guess this one is what we call in the business a new computer desktop background.
So this is where she goes to play when she’s not hanging around the girls. Interesting landscape, that.
This makes me wonder of demons are simply soul fragments and Connie is something that can be forged from them. The fiery image behind her does resemble some kind of glory hole.
Dude… that is NOT a good mental image to have if that’s what you think when you see that…
This evoked the scene of the little girl facing the wall of plasma.
I’m wondering if that little girl’s spirit/soul is involved somehow. I don’t remember the exact words, but it had something to do with being “ripped right out of existence” and the consequences of that.
Thanks to appointments I have to keep, I haven’t been able to find the exact scenes; however, this one does relate. The text is rather, hmmm, foreboding and foreshadowing to me.
What part does that little girl’s ghost/spirit/soul play in all of this?
Hmmm. The whole issue of reincarnation in Wapsispace is more than a bit of an open question (even with Connie’s recent comments to Shelly on that matter). I wonder if there’s any chance that the little lost “plasma soul!” girl ended up as Tina 1.0, and is now part of Connie? Would be a heck of a coincidence…
I had a similar thought when were were first trying to figure out what happened to Tina1.0’s soul. I was thinking about some of the religions that have the idea that souls are recycled but with the conscious memory of the past cycles blocked while they are living. It is one o the concepts that gave the past life regression people their ideas on the subject.
Science has long mooted a ‘primordial soup’, quickened
into producing ‘life’ in some obscure fashion…
Now we now it was Connie on her day off.
MMmmmm, primordial soup, and I’m out of crackers. That’s okay though, my spoon is too big.
I want that as a wallpaper!
Just in case anyone doubts, I like this. Selective coloration really makes this outstanding.
Paul really did outdo himself on this image. The coloring and lighting effects make it seem multidimensional. A true work of art.
Not that all of his work isn’t that is.
For some reason it reminds me of the calendar machine room… if it would have seized up and blown a gasket.
I’ll just join the chorus if “Ooohh, Prrrrrreeettyyyy!” and “Desktop!”
@ Opus If you sing Bass – I’ll attempt the Tenor..
Do you want 2nd bass or should I use my baritone register? I used to sing Led Zepplin songs as a 2nd bass, you would not believe how scary that sounded, especially “Whole Lotta Love” with the walls and floor shaking (I use BIG amps on the vocals).
Tonight’s random Wapsi Square link:
I can haz update?
This reminds me of the young version of Alma in the F.E.A.R series of games